The Systems Health Care Homeopathic Test Kits are made by Metabolics, ltd in England. Each vial is a 6X homeopathic strength. The homeopathic testing vials will enhance your treatments using the SHC protocol, whether you’re verifying a primary organ for treatment, testing for various supplementation or organ offenders, or following the biochemistry in one of the many SHC techniques. The Systems Health Care Manual is color-coded to the test vials in each kit, so you can quickly identify, follow, and learn the many procedures, flowcharts, and biochemistry pathways which are found in the manual!
The Systems Health Care Homeopathic Test Kits
Each test kit contains 100 vials. Click on the link to see the components of each kit.
The Systems Health Care Approach to Treating Organs:
An organ is the primary issue when the corresponding muscle-related weakness (viscerosomatic reflex), VRP, CR, and applicable alarm point and homeopathic testing vials all indicate that there is a problem in the same area.
Organs nearly always require treatment by rubbing the CR (parasympathetic activity). If there appears to be a need for more sympathetic activity (pinching the VRP strengthens a weak muscle), then check for injuries, NSB/SP, or cranial involvement. Most likely something else is affecting the organ circuit and needs to be corrected first.