What type of treatment does Dr. Gangemi employ?
Dr. Gangemi brings alternative and mainstream treatment methods together, primarily combining nutritional biochemistry with functional neurology techniques. He combines nutrition, acupressure, chiropractic, and craniosacral therapy with principles of neurology, biochemistry, and physiology, to create a clearer picture of the problem and how to fix it. He has developed his own technique and protocol to treat a person in what we believe is the most natural and wholistic way possible – Systems Health Care.
So instead of having to hunt from one doctor to another until you find one that can help, you’re being treated by one doctor whom has the knowledge of several doctors put together.
Dr. Gangemi sees patients from all over the East Coast who have seen lots of other doctors and have been unable to find help. He helps them, and he can probably help you too.
How Long Are Appointments?
A 2-hour initial appointment is necessary so treatment may begin upon the first visit. Dr. Gangemi will spend a lot of time with you so you may begin to feel better after your first appointment. You are billed for the time he spends with you. So if he doesn’t need to see you for the full 2 hours, then you won’t be billed for it, but we still schedule for it.
Likewise, follow-up appointments are scheduled for one hour each. When you schedule your first 2-hour visit, you must schedule 2 follow-up visits, one each week for the following 2 weeks. This puts you in Dr. Gangemi’s schedule as the average patient needs to see him initially once a week for 3 consecutive weeks to make the appropriate health changes. If he feels you do not need to follow this plan, we can always change your appointments accordingly. But, since his schedule fills up so quickly, it is common that if we didn’t schedule for the follow-up appointments until your first visit, there would be no time to see you again for many weeks.
Do you think he can help me?
He helps patients that have seen lots of doctors and haven’t been able to find help.
What are his fees?
Dr. Gangemi bills at an hourly rate of $465 per hour with lab work and/or other materials (such as nutrients) charged separately if they are needed. The fee you will be charged is based on the time he spends with you, not the time blocked off for your appointment. To clarify, if Dr. Gangemi only sees you for 15 minutes during a follow-up visit, then that is all you will be charged for, not the hour that was initially blocked off.
Our patients pay us at the time of the appointment, and are given all the necessary forms to submit to his or her insurance company. Please be prepared to take care of the charges before you leave. We accept cash, check, Visa, MasterCard, & Discover cards.
Can I speak with Dr. Gangemi before my appointment?
Under certain circumstances, he can speak with you for a brief discussion if you have specific questions about your issue(s). Email is much easier and faster.
Does insurance cover his charges?
That depends on your insurance company. Dr. Gangemi is a chiropractor, so if your insurance covers chiropractic then it is likely that you will reimbursed for his services to the extent that your policy covers. He does not participate in any insurance plans. Therefore, he would be considered a non-participating provider or “out-of-network” with your carrier.
You are responsible for the charges incurred at the time of your appointment. We give you the paperwork for you to send in to your insurance company. If they reimburse for the services provided, they’ll reimburse you directly.
So you don’t bill my insurance company for me like my other doctor did?
No we don’t. For the quality of time Dr. Gangemi spends with you, his hourly fee is much less than the average chiropractic or medical physician. We leave your insurance needs up to you.
Does he use muscle testing?
Yes, but compared to what the average person knows about muscle testing, or from what you may have been exposed to, the type of muscle testing Dr. Gangemi uses is much more comprehensive and complex than what most doctors use. Unfortunately, there are a lot of physicians and non-physicians that are either not qualified to perform muscle testing, or are using generalized bogus forms of the technique. Muscle testing, as performed in our office, is a major part of the neurologic assessment process. To help you, Dr. Gangemi looks at your medical history, lab tests, physical exam findings, neurological exam findings, and other criteria. He uses specific neurological muscle tests to help him understand what is going on with you, and how to treat the problem most effectively. Muscle testing, when used appropriately and by a qualified, skilled physician, is a powerful tool that aids in individualized, specific treatment. You can learn more about his muscle testing technique and protocol at Systems Health Care.
Does Dr. Gangemi treat kids?
Yes, he sees kids of all ages. For the Frequently Asked Questions packet for questions about treating children click here.
Please call the office; 919-419-9099. Thanks.