There has been much confusion over the use of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in postmenopausal women as well as oral contraceptives in premenopausal women. Women are told of the many benefits of taking such hormones, most of which are untrue and all of which accompany risks.
In this 2-part e-newsletter I will discuss these two issues we are dealing with today. We will start with the case of menopause and HRT today and move onto the oral contraceptive issue later this week.
Recent news from the Medical College of Georgia gives insight as to why HRT isn’t making anyone healthier. When physicians and researchers thought they were benefiting a woman’s cardiovascular system with estrogen supplementation, they now realize they have been achieving the exact opposite – making them worse.
If you are a woman, (or know a woman), who is concerned about menopause and HRT, check this next link out.
What about dhea from young living?
I’d be careful taking any hormone unless you’re certain you need it – and if you do, it’s not something you should need to stay on.