Most women get it, expect it, and deal with it, however cramping and back pain, like all PMS symptoms, is abnormal. The bloating and cramping puts a lot of pressure on the abdomen obviously causing distention. This distension will fatigue abdominal muscles resulting in back pain. The cramping is usually from something affecting the small and/or large intestine. This could be from a number of reasons, including: a food allergy or intolerance, fungus/yeast, fat imbalance, too much sugar or a high carbohydrate diet or some other digestive disturbance. In some instances, a nutrient deficiency is the reason, most commonly calcium, zinc and/or vitamin B6. If you decide to try calcium, remember to take the advice given many other places on my site and only use calcium citrate or lactate, and take between 200-300mg one to two times a day.
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