Welcome to my page for doctors, therapists, and other individuals interested in natural health care, and especially my style of health care which I developed – Systems Health Care.
The Systems Health Care (SHC) technique is a natural health care approach which recognizes that the human body is a network of highly interconnected components. Practitioners of SHC do not compartmentalize health problems, whether functional or pathological, but rather seek to identify the source of the health problems that affect various parts of the system. The practice of SHC is to evaluate and treat the patient, providing optimum health care in the most holistic and individualized way, with immediate and lasting outcomes. For more information, head on over to the SHC site!
“In Systems Health Care, we understand that there is a physiological hierarchy in which health issues need to be treated to remain resolved. We look for specific physiological patterns that are present when a person is functioning well, and we look for other patterns when there is a problem. Expected patterns no longer exist when the body compensates from injuries or long-term health issues. Therefore, the body doesn’t realize that there is a problem which needs to be addressed. Yes, the body can always heal itself – but if the patterns are wrong, then often it cannot do that. Injuries, as well as other health issues, have specific patterns and indicators that should exist, and if they don’t then we, the physicians, need to figure out why. From gait patterns to injury patterns to organ-dysfunction patterns, we are always looking for a pattern, whether normal or abnormal, along with other specific indicators that tell us what to treat first, next, and last. All of these guide us in how to fix the patient. Simply put, Systems Health Care identifies primary problems by identifying and treating patterns in a systematic, individualized progression.”
– Dr. Stephen Gangemi, DC, DIBAK, DCBCN
A few testimonials:
“Please allow me to show my gratitude towards you for teaching this wonderful AK profession. Bringing structure to a complex issue gives me even more confidence to treat my patients. It’s like putting the dots together to discover the whole picture which shows the complex but fascinating journey to bring back health to our patients.” – Dr. Filip Kerkaert, Belgium
“I practice SHC because I get lasting results. I’ve seen benefit with patients, and I’ve also benefited from it myself. Earlier this year I got in a skiing accident and couldn’t flex forward more than 20 degrees or so without pain. I came home and had a few adjustments but was slow to get better. I then had someone work on me using SHC, got off the table and could touch the floor. I got treated once more two weeks after that and haven’t had a recurrence of back pain in over six months. This includes no muscle guarding, no activity restrictions, and no physical compensation for injuries. I love the technique as a doctor, but I love it even more as a patient.” – Dr. Chloe Tillman
“Systems Health Care has been an invaluable addition to my care of patients. I’ve been using Applied Kinesiology in my practice for 16 years, using several different approaches within AK to find the source of a patients’ problems. SHC has simplified a lot of trial and error for me, and allowed me to find issues for a patient that I most likely wouldn’t have found otherwise. The results have been outstanding! The great thing about the SHC protocol is that it allows the doctor to treat a patient’s problems in a hierarchy specific to that patient, as well as all the little injuries or compensations that the patient has adapted to that are in the background causing dysfunction. In my opinion, it’s a COMPLETE treatment system and I love it!” – Dr. Torry Hinson
“The SHC approach to patient care has been the #1 reason that I have so much success with my patients. It allows me to not only address difficult structural cases but also complex biochemical disorders such as autoimmune disease and fibromyalgia. I don’t have to shy away from any condition anymore. Dr. Gangemi, has revolutionized AK by digging even deeper to address root level causes rather than ‘painting over rust’.” – Dr. Houston Anderson
“Dr. Gangemi is one of the most innovative minds in AK today.” – Dr. Wally Schmitt
“Systems Health Care has enabled me to use AK in an organized and logical way. It’s the most thorough treatment I’ve seen.” – Dr. Brett Morgan