Heavy metal toxicity is widespread today, mostly due to environmental exposure from advances in industrialization. Heavy metal toxicity occurs today from the foods we eat; from the creams and lotions we rub on our skin; from the air we breathe and the water we drink; from the tooth fillings we get at the dentist; from the pills we take; and from the house we live in. Some people accumulate toxic metals more than others. Detoxification is very important as are adequate nutrient sources to help deter the effects of the metals. Today, heavy metal toxicity can be measured through blood, urine, and hair analysis, though these lab tests still need to be used in conjunction with an overall comprehensive physical exam. Indications vary for which test may be best to run.
Heavy metal toxicity can cause a huge range of symptoms encompassing cardiovascular, neurological, hormonal, immunological, and musculoskeletal systems. When things just don’t seem right and everything else has been checked, many times there is a heavy metal toxicity (or undiagnosed food allergy) to blame.
Here are just a few of the most prevalent heavy metal toxicities and what helps (noted after the *) chelate them out. Note that copper, the only essential nutrient (mineral) in this list, is considered a heavy metal when in excess. (Iron toxicities are also relatively common.)
- Mercury: dental “silver” amalgams, most fish especially large fish (tuna, swordfish, shark), thimerosal preservative in vaccines, paints * DMSA, selenium, manganese, chromium and lipoic acid
- Arsenic: pressure treated wood (no longer legal as of 2004), pesticides, water, seafood * DMSA, selenium, lipoic acid, iodine
- Aluminum: table salt, deodorants, antacids, cookware, water, aluminum-containing baking powder, processed cheeses * iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc
- Lead: plumbing fixtures, paint, newsprint, dolomite * calcium, iron, zinc, phosphorus
- Tin: primarily from cans, especially containing acidic foods * zinc, iron, copper
- Nickel: dental amalgams, cocoa, chocolate, batteries, hydrogenated oils, water * copper, iron, zinc, manganese, molybdenum, calcium, folic acid, vitamin B5
- Cadmium: cigarette smoke, fertilizers, paints * zinc, calcium, magnesium, copper
- Copper: drinking water, copper piping (acidic water will pull the copper into the drinking water), birth control pills & other hormonal therapies – high estrogen levels in women, which is very common, causes a woman to accumulate copper and become copper toxic * folic acid, vitamin B5, manganese, iron, zinc, molybdenum, calcium
I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia.My symptoms are: trigger points all over my body primarily around my waiste and hip area, down the outside part of my legs, ankles, upper arm and shoulders. I can have sever cramping in my feet where I cannot walk at that time and I have a burning sensation through out my body. In doing research for best natural treatments and also possible causes that lead to fibro, I read that it is now believed that the root of Fibromyalgia is inflamaton in the brain. This being a very real possibility I am looking at all the ways to best eliminate inflamation from my body as naturally as possible. I have read that tumeric is a good resource as well as magnesium (1000 mg) and also Cat’s claw. I do not eat anything with MSG and I have not knowingly eaten anything that is hydroginated or partially hydroginated. I am now focusing on eating whole 30 diet. I have also read that B12, B6 and Omega 3 and 6 are also helpful. What are your thoughts regarding these sources for help with inflamation? Do you have any other ideas?
Check out the many inflammatory articles on this site, such as this one: https://drgangemi.com/health-topics/various-body-pains/inflammation/