Lower back pain is the most common cause of job-related disability and the leading contributor to missed work. It is second to headaches in the realm of neurological disorders. The lower back may be painful due to a bulging disc, an injured/pulled muscle, arthritis, or even a problem from elsewhere in the body – such as the foot or knee, referring pain to the lower back. Just in the United States alone, low back pain suffers spend over 50 billion dollars a year diagnosing this pain via X-Ray, CT scans, MRIs, and other studies, and then treating this pain thru either natural methods such as chiropractic or acupuncture, or more extreme methods via painkillers, anti-inflammatory medications, and surgery. There are many reasons for low back pain, too many to discuss in just one article, but a very common and overlooked problem resulting in lower back pain is that of adrenal gland stress. Though not actually adrenal gland pain, the glands can cause lower back pain if they’re under stress.
Your adrenal glands are those little walnut-sized endocrine glands that sit on top of your kidneys. And for being so little they pack quite a punch. Most think of them when it comes to adrenalin, as this is where it is made, however they are also responsible for the production of cortisol, (to help balance blood sugar and fight inflammation), sex hormones, (DHEA, testosterone, estrogen, progesterone), and aldosterone, which is needed to balance electrolytes (sodium-potassium) in the body. Your adrenal glands are your first line of defense when it comes to stress. Under stress, cortisol levels are secreted in massive amounts, and DHEA, sometimes referred to as the longevity hormone, is suppressed. Over prolonged periods of stress your adrenals can become so fatigued that they will make very little of the hormones intended. The medical authority doesn’t recognize the adrenal glands from a functional standpoint – only from a pathological perspective. Addison’s Disease is when the production of the hormones has ceased and Cushing’s Syndrome is diagnosed when cortisol levels are extremely elevated. However, many people have a functional adrenal gland problem, meaning their hormones are not working optimally. Basically, if a person is under stress, the adrenal glands will be affected; though this is not always a bad thing as it is a natural and actually healthy response to make stress hormones when under stress. However, under heavy amounts and prolonged stress, the adrenal glands will suffer. If you’re thinking that most everybody has some sort of adrenal gland stress, you’re absolutely correct.
Since the adrenal glands are the first to react to stress, they are often the first of the endocrine glands to wear down. Prolonged stress will often result in insulin problems as the pancreas and adrenals share the workload to balance blood sugar levels. This will result in blood sugar handling problems and over time, even Type II Diabetes. A thyroid disorder will often be the secondary problem of adrenal gland stress, even though in society it is often thought of as the primary problem after discovered following some routine blood work, and there are numerous pharmaceuticals to address the thyroid readily available. Low testosterone levels in men and low progesterone levels in women often accompany further adrenal gland stress, leading to a low sex-drive, weight gain, and PMS in women
Your adrenal glands will give you warning signs that they are under stress long before they give up on you. Here are some common signs and symptoms that your adrenal glands are stressed:
- Bright lights bother your eyes (need to wear sunglasses even on a cloudy day)
- You get dizzy when you stand up or change positions quickly
- Headaches across the forehead, over or behind the eyes
- Your eyelids twitch
- Your body jumps or twitches as you’re falling asleep
- Tired feet at the end of the day or pain in the heel (plantar fasciitis)
The muscles supporting much of the lower back (as well as the feet & knees) are related to the adrenal glands. The hamstrings, which span the back of the pelvis down past the knee, the gracilis, commonly known as the “groin” muscle attaching to the inside of the pelvis, and the sartorius, which is the longest muscle in the body going from the top of the pelvis down and across to the inside of the knee, all are related to the adrenal glands and provide major support to the pelvis and lower back. When the adrenal glands are under more stress than they can handle, whether from lack of sleep, a poor diet (too much caffeine, for example), emotional or physical stress, or various other issues, these muscles will directly be affected and the support to the lower back will be lost. Once the muscles no longer support the area, you’re a prime candidate for an easy injury as the normal biomechanics are lost. If you ever wonder why someone suddenly “throws their back out” or wakes up with a mysterious low back ache, often it is because of an adrenal gland problem. The muscle imbalances are often there long before the symptoms occur, with few exceptions such as with a traumatic injury.
Since many of these adrenal-type muscles connect the pelvis to the knee, you can see why knee and inner thigh problems are also very often adrenal related. The two most common I see are groin pulls and medial meniscus and/or medial collateral (MCL) tears. This is because the three main muscles that attach to just below the inside of the knee all have a strong relationship with the adrenal glands. So when these muscles don’t do their job, the meniscus and MCL have a massive amount of stress put on them. Additionally, the pelvis will torque, the sacrum will misalign, and you’re an accident waiting to happen.
The muscles of the calf and feet are also related to the adrenal glands. Those tired feet, shin splints, plantar fasciitis, and burning claves are often due to adrenal gland fatigue. These muscle support the normal arch of the foot, and that allows a person to naturally pronate when they walk/run. Pronation is very important – it is the primary way your body absorbs shock upon impact. If the muscles are fatigued, the arch will weaken and pronation will be lost. Once the foot cannot pronate correctly, the stress of impact will be transferred up to the knee and ultimately the lower back.
A healthy lifestyle will keep your adrenal glands strong and working efficiently throughout your life. Resolving physical/structural problems, correcting nutritional imbalances with supplements and dietary changes, and dealing with emotional/mental problems are all equally part of the adrenal gland triad of health. However, if you sleep a few hours a night, eat a lot of refined foods, drink a lot of coffee, don’t exercise, and are under chronic emotional stress then your back is gonna let you know!
Wow, you nailed it. “Low back pain and adrenal gland”. I didn’t realize these symptoms are related all these years! Where were you when I needed your help? Yes, I am overstressed with two jobs (one state job and one part time job). Yes, I am menopause and it is not quite under control. I’ve had constant bladder infections and tried a variety of antibiotics (including Cipro that intensify my leg muscle spasms; and IV therapy). My urologist is dumping me after exhausting all options. Today I will see an infectious disease doctor and I’ve been told not to hold my hopes on him. It is frustrating and I feel I am out of control with my body. I really need help to get this under control. Do you know of a doctor you trust in California or should I see you?
Thanks, great to hear that has helped you. I’m not referring much right now; starting to do some phone consults for those who can’t see me: you can check out info regarding that here http://sock-doc.com/consult-with-sockdoc/
Holy moly! I’ve suffered from Adrenal fatigue since birth and have the last 10 years had lower backpain almost every day. Have known about the A.F for 2 years now but never put the backpain together with the adrenals. Finally I understand why.
Oh my god. They discovered a large adrenal tumor on a cat scan for low back pain. I have done a lot of research and BANG!!!! Its talking about me!#!!! Of course I am under Dr. care. Having a lot of test ran still. At least, NOW I know that I have not lost my mind. I pray its not too late as it can be fatal. THANK YOU!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I also have a tumors on both of my adrenal glands and 1 of them I have for over 9 years now then the other 3 I just found out this year 2018 , 1 of them is 10. + and now I am getting ready to have surgery!
Whats the supplement to support the adrenal glands please
There is not just one supplement – it depends on what part of the adrenals are affected as well as what the stress/stressors are.
Ok. I have all but two of the symptoms you listed above (no body twitching or eyelids unless I’m nervous). Plus some additional ones. I also have Idiopathic Thrombocytosis (high platelets, not too high though…just 450-480 average) & my joints hurt sometimes. I’m wondering what exactly do I need to do to make my adrenal glands healthy again. I read about the two week diet for CI & the Paleo diet & some different tests that could be done. I’m confused though about what to do first and then second. Also, I think I read on your site somewhere that there’s a way to jumpstart the adrenals again? If so, would you do this only after doing whatever’s needed to make the glands healthy again or do it before? Thank you for any help!
Hi Angela, I can only give exact, specific advice to patients, either in person or via phone. Check out the Office tab for more info; thanks!
This article is so helpful! Have had horrible time w SI joint for twelve yrs now. Threes yrs ago had adrenal gland removed. Had benign tumor. Today area of adrenal glands burns! Been exhausted lately! Eat well! Do yoga! Been to physical therapy for lower back. Do exercises every day. Not sure what else to do??
I can’t give any more (personal) advice aside from what you’re reading in the article. You can read more about scheduling for in-person on consult here:
Hello my 24 hour sample test came back and it was very high. What does that mean an been refferd to somewhere thanks
You’d want to have your doctor go over that with you.
Great article! It explained a lot to me re the relationship of the adrenal glands to the rest of the body. Very informative.
Wow. This is a “slap my forehead” moment. I even have a small growth on my left adrenal gland that showed up on a CT for something else, determined to be benign. I’ve been drinking a lot of extra coffee for months, treated with many things for low back pain, twisted my foot and in a boot for 4 weeks, headache across the forehead, was on low-dose steroids for awhile for Lupus. What blood tests would be abnormal with adrenal gland problems? Thank you.
Typically none unless your adrenal glands are to the point of exhaustion in which case electrolyte imbalances may show up in blood work – sodium, chloride, potassium.
they should check cortisol levels at 8am for AI or SAI…
i have low tolarance to light n anxiety from some years.nie i have back pain n prostattis,it seems my adrenalin glands have problem.how can i contact you,i m ib india
I have pain on my right side near my belly button when I press the area. I watched a video demonstrating how to locate your adrenal glands and what it means if there is pain. The area is showed is exactly where I feel the pain. I have a very intense workout routine as well as a generally stressful life. Last year my left adrenal gland was removed do to a pheochromocytoma. I have been feeling many of the fatigue symptoms and now I am concerned that I’ve damaged my good adrenal gland. I cannot afford to injure my remaining gland and I would like to know the best way about healing it and protecting it? Thank you for any answers and advice.
That’s all about monitor and dealing with stress of every type in your life – diet, exercise, emotional & physical stress, etc.
everyone of those on your list is on my list; i have screws in my neck bulging disks beneath; bulging disks in my low back in all but one disk a few to a danger zone; and of course my insurance wants to start out like always do with dumb injections that are a bandaid if even that…(a bandaid from the dollar tree store)
i was wondering cuz of all the numbness I feel if there is corelation between my back injuries and sexual feelings…even when i force myself when my guy forces it.
Sure there can be a link between the two. Not just that but any pain will result in sexual problems to some extent since the pain will affect your nervous system and your hormones.
This comment for “First Mate”. I had similar symptoms – UTI pain but negative tests for bacteria, repeated antibiotics obviously didn’t help, but AZO helped with pain. Turns out my internal muscles in the pelvic floor were so tense they wouldn’t relax. I found a clinic specifically for women’s urinary problems with a fantastic physical therapist. Athena Urology in Issaquah, WA. Maybe they can refer you to someone local?
PS: I was told to stop all kegels and meditate twice a day instead.
all of the above= to me.I went to a reflexologist and when she worked on my adrenal gland i felt pain and she said it was stress.I have to start taking care of myself.Thanks
I have been diagnosed with first, Addison’s Disease and more recently, Hashimoto’s disease. I have had 2 back surgeries for ruptured discs at L4, L5 and a laminectomy in that area. Now, it looks like I may have SI Joint Dysfunction and I am awaiting results from an MRI which may or may not show anything. What can I do to help myself besides the physical therapy and exercises I am currently doing? I had no idea these things may be related until Friday when my physical therapist said the pain pathways have changed, the tingling in the right leg has increased, etc. Are there natural supplements I can take/use to assist? I am working full-time as a teacher and in a great deal of pain, I walk with a cane but, I love my job. LOVE my job. I do not want to leave a career I worked so hard to get into, have a family to support and I love what I do.
I suggest you find a holistic doc such as a chiropractor, naturopath, acupuncturist, or even medical doc who can help you sort out those health issues.
So I got my blood work back and I am 50 very low testosterone and progesterone and high potassium 5.6. I have headaches, eye lid twitching back ache mainly in the morning. Do you think my adrenal glands may be causing this?
Good day drgangemi
I have this problem of when I get really upset I immediately get painful throbbing waist pains and right across my spinal cord. for the pain to tone down I have to calm down first and it only last for about a minute or two but those few minute with that throbbing pain scares me to bits
I think adrenaline rush does that to me but why? please can you assist if possible it has been happening for almost 5 years now
I can only offer personal advice via consult or office visit; thanks.
This makes sense and describes a large part of what happened to me. The logic is sound but I’m still unclear about how the AG can influence the muscles in the area. How can hormonal inputs in the brain have localized, rather than system-wide, consequences… Do you have any hypothesis about that? Thanks!
They do have systemic-wide effects no doubt but certain clinicians have made a correlation between muscles of the hips, knee, and feet with the adrenal glands.
I have struggled with many illnesses for many and doctors are still trying to figure more out. Lately, my bloodwork has shown low cortisol in AM and PM and low ACTH. I am hyperthyroid right now. My levels won’t change until this adrenal thing is under control. I have had sweats so bad and heart palpitations and my blood pressure goes up periodically. Have you heard of any of this before? I am seeing an Endo in a week but have had all the problems you discussed for probably a year and on top of that low WBC. I have lost so much weight in the past and now gained 14 pounds in a couple months in weird places.
You should consider a consult with a doctor who understands how all these system interact with one another; though perhaps your endo doc has that experience.
Dear Doc,
I have been diagnosed with a burnt out adrenal gland and under active thryroid. I am taking hormone medicine for this. I have been on the meds for 1 month and do not feel any better yet (experiencing all the symptoms of dysfunctional adrenal and thyroid glands). The problem is that I have entered and Ultra in the next couple of weeks which I am continuing to train for. Obviously the deficiencies I am experiencing is negatively affecting my training and in return creating fear for the ultra. Kindly advise what is the best course of action – rest or continue training. Does this condition pose a health risk for the ultra? Also, how long does it take for the hormone production to restore to normal?
Thank you
Simply put – you should not be training for an ultra if you have burnt out adrenal glands. Check out all the info on the Sock Doc site regarding this.
Hi, I’ve had Hashimotos for 3 years an thought that I have not ever had it under control, the past 3 years have been a nightmare. I have extremely low cortisol levels low blood pressure, extreme body aches an muscle mass loss, have had extrensive abdominal tests for pain including ct ‘ MRI, colonoscopy, gastroscope all unveiling nothing. Have had MRI on brain to rule out anything causing these awful headaches. I suffer lower back an leg pain an am awaiting surgery for 2 bulging discs in my back. My Dr is. Ow thinking maydbe Addison’s disease an thinking my pituitary gland as well. I have severe bouts of diarrhea an nausea as well. Do you feel my Dr is on the right track. Am feeling like I’m banging my head on closed doors as it seems to be taking forever to get sorted. Thank you
I’d suggest you get a second opinion and happy to set up a Skype consult with you too if you’d like.
Hello. I had a CT scan done for other reasons and 3-4 cm incidentoloma was found on my left adrenal gland. It is non-functioning but the surgeon has recommended I have it removed. What are your thoughts around having what is likely to be a benign mass removed for the sake of removing it – and is it possible for a non-functioning mass to still result in other adrenal dysfunctions like low sodium, fatigue, vertigo, low sex-drive, etc…
I’m torn between having the surgery simply because there’s no way to know if it’s cancerous until you remove it – and not doing it b/c of the risks, cost and fear of the added stress that one gland would endure and the impact that may have on my body (i.e. hormone imbalances)
I suppose I should also add that I’ve been undergoing cranio sacral treatments for vertigo over the last few weeks while training for a half marathon. I see a vestibular disorder specialist tomorrow but am not sure if there’s any connection with the adrenal mass and the vertigo. It seems to be compression-related due to my training.
I live in PA. K have chrons and had my colon removed. Ever since my personality has changed ive gained 80 lbs. I cant handle anything. Deoression amd AD have been diagnosed as well. All this after losing my colon and undergoing chemo. My dr. Said thru blood test im hypo thyroid but is concerned about medicating me. I know its my adrenal glands. My bsck hurts.to the point I had my kidneys checked. Would love to worm with you if you take patients via Skype.
I do Skype consults (http://sock-doc.com/consult-with-sockdoc/) and this doc is in the PA area: website: http://www.nuravita.com
Hi Dr. Gangemi I am doing a back pain pamphlet for a project at school. I was wondering if I had permission to use the image of the “back pain is no joke” cartoon in my project.
-thank you,
Marty Castaldi
I just got that off some google image site; not personally mine.
My specific situation.
LOTS of stress- too many close deaths in my family this year—- ok so I got thin but then I have ALWAYS been tired since. Stopped being vegan and started eating meat again (not a beef eater really- hated chicken but now eating this and lamb, pork or fish mostly- sushi)
SHOOTING PAINS THROUGH MY KNEES: Noticing this when I have eaten sugar or had carbs that take longer to break down.
DIGESTION: Always constipated and MUST exercise with cardio or my body becomes sluggish to digest and I pass out very easily.
Scared I am headed to be like my father with Diabetes. LOOD TYPE?
Is there TRUTH to this book and theory? I am a type O Negative/ Postive (not sure which but definitely O Blood type.
PLEASE direct me with answers Dr. Thank you in advance!
Great article, thank you. But aside from the few points in the last paragraph is there anything else to do?
We have a good diet, get plenty of sleep and don’t even drink coffee or soda, but still have severe bouts of “my back went out” and almost all of the other symptoms you mentioned?
Check out the four part adrenal gland series here on the site.
Hi Dr Gangemi.
Just like to take the time to thank you
I have a great natural path that has put me on the right supplements, I see a chiropractor every 2 weeks, I’m a big fan of energy healing which has been great with my anxiety. And of course yoga has help with my low back pain. I do try to exercise daily but limit it to 30min. Up till now I would of said I’m on the recovery but the sudden death of my father in law has put me back square one again and it feels like all that train has gone out the window! The positive side is it isn’t lasting as long. I think One thing I remember is that this didn’t happen over night it has taken a long time to get like this so it will take time to get back to my normal self. My advice stay strong don’t play the victim and fight like anything to get yourself health and happy again.
Hello. I would just like to know if adrenal disorder causes hypothyroidism, or the other way around. Also, I have read that using fibroids are related. How do I know which is the primary issue from which everything else is stemming? Thank you.
Sometimes it’s hard to figure out what is primary, secondary, etc… All hormones affect one another. Fibroids (uterine) are typically due to estrogen dominance.
Do you see patients for Cushings? And if I do a Skype consult, can you order a CT scan or MRI at my local hospital along with additional lab work you may need?
I do and can help with natural therapies but it would be your medical physician who would order those diagnostic tests.
What if your DHEA is very high. I’m a 25 year old female with DHEA levels above 600. It went up 100 in one month. Can my adrenal glands still be tired? I have all of those symptoms! I’ve never seen a list that covers them all.
That can be a sign that your adrenals are working too hard.
Last week i had a ct scan done for abdominal pain, images showed adrenal adenoma in right side, 13mm, i’m really worried about it being bad, the er doc told me to follow up with my pcp, recently I’ve been have shortness of breath and heart palp, and some discomfort in my right lower back side, any info will be appreciated
Well you need to follow up with your doc as advised to start!
Start by looking at diet and other healthy lifestyle recommendations I give throughout this site.
Hi Dr!
I’ve been experiencing all you’ve mentioned above. I’m going through so much stress in my life, have panic anxiety and was recently placed on intranasal beclomethasone for allergic rhinitis. I was doing this nose spray for 4 months and started developing these symptoms in the third month. Since the nose spray is s glucocorticoid do you think this may have pushed my body over the edge? I’m having muscle twitching, muscle fatigue and joint pain. My lower back has been out!! I stopped the qnasl last week.
I am desperate. I have ME with severe leg pain. I was hospitalized last October and placed on IV steroids. In December I started gaining fluid and weight, the fluid they say is in my tissues. I developed low thyroid as well as adrenal insufficiency. I’m currently taking hydrocortisone. I’ve gained 60- plus pounds which is causing severe joint issues as I am typically a thin person.I was put on pain patches to help with leg pain and I just saw my endocrinologist that informed me the opiates could cause the adrenal problem, however no one can tell me why I continue to put on weight and fluid retention. I try to exercise, but my knees hurt so bad as does my feet. They want me to taper my pain meds to see if it will jumpstart my adrenal, but so far I continue. I’m terrified that stopping the opiates for my legs will cause the leg pain to return and I continue to have leg pain and spasms. I’m miserable with this fluid and weight, my face is huge and my body is full of fluid. In your opinion do you think stopping the pain meds will fix the adrenal and in turn fix the weight gain? I would love to get off opiates, but before them I laid in bed for four months refusing to be placed on pain meds which have helped me. I’m scared, please advise.
Thank you
Hi doc.
I’ve been suffering with lower back pain and hip pain for about a year. I am very healthy, I exercise, eat clean, do yoga, and stretch daily. I’ve been to doctors, Chiopracticers, and massage therapy.nothing is working. I’m also starting to have trouble with getting an erection. I’m only 27 and had my testosterone tested. Everything is great on paper. Can you please help me. This is starting to make my life go in a bad direction. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you
We would need to set up a consult for something like this.
So an update
I got bloodwork and my DHEA, cortisol and vitamin b12 were all high…..;( I’m so freaked out. My history is 4 months on an inhaler steroid QNASL which I’ve now been off of for 2 months. ANY INPUT?
We’d need to set up a consult for something like this.
I read your articel with great interest – realize it´s old, but hopefully you still get messages from here and have time to reply..
I supposedly don´t have Cushings (or Addisons), but I still reckognize some of the symptoms, and I´ll try to explain why I ask if there is a variable of this: My main issue now is that I have a big case coming up for the Courts in a month, I´m the plaintiff, so I will have to talk and explain in the Court, but my problem is that I have SEVERE anxiety for talking in public or in front of people.. I have no idea what to do to get through this.
What will happen is that my body physically reacts, I loose control of all muscles, they just stiffen/ harden up, my whole body starts to shake -very noticeable – and if I cannot sit down it will get worse until everything just twitches. If i sit down I will still shake, but then a severe pain in my lower back kicks in.. It´s so painful I cannot sit still, I have to move my body. This will also happen if I have to stand longer, and/ or also many minutes after I´m not in the spotlight.. The pain can last for minutes to 15-20 minutes, but most severe only minutes after.
Besides these symptoms also the heart rate increases ofcourse, the sweating, nausea, dizzyness, and so on..
I´ve been like this for many many years, so avoiding spotlight is what I do.
But then my question is: This obviously has to do with the kidney & glands, but what?
Less than 10 years ago they saw an adenome on my petituitary gland, it has not changed the last years.
I have a form of oppsite diabetes, (born with), I get really sick (vomiting, sweating, tunnel vision, muscles stiffens) and/ or fainting if I eat too much sugar, or intake of small amount of suger when I´m hungry..(they called it reactive hypoglycemia).
My normal longterm bloodsugar was 2,7-2,9 (normal should be 4,5 -5,5) at the time it was discovered in 2002.
Some years ago they measured very high cortisol levels and some other hormones, cortisol was 1800 (normal maximum should be 600).. (don´t remember which others it was now but they were as high as the cortisol).
I have fasciculations everywhere in my body, every minute every day.
Also arrythmia.
Diffuse pain/ ache that comes and go in bigger muscles, especially the quadriceps, not related to activity.
I also have the stretchmarks on my hips, since I was little/ puberty, never been overweight. I´m very slim, always been, and don´t gain weight no matter how much and what I eat.
Based on this, could there be a chance to see my doctor and get something that at least relieves the physical reactions of my body, I mean if the cortisol is causing the symptoms I will get when standing in court, so the reaction is not so severe and painful??
Something that supresses the production of these stress hormones??
Any recommendation on what I should do?
Hi im 33 ive had eye lid spasms for months first lower now upper but because I had them before I thought I’d let them pass on their own but it hasn’t. Now I have also had a lot of inside of the knee aching same knee every couple of weeks then going and
reappearing this has gone on for
couple of years again just riding it out.
But lately my knee is getting worse
with sharp aching when I crouch. And
a lot of lower back pain and aching
feet. Which I put den to work. But after
reading your article I’m starting to
think I may be adriral glands! Could you please advise. Kind regards dave
Check out the four-part series on the adrenal glands on this site.
I have these back problems. I also suffer with swollen Lynph nodes on my back. Are these Lymph nodes also to do with stress? And are these all related?
Typically swollen lymph nodes means your immune system is run down or you’re not detoxifying properly.
Thank you Doc! Great post!
So many women I know with adrenal, thyroid and autoimmune symptoms PLUS pelvic floor issues. Would you also agree that pelvic floor correlates to adrenals? I’ve been trying to find the link if there is one.
Sure – there is always a connection in some way or another between hormones.
I have been fighting with chronic fatigue issues for about 7 years. Usually when I crash I get an ache in my mid back area. I have had cramps and tightness in my calves for the last 7 years, the more severe the cramp the more ill (they connect totally). I have very tender heels (prickly burning sensation). I’m a laid back man, but since being ill I find my body goes in to stress mode even when my brain is in control, it seems as though my stress levels are all wired up wrong, I can logically see there is nothing to be stressed about but my body goes into hyper stress mode. My knee joints often give up on me going up or down stairs. I have been told that my testosterone levels are on the low side. To me it sounds like I have adrenal burn out, my GP’s are rubbish to be honest and just scratch their heads. I am now turning onto my own health detective! Would you say the list of symptoms point to adrenals and if so is their a medical fix or is it homeopathic fix. UK GP’s seem to be totally in the dark with regard to anything on a cellular level. Your input however small would be appreciated, Thanks :-)
Hard to say but typically adrenal issues are involved with cases like this. No way to offer anything more specific without knowing more about you; would have to set up a consult for that.
Specialist in London website:
Hello , couldn’t you give some idea on treatment for adrenal fatigue , I have quite a lot of lower back pain at the moment including heel . I’m taking as much lemons as I can as this helps the acid levels in the system . I’m not doing any gym work now as cortisol levels are up … Taking two magnasorb in morning and two at night . at night valerain extract and camomile tea .
Is rest the only answer …. Never had such pain for years ,-(
It’s very individualized so we’d have to set up a consult to divulge more into your situation.
I was told by an endocrinologist I failed a cortisol test with flying colors. He was not expecting this and told me to wear a medical ID braclet. I was in the hospital for testing finding out I have an AVM. Can u shed any light on what test he was speaking of and why no one ever mentioned this to me ever again.
I’m unable to speculate why you are being told. You should ask your doctor to explain what test he ran, the results, and what steps you should take next.
Dear Dr Gangemi,
Thanks for this EYE OPENING article. Along with some others it helped me realize my adrenals have been the problem since the early 2000s. I did recognize years ago that the low back pain was adrenal related and would take astragulus to get back to normal. Now I will seek medical help as well.
Do you have any referrals for me?
I live in Tucson, AZ
And would like to see someone with your backgroun.
Colleen U
Thanks Colleen – closest I know is this doc, I’ve trained him with my technique and therapies. http://drhoustonanderson.com/
This is a wow article to have read! It all fits me! .
Thanks for it being so concise ans to the point!
You really know how to translate this problem fornua who are realizing how serious it is in our lives. It seems both of many granddaughters habe his gong on too. Maybe a family weakness be ausw of Diabetes. But this is a srwcrio. To work on . Again thank you
im in adrenal gland failure my back hurts the worst but my whole body aches bad
Wow! This explains so much of what I have been dealing with (low back pain, very bad Plantar fascitis, etc) I have had the saliva test showing very out of balance adrenals. But I had no idea its related to the back and foot issues. Wow.
hi i was in the hospital earlier this year due to my left kidney being swollen. i have hypothyroidism and have only recently been diagnosed with adrenal fatigue. i dont experience lower back pain but constant pain on my left side of my back just below my bra line. could it be that my adrenals are causing the swelling in my kidney and the severe pain in this area?
Dear Doc
I had my right adrenal gland and tumor removed three weeks ago via keyhole surgery. When I was on medication to get my cortisone levels done I was getting most of the above in your article.
I am starting to get all these problem again is it because my levels are to low now.?
Hard to say – you’d need to have your levels checked to verify.
I’m interested to know. I injured my back in 84 and through this time I often get that tingly feeling running down my spine, which Ive often associated with and ove productive adrenaline gland, assisting in pain management as I dont take and drugs. My blood pressure went out of control and of Late Ive been experiencing the most horrible symptoms, liver pain and all the other symtoms you’ve mentioned. Youve said that adrenaline fatigue causes back pain……?
I get the feeling mine is over active and even changing my diet I just feel like laying down and dieing.
I suffered a wedging compression fracture in 1967 while in the military. I now suffer from a L3-L4 protruding disc presenting superior 1cm into the thecal sac and a herniated disc with leg nerve impingement at the L5-S1. I have trauma induced levoscoliosis, spondylosis, stenosis’ and osteoarthritis. There is never a day when I do not suffer from some sort of pain. I have been diagnosed with a peripheral nueropathy secondary to the lumbar spinal injury. I suffer from neurogenic bladder (no sense of fullness or emptiness), erectile dysfunction and leg pain inner thighs , sciatica and the occasional lost of motor control to the legs resulting in knee buckling. I suffered a torn medial meniscus last January from such a knee buckling.
I suffer from hypertension and have been taking hydrochlorothiazide 12mg daily for hypertension. Question during bouts of excruciating severe pain my blood pressure elevates, 150 to 180 on systolic and a diastolic of 90 to 100-105. Heart rate is up as well 80-90 bpm usually at during high blood pressure events. I have been prescribed Ibuprofen 600mg tab, and Oxycodone 5mg tab, and Baclofen 10 mg tab. I have found that when my blood pressure spikes like this that after taking an oxycodone tablet that with in 40 minutes or so my blood pressure will drop 10 to 20 points and the heart rate slows. I believe this is in relation to the Fight or Flight response brought on by the pain causing the adrenal glands to ‘pump’ out adrenaline thinking the pain is the result of impending danger or attack. The question then is this a reasonable cause for this to be happening? Pain induced adrenaline being released into the blood stream?
With and injury like that and the meds that your on, I’d strongly suggest you find a holistic therapist/doctor who can help you with those pain and “fight/flight” symptoms. Pain can and will severely impact your adrenal glands and nervous system, and then in turn, that will make the pain worse. So your thinking is correct – it’s a viscous cycle.
What about MIDDLE back pain? Can that be caused by adrenal problems too?
I know you can’t dx on the internet but just want to know if it CAN?
Despite age of this article I’m hoping you still check back.
Thanks for the informative article.
Since the adrenal glands have a profound effect on ligaments as well as the SI joints, and instability in those areas can affect the rest of the spine – mid back, neck, etc.
I have the pain in my feet a crazy yellowish rash on shoulders and chest witch does get more red at times and is spreadin…extreme fatigue and tension and stiffness in my neck and back…I have a tumor that was at 5 two years ago..heirtisum and high testosterone some new issues lately feeling as if I am going to pass out…similar to partial sezuire description…Drs say stress and depression with is bothersome because I don’t feel stressed about anything other than for mentioned symptoms that are taking a toll on me and my family…HELP
These is the picture from adrenals and downwards…..what about from adrenals and upwards? Like for example a cranio mandibular problem (with lateral deviation or rotation) Thanks for any advice.
Check out the 4 part adrenal gland series of articles on this site please.
wow, i am so glad I clicked on your link. April they removed my ovaries cause of a large cyst then the worst back pain i have ever had started. finally today i took a potassium cause of cramps my back started to feel better. I set here in the evening and my legs twitch and jump, hit my knee on the desk many times. Stress got plenty of it don’t we all. but I have almost all the symptoms , i was shocked. I wish more doctors would pay attention to this stuff. Thank you for writing this.
Did I… did I seriously just finally find the cause for my back pain? It’s been adrenal gland stress all this time? I have so many of the symptoms that you listed… and I try to not be a “internet hypochondriac” but this is just too crazy to ignore. And heck, worst case scenario is I tried to reduce the strain on my adrenal glands “for no good reason”. Thank you!!
Dr. Gangemi,
It will be kind and nice of you if you atleast reply some of the generalized issues which help people. Most of the suffering people are uninsured and without any resources may be benefitted from your kind Free advices and helps. May be you will consider my suggestion sympathetically.
Did not mean to affine you, in fact you are already helping here and I’m sure you may enlarge your scope of help little further.
I was diagnosed with an adrenal adenoma a few years ago. Recently I have had severe lower back pain and dizzy spells even when I’m laid down and just turning over in bed. I have gained loads of weight and my kegs jump wen I’m falling to sleep. After reading this article I feel I know more now regarding my condition. I only wish my doctor had informed me of all these side affects.
This is super old but i stumbled upon it because my body doesn’t produce progrsterone correctly and I have these paralyzing shooting back pains whenever it is trying. It was worse when i was on Clomid!!! They only used ti happen when i was in a situation that was adrenaline inducing but now it’s whenever in trying to ovulated or maintain temperatures after ovulation via progrsterone creation. No dr will give me the time of day about this but ive noticed the correlation. Sometimes when the Paris are going off i can’t move and i have noticed a hr of 40-45bpm. Its so scary
I have horrible lower back pain. I’m also post menopausal. How can one know for sure if it’s the adrenals causing pain?
There’s no way to be “for sure” unless you consulted a practitioner who focuses on such issues.
I can relate to all of these but didn’t realize it is caused by adrenal issues. My pituatry gland was removed 23 yrs ago and been on replacement therapy ever since with hydrocortisone handling cortisol levels. My leg muscles are as tight as a drum and also have eye twitching and my wife is always commenting on the twitches as I fall asleep. Might have to start upping the dose.
I decided to have the coil one month ago and after some days I’ve noticed that I have a big pain on my back and my left leg and this pain is getting worse day by day . I don’t know if this is normal but I can’t sleep or bend or doing the normal daily things. If some of you deal with this kind of problem please let me know what to do . I have an appointment with the sexual health at the end of this month but I know already they are very superficial and like always they do nothing and I called the gp already, they said that they don’t deal with coil ,,, so I’m a bit confused, I don’t know who to ask for help . At the end if I see that nothing positive happens I’m gonna take it out and hoping not to get pregnant because I don’t want to use hormonal contraceptives.
Wonderful article. Am Lean Management practitioner from Manitoba Canada. I have suffered adrenal fatigue at extreme level, and instead of treatment endured 3 years of anxiety therapy (insurance company treatment). I got much worse instead of better. Am dedicated to providing a voice to adrenal fatigue. It is extremely debilitating. And it not being recognized by our medical authorities…cripples any chance of people receiving support. Drives cost of medical costs up and lengthens recovery time. Quality doesnt exit currently, as folks are not receiving treatment for root cause. Patient and medical doctors are working to different goals.
Thank you for the concise article. Have posted to LinkedIn. Looking for support for recognition of the… Glandular condition?
I went to see my primary in August of 2017 for a throbbing in my lower left back. She did everything but address the pain. In September I got some stressful news about my husband that shook me up for almost 6 months. In October I took on Christmas events for a town that caused tremendous stress. Then I got the first illness in late December. It is now mid April and I am on 21 days of antibiotics for chronic sinusitis, I have missed 10 days of work so far this year. Today I am starting a course of supplements for adrenal fatigue. I am changing my diet to vegan anti-inflammatory, stopping caffeine, no alcohol and meditating, exercising and finding spiritual healing thru Reiki. This article was the last hammer on the nail I needed to prove to me it is my adrenal gland. Thank you!!!
Just finished reading this article and wow! Have had knee / back pain, inflammation on and off for years but never attributed this to other medical issues – namely endocrine problems. One of which is a tumor on the adrenal gland. My brother has Addisons and I am forwarding this article to him as well. Have tried doing paleo diet – almost eating paleo 100% now but wondering if having the tumor removed will actually help some of the pain, which radiates from back and pelvic to ankle at times as well as makes my knee swell too. I have refused surgeons for years on just going in to ‘clean up’ the knee and now one that wants to do knee replacement. This condition flares up and subsides with care, stretching etc. and Instinctually feel that knee replacement will not correct the underlying problem.
The only time I had severe back pain was when I was in a crisis with Secondary Addison’s disease.
I was diagnosed with Adrenal Insufficiency in 1969. Not much was known about Addison’s disease way back then.
How do I even have my adrenals tested without having to make ten appointments to get passed the “it’s just anxiety” stage that I’ve been road blocked with for several years from my usual PCP(s)? I have a PPO now, so I have a tad more flexibility but am unclear on which kind of doctor to see.
These are the practitioner I’ve certified in my health care technique: https://systemshealthcare.net/find-a-practitioner/
When I am mentally and extremely physically stressed (ex. running to catch a bus or dancing at a work party) I would get a pulsing, (more like a banging) pains across my lower back. This would start as the activity was stopping, but the pulsing (spasms?) would get more intense and I would feel like I could not stand up and almost collapsed. That pulsing lasts about 3 minutes. It’s very scary. No doctor can explain it. Is it my adrenal glands?
Most likely not. Problems like this really need to be evaluated (and hopefully treated) by a qualified practitioner. You can find some of them here: https://systemshealthcare.net/find-a-practitioner/
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Your articles on adrenal health have been so helpful. Unfortunately I haven’t gotten any answers from Dr’s near me other than they take blood samples and say I don’t have any adrenal problems. I really think these symptoms fit me but I have 1 mystery symptom that I wonder if you see sometimes? My side’s both hurt intermittently right under my ribs. When they hurt I feel quite gross, anxious, irritable and kind of buzzy. It does wrap around to my back as well. Same location on each side just greater on the right. I keep getting imaging done and they say everything looks normal. Can pain causing tumors be really small and hard to catch on images? Or can adrenals hurt when fatigued?
Hi – sorry I can’t give personal advice without seeing you though I’ll say that those aren’t familiar adrenal symptoms. That area you’re mentioning sounds more diaphragm related which could be affected when you’re anxious (think holding your breath or shallow breathing).
Oh my goodness! This has answered everything im experiencing.
Recently diagnosed with Addisons a year after diagnosed with hypothyroidism at 39 im miserable.
My back is agony and no ones listening to me :(
The pelvic pain to, and the feet!!
Im willing to do anything, i have a 2 yr old and i feel 90.
Please can you recommend what to do with diet and if i can help myself in any way.
Thank you