Many people get headaches, either every day or many times a week. Any headache is abnormal; although common but not normal. People are so used to getting headaches and having them treated with pain killers or anti-inflammatories by their physician who likely suffers from them also, that they would be considered ‘normal’. Headaches can be caused by a many number of things; although too much to list here, I will provide a few of the more common explanations. Provided that there is not a pathological issue going on such as a vascular episode, the headache you are experiencing could be from one of the following: a hormonal imbalance, a food sensitivity or allergy, a blood sugar imbalance, a form of chronic unresolved stress, a structural issue (such as a muscle spasm or a spinal misalignment), and the list goes on and on. Headaches are not caused by a lack of caffeine, that’s for sure, and not everybody gets them. Aspartame (Nutrasweet), MSG, and sulfites from wine are also very common migraine triggers.
Migraines, although occurring for similar reasons, are much more complex and if you get them, you know how much more extreme and debilitating they are. If they are one-sided, as most are, there is usually a neurological consideration and there are always biochemical (hormonal, nutritional) considerations. Many times migraines are a complexity of issues that vary from person to person. There’s a reason for your migraine, and that reason is different for everybody even if the latest and greatest medication provides relief.
I started having headaches and migraines when I was a kid. I am now 50. Thru the years, they don’t seem to get more intense, they just get more frequent. I have had many medical tests done with no helpful remedies. I do have food sensitivities that I stay away from. I have done the restrictive diets to check on every major food (eggs, dairy, meat…) without any new restrictions. I have had several chiropractors thru the years attempt to help. Been to a naturalpath doctor that tried a ton of different ideas. He had no luck. I have tried acupuncture with no relief. I have also tried a million other things hoping for relief.
Do you have the magical cure? Would LOVE to hear it!!!!!
If more frequent as you age then most likely they’re related to hormonal imbalances – especially for women – and since you’ve most likely covered the digestive component. This would be estrogen dominance either due to too much estrogen, or lack of progesterone. Past that I really can’t advise more as hormones are too intricate to guess at.
I just wanted to say you are exactly correct! I started having severe migraines when I went into Perimenopause, so bad that I had to go to the ER for IV pain relief! Hormonal balance corrected to optimal levels should be the FIRST thing practicioners look at when a woman who is in their late 30s to early 50s begins having migraines!