Tired feet, even at the end of the day, are due to a fatigue of the tibialis posterior muscles that run down the back and inside of each lower leg into the foot. This muscle supports the arch of your foot and when the muscle fatigues, so does the arch, causing the feet to ache. This muscle fatiguing is also the major reason for shin splints, plantar fasciitis, bunions, hammer toes and sometimes foot neuromas. You can learn about all those under the Injuries part of the Athletes Section. So why does the muscle fatigue? Well, this is different for everybody, but most commonly it is an adrenal gland fatigue issue (too much stress). Poor footwear such a shoes with high heels, shoes too small for your foot and shoes with anti-pronation devices also can be the culprit. Plenty of info on this site about going barefoot and being minimalist; think like the “Sock Doc”.
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