Hot flashes and excessive sweating are unfortunately being treated today by giving estrogen medications such as Premarin, or even natural “bio-identical” hormones. Rarely does a medical doctor today take the initiative to have a woman’s hormones checked before putting her on such a powerful medication. With the ever increasing rates of ovarian and breast cancer today, you need to be 100% certain that hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is right for you. Have your hormone levels checked, or get a kit to check them yourself via saliva. Never let anyone put you on a hormone based off your symptoms alone. More often than not, when the hot flashes, vaginal dryness, low libido and other symptoms are the result of a hormonal issue they are due to low progesterone, not low estrogen. Taking progesterone when indicated, is much safer than taking estrogen and the better solution overall is to figure out why the progesterone is low. Another major cause for those pesky hot flashes is a fatty acid imbalance from lack of omega 3 fats and a diet containing hydrogenated fats. Other times this is due to an adrenal issue or a nutrient deficiency issue, most commonly [natural] vitamin E. Whatever the case, have it investigated first before going on any hormone!
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