I’ve been meaning for several years to write about intrauterine devices (IUDs) since it’s a very important and neglected topic and many women suffer from IUD pain and from other IUD problems. After all, over 200 million women worldwide use an IUD. In my practice I treat a lot of women for hormonal issues such as PMS, menopausal symptoms, problems with conception, as well as a host of thyroid and adrenal gland related disorders. I am not a fan of “the Pill” due to the unnatural hormonal influence it has on a woman’s body, and therefore only a few of my female patients use it as a form of contraception. These women would be extremely distraught if they got pregnant, so I yield and help them deal with the negative effects of the hormones. But I am adamantly against IUDs. Actually I will not treat a woman more than once, if at all, if she is using an IUD because it’s a certainty that it’s causing some, if not all of, her problems. I haven’t seen an exception yet.
The purpose of this article is inform women, based off my clinical experience as well as current research, regarding the prevalent IUD problems associated with these devices. You, or someone you know, may love your/their IUD and think it’s the safest, easiest, and most effective form of birth control. Hey, Mirena’s slogan is “Birth control for busy moms.” I’d agree with you that it is both very easy and effective. But safe it is not; actually it’s far from safe. It’s often not a question whether your IUD is causing some health problem but how much of a problem it is causing.
Types of IUDs and Their Mechanism of Action
The intrauterine device is the most effective type of reversible birth control, (reversible being a key word here). Simply put, an IUD is a ‘T’ shaped device that is inserted into the uterus as a form of long acting (5-10 years) contraception. Let’s first talk about the main types of IUDs and how they work.
Basically there are two main types of IUDs. There’s a hormonal type which is most commonly sold as Mirena and a lesser-used device sold under the brand name Skyla. Then there is a copper IUD which is sold under the brand name Paragard. Some countries outside the US, UK, Canada, and China still use an inert IUD made of stainless steel but it’s not as effective as the copper or hormonal IUD.
Mirena releases a continuous low amount of synthetic progesterone which acts to thicken the cervical mucus to keep sperm from penetrating the ovum. As there is some hormonal influence with Mirena, some women use it to help with heavy menstrual bleeding. It’s effective for up to five years.
Paragard uses copper wire around the stem of the ‘T’-shaped IUD which basically acts as a spermicide. This also increases copper ions in the cervical mucus as copper is being continuously released, and therefore there is evidence of some women having issues with too much copper causing health problems. I will discuss this more in a bit. To lessen the copper exposure, some countries are starting to use gold or silver wrapped around the copper wire. Another “advantage” of the copper IUD is that it can provide emergency contraception if inserted within five days after possible conception. While Mirena can help with menstrual bleeding, Paragard has been linked with heavier periods and painful cramps. It is slightly less effective than Mirena but it can remain in for up to twice as long – ten years.
IUD Pain and other IUD Problems
Yes, IUDs are very effective and they’re very user-friendly. If you don’t want to get pregnant then they sure beat having to chart your cycle, use condoms, or refrain from sex. But their problems, in my opinion, are far underestimated, reported, and realized. There is some evidence to support this, and I will share this with you. But there is much more clinical experience on my part, having seen many women with IUDs over my sixteen years in practice. It’s not a matter of if you will have a problem with your IUD, but when. And you might not even be realizing that you’re having such a problem. Typically when I explain to a woman the link between her health problem and her IUD she responds, “Oh, that makes sense now.”
An IUD is a foreign device in the body. Though the drug companies, researchers, and physicians say that the most common side effect is expulsion, (sometimes because of improper insertion by the doctor), a woman’s body is not meant to have a piece of metal constantly irritating her uterus – especially for five, if not ten years. Think about walking around with a small pebble in your shoe 24 hours a day. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) incidence is a risk factor as is infection and other complications. The IUD can literally implant itself in the uterine wall which can also become a problem during removal. Unfortunately, some women do die from this. A patient of a colleague of mine had a sibling die from such a complication. Many women experience “normal” discomfort, irregular bleedings, loss of libido, or mysterious pains which are never linked back to the IUD itself.
Excess Copper…
With Paragard, copper is being continuously released. Some women can respond in strange ways to copper since although it is a necessary mineral it can also act as a heavy metal, much like iron. Although most studies point to only risk factors in women with Wilson’s Disease, (a genetic disease of copper overload), copper acts similarly as any other metal (mineral) when it is out of balance in the body. Copper is a main component of bile salts and therefore too much copper can greatly impact the health of the gallbladder as well as the liver. I discuss this more in my articles on the gallbladder and below I note a case history of how this can affect a woman’s gallbladder. Copper also influences estrogen and therefore as copper increases it is said that similarly estrogen does too. Estrogen excess is involved with a host of problems such as PMS, excess bodyfat, and certain cancers. There is also a fine balance between copper and zinc. Copper-zinc imbalances are implicated in hormonal problems especially those related to blood sugar handling issues. Finally, some note that the copper can erode, which obviously would be a major problem, if not an emergency, and there is evidence pointing to copper oxidizing and causing damage to the cervix and uterus. This is why some countries are starting to use other metals around the copper wire for added protection.
…Or Excess Synthetic Hormone
With Mirena, a slight amount of synthetic progesterone (levonorgestrel) is being released continuously at a rate of 20 mcg per day. As with birth control pills, this alone can be a problem as it suppresses a woman’s natural hormonal secretion and her natural monthly rhythm. After all, it is normal to have varying amounts of progesterone (and estrogen) secreted throughout the month – it’s not a constant level every day. Additionally, levonorgestrel is a synthetic hormone – it’s not the same type of progesterone the body naturally makes.
In my practice I use manual muscle testing as a form of biofeedback which helps me assess what is going on with the patient. The muscles of the pelvis – specifically the gluteus muscles, (maximus, medius, and minimus), the piriformis, and some of the adductors – are related to the health and function of the uterus, (as well as the ovaries). Therefore, anything which negatively affects the uterus will have a similar effect on those muscles. Essentially, an IUD causes a general inhibition (fatigue/weakness) in these muscles, which can result in back pain, hip pain, abdominal/core weakness, or essentially any weakness associated with pelvic instability. Since the pelvis is so vital in supporting the spine and everything below (legs/feet), then any instability in the pelvis can cause problems elsewhere too. Yes, I’m saying that an IUD can cause knee, foot, ankle, and even neck problems. It’s a lot more common than you may think.
IUD Clinical Case Histories
I’d like to share some of my more notable experiences I’ve had treating women with IUDs. I don’t get to see too many anymore, maybe just a few a year at most, as I won’t treat a woman with one in. If I see a woman with an IUD, then it is only for one appointment as it needs to be removed for me to help her with her presenting problems. Typically women coming to my practice have already had the IUD removed or never put one in the first place as they know my position on the matter.
Here are several memorable and significant cases I’ve seen with IUD use.
- A college student I had previously seen in years past suddenly was having extreme bouts of depression during her fall semester. She had to drop three of her four classes by November. Upon discussing her situation, she revealed that her mood changed just a week or so after she had Mirena inserted in early September. She had the IUD removed and her depression resolved 100% over the next two weeks. There is a new study discussing Mirena affecting menstrual bleeding (the lack of) resulting in iron overload and depression.
- A woman presented in my office with right-sided hip and lower back pain that was much worse when she slept at night. Though she had her IUD in for many years, the pain was more recent. Upon removal, her pain resolved 100% after one treatment session. She also noticed that other “nagging” aches that she previously never thought much of were resolved too. It’s not uncommon for women to slowly develop health issues due to the IUD that are passed off as normal or age-related issues.
- A woman came to my office complaining of lower back, hip, and left ankle pain which was worse when she ran. Many muscles in those same areas were not functioning properly and I suspected, due to the type of assessment I employ, that they were an issue because of her IUD. Although seemingly healthy, she had her gallbladder removed several years earlier at age 25 for unexplained trouble with the organ. Interestingly, she had Paragard inserted just about six months before the gallbladder troubles began. Nobody had ever made the connection.
- I recently consulted with a woman who was experience debilitating and unexplained pain in her entire abdomen, pelvis, and thigh areas. On her history forms she did not mention any use of birth control. I suspected an IUD to be the cause and rather surprised her when I asked such a direct question. She had Paragard inserted two years prior, but the pain was more recent in the last six to seven months. She had the IUD removed immediately and surprisingly learned that it had dropped down towards her cervix – meaning it wasn’t even in the correct place and she was lucky as to not have become pregnant. Upon discussing her history she noted excessive bleeding problems ever since the IUD was inserted, (she was told this was normal), and problems with her libido.
- A woman complaining of jaw pain (TMJ dysfunction) presented in my office. We discussed her history and the time at which it occurred which didn’t seem to correlate with her IUD. Though she did note intermittent bouts of lower back pain and significant cramping at certain times throughout the month, but she just took NSAIDs for the problems and didn’t think too much of them. I explained to her the connection between the sacroiliac (SI) joints to the jaw joints and the relevance of SI area to the uterus and therefore the IUD. Once the IUD was removed the TMJ problem resolved completely as did most of her monthly hormonal problems, (which were also dietary related).
Other Contraception Alternatives
Unfortunately, there are not many alternatives to contraception that are both safe and effective. Charting daily temperatures and noting signs such as cervical mucus as in the Rhythm Method can be effective, yet there are other factors that can influence these parameters and the window of time for truly safe, unprotected sex is narrow. Condoms, when used correctly, provide 98% protection, (Paragard is 99.2% and Mirena is 99.8% – both though only within their first year of use), though many don’t like the feeling of condoms, may react to the material (including synthetic lubricants on most brands), or simply just don’t want to deal with the trouble of going that route. Of course, condoms provide some protection against sexually transmitted diseases whereas IUDs do not. Tubal ligation for a woman or a vasectomy for a man can come with side-effects and are rarely reversible.
Ultimately, it is up to the woman, not her doctor, if she wants to remove her IUD. Most doctors, in my experience, don’t want to remove the IUD unless she is having definite symptomatic problems (such as pain), with it in. Though I recently saw a woman who, upon talking to her OBGYN about removing it and how we felt it was causing some of her hip pain, mentioned that her doctor commented that she wasn’t very surprised that it was giving her trouble as it’s more common than what she felt was reported.
Of course, though it should go without saying, I don’t want you to remove your IUD and get pregnant. So if you decided to have it removed, you should do so based upon your own research and your individual health and situation. Most all doctors think IUDs are perfectly safe, and even a newer “improved” version of the IUD may soon be available, an IUB – intrauterine ball. Alternative forms of contraception should be used and your cycle could take some time to normalize once you removed your IUD; it’s impossible to say how long or what the scenario is for each woman. I’ve also seen some women remove their IUD and not experience noticeable relief immediately because of the way it was impacting their body for so long. It’s almost like if a circuit was tripped in the body, much like a circuit breaker in a fuse box providing power to your house. Even once the power is back on, the circuit stays off until someone goes and resets it. This can be the case for some women and can often be corrected through various body therapies, (ie: deep tissue release, acupuncture, chiropractic). In the case of hormonal imbalances caused by Mirena or copper toxicity or mineral imbalance problems caused by Paragard, some hormonal, nutritional, or visceral (organ) therapies may be warranted.
I typically don’t provide references when I write articles, (“blog posts”), for my site but for this one I decided to due to the both the sensitive and very important nature of the subject. Below are several studies I referenced. Please feel free to leave a comment but note that I will most likely not reply as I am unable to provide you with individualized advice in such a manner. There are over 400 comments on this article which you can read through to see other women’s experiences with using an IUD. I invite you to read their stories and do your own research as to whether an IUD may be, or could be, affecting your health.
Haliloglu B, Celik A, Ilter E, Bozkurt S, Ozekici U. Comparison of uterine artery blood flow with levonorgestrel intrauterine system and copper intrauterine device. Contraception. 2011 Jun;83(6):578-81.
Beltran-Garcia MJ, Espinosa A, Herrera N, Perez-Zapata AJ, Beltran-Garcia C, Ogura T. Formation of copper oxychloride and reactive oxygen species as causes of uterine injury during copper oxidation of Cu-IUD. Contraception. 2000 Feb;61(2):99-103.
Arnal N, de Alaniz MJ, Marra CA. Alterations in copper homeostasis and oxidative stress biomarkers in women using the intrauterine device TCu380A. Toxicol Lett. 2010 Feb 15;192(3):373-8.
Patai K, Berényi M, Sipos M, Noszál B. Characterization of calcified deposits on contraceptive intrauterine devices. Contraception. 1998 Nov;58(5):305-8.
Imani S, Moghaddam-Banaem L, Roudbar-Mohammadi S, Asghari-Jafarabadi M. Changes in copper and zinc serum levels in women wearing a copper TCu-380A intrauterine device. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care. 2013 Dec 5.
Turok DK, Jacobson JC, Dermish AI, Simonsen SE, Gurtcheff S, McFadden M, Murphy PA. Emergency contraception with a copper IUD or oral levonorgestrel: an observational study of 1-year pregnancy rates. Contraception. 2013 Nov 22. pii: S0010-7824(13)00732-4.
Baram I, Weinstein A, Trussell J. The IUB, a newly invented IUD: a brief report. Contraception. 2014 Feb;89(2):139-41.
Hi Dr. Gangemi,
Thanks for posting this article. This is timely for my wife and I– she’s just had her Mirena IUD removed. We’re deciding what to use in the future.
Interestingly, she developed and is being treated for hyperthyroid (not hypo-). After reading the article, I’d have to suspect a corollary, if not direct causality– diet, stress, and exercise are largely under control, following SockDoc and Maffetone principals.
We’re considering vasectomy because we do not desire children; I’m 45, she’s 36, so I consider this a reasonable choice. I’d be curious to hear your perspective on the possible unanticipated side effects of vasectomy and tubal ligation.
Any thoughts?
Thanks for all your work on this site, as well as the SockDoc site. I refer to them both constantly.
Kind Regards,
Thanks Kerry. I have unfortunately heard several horror stories from women who have had tubal ligation, (a few of them recently posted on my FB page under the IUD post). Personally, my wife and I think it’s too risky to go that route.
I’m also still a bit skittish on the vasectomy procedure. There is a case for immune issues as your body will want to kill off old sperm after some time; so some say this could provoke an autoimmune disease or a compromised immune system. I’ve also seen a couple guys who have had complications from vasectomies (constant pain).
So for right now, we stick with condoms and cycle charting.
Thanks for the reply, Doc! I’m thinking we’ll avoid the surgical procedures, stick to something that’s not likely to tax the autoimmune system. Thank you for sharing the method you and your wife use– that’s probably the route we’ll use too.
Kind Regards,
Has a woman been able to have a baby after an IUD has punctured her uterus
Dr. Stephen Gangemi,
I’ve found your article because of my issues with my Mirena (on it’s way out), then by accident stumbled upon your answer to Kerry with regards to Vasectomy!
My husband had his Vasectomy 4 years ago, since then, he got sick. Autoimmune / Neorological, we don’t know, as we’ve been to so many Dr’s, Specialists even Psyciatrists. I’m blown away, this is the first person acknowledging that it could trigger Autoimmune that I could find. Is there any way that I can send you more information with regards to his case, we’re situated in South Africa, so to come and see you would just not be possible. It might shed some light for lots of people. I’m close to tears with my husbands’ “illness” and how much we’ve been through.
Hi Ani – Thanks for sharing and I’m so sorry to hear this. Interesting enough, a patient of mine yesterday was asking about vasectomies and I mentioned the autoimmune concerns though had yet to have any personal experience treating someone with the condition. I’m not sure what I can do from afar to help him as with most autoimmune conditions there are specific immune treatments and therapies I’d do in my office. Hopefully he’s on a healthy diet and helping his immune/nervous system from that direction.
Look into the Paleo diet, it can do wonders for autoimmune problems.
Thank you for taking the time to share your observations and expertise. I am so grateful for the thorough explanation and references provided. Incidentally, I have had chronic issues with my right tensor fasciae latae (in addition to the “normal” IUD side effects)- seems like you have plenty of evidence, but here’s one more case in support of conclusions. I also wanted to recommend “Taking Charge of Your Fertiltiy” by Toni Weschler (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0060881909/ref=oh_details_o03_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1). This book has been a great source of information to me. Thanks again!
I have also had A LOT of pain in my TFL (I just got my Paraguard IUD removed yesterday-that had an arm that migrated into my Myometrium). I found a great online guy with exercises that really helped (look up Precision Movement TFL – the course was only $20-I’ve done it for a week and feel a difference). HERE’S A QUESTION – how long did it take for you to be pain free after IUD was taken out? Did you do anything specific? I know there’s a lot of inflammation (Ibuprofen helps) so any info/excercises/advice you have would be SUPER appreciated). I’m not concerned with fertility so really, just getting back to pain free normal!
Hi! I know this has been almost a year ago, but I stumbled on this article after getting my Paraguard removed just yesterday. I was having some seriously troublesome pain in my lower left abdomen and lower back pain. All which increasingly spread and worsened. An ER visit revealed my IUD has moved and was almost scraping into my cervix and sitting on the left side lower in my uterus. Well I’m still having some severe pain after removal and was wondering how long to expect to feel pain and inflammation? Ibuprofen doesn’t seem to help much. Any insight would be appreciated as I’m having a hard time finding resources online. I do have an appointment with my OB GYN this week.
This would depend on any (and severity) of tissue damage/inflammation. Often certain types of bodywork can help, particularly those that improve the pelvic floor.
I was having crazy joint pain for 3 months hip wrists ankles I finally got my paraguard removed 3 weeks ago after 3 years joint pain has improved a little but I have Terrible pain on my pubic bone and still hv hip pain.
I’m wondering if I will ever be pain free now that it’s out of me. Has anyone had terrible pubic bone pain like a burning irritation
Very thought provoking post.
It alway seemed to me that the basic principle of how the IUD works (chronic irritation to the body) was not such a great idea.
Perhaps those that really want to use IUDs should do 2 yrs on / 2 yrs off (e.g.) rather than continuously year after year.
Great article! I’ve been reading your other articles with special interest in the ones on the gallbladder. I started having chest pains 4 months ago and during these episodes my whole body seemed out of whack (they would come and go all day long). Long story short, after tons of tests the dr’s ruled out heart problems, muscular skeletal problems, and the only GI problem found was from a HIDA scan showing my gallbladder at 10% but no gall stones. I had a baby that was 6 months old at the time and had the Mirena inserted after he was born. I was the one that thought my problems might be due to the Mirena even though my OBG said it wasn’t but I insisted on having it taken out.
After the IUD was removed a lot of the weird side effects disappeared but I still have the chest pains and a pain in the center of my back which the dr said was from anxiety. I’m a low stress, easy going person on no medications. I asked if it could be from my IUD and gallbladder but he said no. I get burping and I feel hormonal with it still as well so I’m wondering if you’ve seen a similar story to mine? And if so do I just need to wait until my body normalizes after having the IUD out? (it’s been 2 months) and is it possible that my gallbladder will go back to functioning normally? Could the chest pain be from my gallbladder and hormonal interactions? I know you can’t answer specifically but my other Dr doesn’t seem to know and I think it is right up this alley with IUD’s. Thanks!
I’d say your situation is more than common. Of course, the general MD isn’t going to associate problems together – they’re trained to focus on one area and not figure out how one organ influences another which in turn, another. Of course I can’t say what is going on with you w/o seeing you, but as I note in this IUD article and the gb articles, hormones have a huge affect on the gb. And they (the MDs) love to scare their patients with the HIDA scan results. If you figure out what is causing the gb problem then it’s irrelevant whether it’s at 5%, 10% or 30% or whatever the number.
Hi Megan can you update me on your story? I have the same symptoms you do!
Thank you for posting this on IUDs. I insisted on having the non-hormonal one removed after 4 months of constant infections and pain since the insertion. Unfortunately, prior to that i was on birth control pills for over 10 years and the depo-provera shot for 5 years. It has been 4 years since I stopped using birth control, and my husband and I have been having trouble holding a pregnancy. I still have faith that in using diet, excercise, and natural remedies and allowing my body more time to heal, we will have our baby. Thanks again.
I’m considering getting the Mirena IUD removed. I’ve had it for 2.5 years now. I believe it to be causing the slight iron overload recently in my blood work results. It was suggested that I go on Mirena because I had iron deficient anemia caused by heavy, long and frequent periods and I had refused “the pill” because of extreme moodiness that it caused fights so bad we were going to divorce. I hadn’t thought Mirena could be causing any problems. I also have a right knee that hurts sometimes like arthritis might (it runs in my family though). The iron overload and Rosacea that I have does not run in my family. I would not be surprised that the Rosacea is caused by Mirena or the iron overload due to Mirena (periods are reduced to next to nothing these days, which is nice to deal with but not if I will suffer from complications of the iron overload). The removal of the Mirena sounds scary too. I also do not know what to do about the heavy periods and the iron deficiency anemia when it comes back. What are some suggestions? I’d gotten my results back from my GP and have not called him yet to discuss that it’s due to the Mirena. He sent a requisition to repeat blood work and additionally to test for hemachromatosis in 3 months. If I get the a Mirena removed, I’d also want a good solution for the original problems that the a Mirena was supposed to be a “patch” for – the iron deficiency and bad periods (also hoping the Rosacea would disappear completely – is Rosacea caused by blood and iron problems? I know when I have facial flushing it is blood that rushes up and causes the “beet red” face coloring). Thanks for any suggestions!!
With hormonal problems like you’re having it’s best to find a holistic doc who can help you sort through the problem and find a solution best for you. Here are a few other docs I have trained:
I’m late to the party, but I have to second the Doc’s suggestion here. Bio-identical hormone replacement is a life saver but something you have to see a Natural-path doctor about. I had some period issues in my 20’s and went on the pill, not knowing any better. Things still got worse and when I went off the pill to try an conceive, things got a LOT worse. Bio-identical progesterone has changed my life. Well worth looking into.
Check out this article I wrote on why a woman depletes her progesterone: https://drgangemi.com/2011/03/progesterone-and-pregnancy/
Such an excellent and timely read! I had a copper iud inserted a year ago, and over the last few months have had numerous body issues. Right side low back pain, extremely heavy periods, and what feels like a uti but my urine culture comes back clean for bacteria.
Have you had any women complain of bladder issues with a uti? Do you think copper iud’s could cause bladder irritation?
I personally have not but wouldn’t be surprised as copper toxicity can cause many other issues.
I’d be interested to know your thoughts on the the new IUB developed by Ocon which has just started instigating sales in Europe.
It is still a copper-based device so any possible physiological contra-indications I may have linked from having a copper IUD may or may not be ‘solved’ through choosing this new ball device.
I’ve had pain down my left leg (almost like sciatic pain), pelvic area and lower back area for 18 months. I’m going through physio now to strengthen the core muscles. All issues you have addressed in your article and case studies.
I’d be interested in your thoughts.
Many thanks in advance.
Kaylin – I mention the new IUBs in the article and I’d recommend staying away from them just like an IUD. Are you saying you have an IUD currently in and are going through PT for your pain? If that’s the case I sincerely hope you consider the possibility of the IUD causing this as noted in the article.
Yes I have an IUD at the moment and am planning to have it removed in a few weeks when my doctor is back from holiday. Even if it’s not the main contributory factor to my pain,for he it’s a necessary step in the process if elimination of causes. I was just wondering if the IUB was considered by you as a less invasive / safer alternative to the IUD as a longer term option to avoid an unwanted pregnancy whilst in a relationship.
Many thanks for any advice.
Ok, my husband sent me this site. Here is my problem, I’ve had heavy monthly cycles for a while, but after each child it’s gotten heavier..so much I was bleeding out at one point. My tubes are already tied. My mood swings were crazy too. Do I got on a pill to stop my monthly completely. I loved it, no mood swings, heavy flow. I felt great. About 10 months later I had for surgery, 3 weeks after that I ended up having blood clots in my lungs. I was put on blood thinners to help with that. I was told I could no longer take the pill. I freaked, thinking I was going to bleed out for sure now I was on blood thinners too. So the options I was given were partial hysterectomy OR the Mirena iud. I opted for the iud. After a few weeks I had horrible stabbing cramping. It started to go away a month later. But I’ve gained weight, my hair is thinning allot, I get really depressed around that time of the month and have had back acne when I’ve never had pimples hardly ever, and Bloated. I’m off the blood thinners now since they thought it was because of the got surgery and pill together. I’ve had all my tests, mri and ultrasounds to clear me of clots. I felt fantastic before the surgery, lost weight and everything. Now I feel terrible. What do I do? Do I go ahead and do the partial hysterectomy? Leave the ovaries? I’m 38 years old and very frustrated.
We’d have to set up an appointment or phone consult to discuss this one.
This was a very helpful article. I have had the IUD for a few weeks now but for the past few days I have had lower back pain, left hip, groin and leg pain and my knees hurt more then normal. This is all worse at night! At first I put it down to my normal back pain but knew it felt different. After a few internet searches I have found lots of evidence to support this. I have my follow up appointment in a few days and a going to discuss all this.
Dear Dr Gangemi,
My friend has died of uncontrollable systemic sclerosis. It became dramatic the day after the removal of the device. The progression of her disease confused specialists so much there is an autopsy.
I also have autoimmune disease, which became increasingly problematic after I removed my Mirena
myself. Plagued with uterine inflammation so bad my cervix was permanently shifted I refused to wait eight weeks for an appointment to have it removed. Your article mentions iron overload and I certainly had many of the symptoms, but I could not get doctors to listen. Many of those symptoms are easing – several years later. My autoimmune condition is also mysterious – my specialist says it is a disorder of the elastic tissues. It is currently untreatable due to my drug reactions. My antinuclear antibodies titre is consistently 1:2560.
My medical history indicates an underlying, preexisting condition well managed through diet and lifestyle. I have this in common with my dead friend, who had previously had trouble with ulcerative colitis. It had been in remission for many years prior to Mirena insertion. Her diet and lifestyle had been developed to ensure it didn’t return.
I believe these are two cases of underlying conditions aggravated by the Mirena. I asked this question years ago and the response was negative. My friend’s case appears much clearer as her decline was so obvious. My decline is continuing. My theory is the hormones acted as a trigger for our diseases but the diseases were unstoppable once in progress.
Is this information useful to you, or a current researcher? My friend’s family is distraught. Some answers would be helpful. I am not particularly happy with my own state but I try to remain happy and accept my condition as there appears to be no solution. I am told I am already doing what I can to help myself.
I think at the very least there should be a warning to doctors about inserting the Mirena into a woman with previous history or indicators of autoimmune disease.
Interestingly, I was surveyed by a woman on behalf of Mirena manufacturers about twelve to eighteen months after it was inserted. She became bored when I was listing my symptoms, many of which were not listed in the product information leaflet, and she cut the interview short. I think the drug companies know.
I’m a mommy of an autistic son and toddler daughter. I just want to get back to my old self. I enjoyed reading your article.
I’m on a quest for information because in the past two and half years I’ve had a number of unusual medical issues wrong with me. It all started after I had my second child and decided that the IUD was a great choice for birth control. My OB assured me the IUD was a SAFE practical choice which he highly recommended to mothers like me.
April of 2012, the IUD was put in. That winter, I ended up getting very sick with a common cold and an ear infection. I was prescribed amoxicillin. No big deal, because I have taken amoxicillin and never had a problem before. But this time after I took the amoxicillin, I felt the sensation of a lump in my throat getting bigger and bigger. I thought I would eventually be suffocated by it. I went to the doctor and he switch my antibiotic which did not heal the sensation. Even long after my sickness had pass I had a lump in my throat. I was scared and saw the doctor three times. He said I had anxiety problems and tried to give me anxiety pills. No thank you! So I changed my diet and exercised more and ignored my throat. Eventually it went away. I thought maybe I was stressed, and a prescription to a healthy lifestyle was the cure.
However, once again a couple months later, while I was in great health, I was prescribed amoxicillin for a root canal. The throat thing came back with a vengeance! This time the sensation was extreme, and it hurt to eat and to swallow. Certain pitches in my voice could not be reached, yet I was able to talk fine. I saw an ENT and a GI and they both suspected I had gerd, a problem amplified with amoxicillin. An endoscopic exams confirmed my gerd. I was baffled because I didn’t even suffer from indigestion when I was pregnant. My GI told me I must be wrong, and I just did not know it because gerd can be silent. Now I’m taking omeprazole daily. I’m also not suppose to use amoxicillin. Following my gerd, I started to develop an orange film on my tongue. My ENT says I have a probiotic imbalance. Well I drink kefir and eat yogurt daily, and I’m now taking more probiotics. Yet I still have an orange tongue.
Three months ago, I started having unusual vaginal discharge. It smelled like morning breath. Weird and embarrassing! I tested positive for BV and it was treated with an oral flagyl. YUCK!!! However a month after my treatment the smell came back. They tested me twice for BV and the test were negative. Furthermore, my periods have stopped and I’m cramping. My bladder hurts sometimes, but I don’t have a UTI. In the last three weeks, I have had serious lower back pain. I’ve seen both and OB and Orthopedist who both don’t address my cluster of symptoms as related even though they have appeared somewhat together. So here I am, 31 in physical therapy, riddled with back pain, gerd, and a mysterious orange film on my tongue. Reading your article makes feel maybe some of this could be the IUD. Maybe its not, and its all a coincidence. I’ve wanted to take out my IUD, but I’m afraid of antibiotics like amoxicillin. Maybe I just need to do it. At least I’ll know.
I am 22 years old. I got my paragard in the middle of June 2014 when I was still 21. For the first two to three months I was fine. My period was regular lasting from 4 to 5 days. Then when September came along I was experiencing knee joints and sometimes aches in my feet. About a week prior to my periods, I would feel really bad cramps and very horrible knees, legs, and feet aches throughout the day and even at night. When my period do start, it lasts for a week or even more! I hate this because my periods usually last only 4 or 5 days before I ever got the paragard. On top of the week long period, it is really heavy periods! My usual periods is not heavy. I am so disappointed in Doctors who doesn’t necessarily tell you both the negative and positive outcomes of getting the paragard. I did do some research online before I made the final decision, but there was mostly only advantages instead of disadvantages. I really hope more women use other birth control instead of the paragard or the Mirena even. I hate it, I am so busy with school and work that I don’t have any time for an appointment to remove the paraguard. But because my aches are getting really irritating to the point where I cannot focus during the day or even have a good sleep at night, is really frustrating. I am calling in tomorrow to make an appointment and if I have to miss one class just to remove that darn paragard I would gladly do so.
Thank You so much for your blog, this was very helpful.
Thankyou for this article. I too am beginning to suspect the Mirena coil as the root of my problems. 2 years ago I had the coil insterted due to heavy bleeding. It caused continual bleeding for 6 months, which on investigation fibroids were found. The coil was removed. A year later an operation to remove the fibroids and reinsertion of the coil. It has certainly worked this time.
…..no periods for a year. But what started as occasional hip pain every month or so, has turned into daily severe pain in the hip joint and over the SI joint. I have had to stop running swimming and now walking is becoming a problem. On a really bad day I can not lie down sit or stand without pain and is had completely changed my life. 2 years ago I was incredibly fit and active. I now struggle to go for a walk. Only recently have I wondered about the coil being the cause. The timing of insertion, the timing of the first onset of pain. I have seen massage and recently a manipulation therapist who has given me feat relief from the pain. But only temporarily has the joint seems to move again and the pain comes back. When I orignally had the coil inserted I had a severe skin reaction too which still returns every month or so and I have become allergic to most skin soaps. (No previously allergies). Is it really possible it could be the coil? I have made an appt with my GP to discuss this with her. I have also contacted my gynaecologist but no reply as yet. I’m hoping that I may have finally found a cause and that it can be reversed. Thankyou
Wow…thank you so much for writing this article Dr Gangemi.
I have had a Mirena for 2 years and slowly but surely my health has spiraled, extremely fast in the past 6 months. I have been training in Karate for 7 years I was very fit to now basically immobile. The pain that has been shooting down my left side was a 10… My knee just seemed to lose all ability to hold my kneecap, not to mention back pain shoulder pain, fatigue, feeling absolutely miserable. I had been to see just about everyone. Prescribed Celebrex that did nothing. Something on Sunday made me look up Mirena and Side effects regarding bad urine smell I was getting, so unrelated to the joint and muscle pain.
I found your article, Monday morning I booked in to see a Dr and Within 30 mins had it out.
4 days on all the pain I was experiencing has gone, my knee is still troubling as I hyperextended it as a result of no muscle control earlier. I’m feeling my old self well on the way now anyway. I am so happy but so angry as I trusted….I want to spread the word! Thank you again.
Firstly, I would like to thank you for taking the time to write an article advising women NOT to use hugely marketed device .
A very long story short. I am a 36 mother of two who has suffered low back, muscle and body aches since I gave birth to my second child. I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia 2 years ago and have since been taking alternative therapy, homeopathy, Progesterone therapy ( pill form). Coincidently I had the paraguard inserted shortly after my second delivery. Never had and health issues, mechanically. I am told that I am in great shape. I do therapeutic yoga and eat well … But the muscle pain persists. I came across this article And it made me think, could the paraguard be behind l this? Please note, I had it replaced with new one this past summer with doctor removing and replacing on same day? Do u think I should do the mineral hair analysis before I remove it or just go ahead with removing it. ? I do feel like at times, I am hanging by a thread.. It’s so saddening and frustrating to have something affect your life and not have an explanation why?
Many thanks.
Hair analysis won’t necessarily show a problem, (with copper I believe you are specifically asking), and of course there is more to the issue than just copper as I write in the article.
Thanks you for writing such an informative article. I had a copper iud insert two years ago and felt I had no issues with it.
Over the past 4 1/2 months I have had continuous vaginal irritations to the point it is now really driving me nuts!
It follows a cycle of me being symptom free during my period but as soon as my natural vaginal discharge starts the irritation, stinging and burning comes back to anywhere the discharge touches the vaginal tissues.
I have had lots of tests with my doctor, all coming back negative! I asked at my most recent visit if the iud cold be causing this only to be told she highly doubted it and taking it out would be a last resort as it is doing its job!!
As the vaginal mucus discharge naturally comes from inside me I feel there is something in it causing all this irritation possibly the cooper ions being released?
I would love to hear your thoughts on this.
Many Thanks
I think that’s bold of your MD to think it’s most likely not an issue. Of course it may not be, but you read my article.
Thanks you for writing such an informative article. I had a copper iud insert two years ago and felt I had no issues with it.
Over the past 4 1/2 months I have had continuous vaginal irritations to the point it is now really driving me nuts!
It follows a cycle of me being symptom free during my period but as soon as my natural vaginal discharge starts the irritation, stinging and burning comes back to anywhere the discharge touches the vaginal tissues.
I have had lots of tests with my doctor, all coming back negative! I asked at my most recent visit if the iud cold be causing this only to be told she highly doubted it and taking it out would be a last resort as it is doing its job!!
As the vaginal mucus discharge naturally comes from inside me I feel there is something in it causing all this irritation possibly the cooper ions being released?
I would love to hear your thoughts on this.
Many Thanks
I wish I had read this before I got a Mirena. I recently had one installed and only lasted four days with it in before I ended up in the Emergency Room begging them to remove it. From the first hour I had it I experienced cramping, bloating, constant abdominal ache and shooting pains that just wouldn’t let up. I felt immediately better after removal, but still had a feeling of soreness and inflammation in my lower belly. I saw my gyn the next day and he was concerned about potential infection, so he put me on two very strong antibiotics which are usually used to treat pelvic inflammatory disease. This was over a week ago and I still don’t feel right! I ended up back in the ER several days ago, where they took a urine sample, did blood work and ultrasounds (including a transvaginal ultrasound), and said everything was normal and healthy – no elevated white blood cell count, nothing to indicate what is wrong. I was told that perhaps I’d had an infection that the antibiotics had cleared up and to keep taking the antibiotics until they’re done.
I started to feel slightly better over the weekend, and returned to work on Monday, only to end up feeling worse. I have pain in my right side that radiates to my back – it feels like a “stitch” one would get from running that just won’t go away. I also get sharp twinges of pain in my abdomen that seem to be located in my ovaries. I seem to feel worse when I move around a lot, and in fact if I twist my torso a certain way or sit up too fast I get a sharp pain in my right side/lower back (where the “stitch” feeling is). Last night I couldn’t sleep because my entire lower back was aching so badly.
I’ve searched around on the internet and I haven’t found anyone with these symptoms after having the Mirena for such a short period of time. I don’t understand what is wrong with my body and why I don’t seem to be healing from whatever trauma it is under. Any advice or recommendations would be very appreciated.
Hello, I need some advice for my 27 year old daughter who is currently having serious issues with her IUD. She recently went to her doctor with abdominal pain (she has had an IUD for a few years now) tests/ultra sound were ran and it was confirmed that her IUD had lodged itself in her uterine wall. Surgery was scheduled for yesterday morning, they went in thru 3 incisions and could not remove the IUD..it had fused itself in the uterus. The hospital where she was at does not have the means of conducting an operation so they are sending her to a larger hospital in Boise Idaho also advising that she must now have a hysterectomy. The uterus has also fused itself to her abdomen due to her having a C-Section during her last pregnancy. Does this sound true? She is only 27 and told she must have a hysterectomy because of this? Please advise….
Oh wow. I am really sorry to hear that. I hope she gets a second opinion before the hysterectomy. Hopefully there is a doc who can removed the IUD by another method.
I had the copper IUD after never using birth control and it ruined me:( I got it removed after 8 months, when symptoms started and I figured out that is what it was. Raging insomnia, heart palpitations, mood swings, cystic acne to name a few. I have been healing for the last 1.5 years but I am still not right. I feel like Sherlock trying to get to the bottom of my symptoms. I have had adrenal spit tests, hair analysis. I know that my hormones are off. I have read a ton about the copper effects on hormones. I feel like I am estrogen dominant now. I just got a blood draw with a hormone specialist that prescribes bio identical hormones. After reading this article and your replies, it makes more sense. The stress the IUD had on my body shot my cortisol levels up and my body had to use progesterone to make it. Makes sense why I couldnt drink a glass of wine, or even when I eat sugar it triggers insomnia. My question is now that all is said and done, how do I regulate my cortisol after the fact? Is it all hormone now due to the domino affect? Or can I do something about the cortisol? I feel like ANY adrenaline situation triggers symptoms. Strange. I just cant believe Doctors arent taking this more seriously. Bottom line. Women, follow your intuition and listen to your body. Thanks for your article.
Check out the 4 part adrenal gland series on this site (just below this article).
I had a copper IUD in november 2013, and one month after i started to have frequent urination with no bacteria, and later, symptoms of endometriosis. I never had problems before, so i suspect there is a link.
So i had my iud removed the 26th of november 2014, but i see no change for the moment (2d of december), and maybe it is a little bit worth.
So my question is: how long could it take, in your opinion and if the iud was the cause, for recovery?
Thank you
I had my mirena inserted 1 week ago and ever since I’ve had it inserted I’ve been having left hip pain, only at night or when I’m laying down. I don’t understand why. In your article you mentioned that hip pain slowly developed over time, I’m just wondering why I’m having this pain only having it a week.
This is often the connection of the uterus affecting the gluteus medius and other hip muscles. Although I can’t of course say for sure, that is more than likely not a coincidence.
I read this article in its entirety and there is only one part that I did not like. You said every one has a problem with this form of birth control (not verbatim). I had the Mirena inserted at the age of 18 loved it! I had it removed 5 years later at the age of 23. I then went on to have my son and decided to go ahead with the paraguard. I have now had it for 2 years. So far I have no issues with this one. Not to say for sure that I could develop them down the line. I just wanted you to be able to hear from someone that has not had any medical complications from using these devices. I know a few of my friends have had issues leading to removal. I personally love them and think they have been the best decision I have made as a form of birth control. I will be bookmarking this particular article. I plan on keeping the paraguard for the remaining 8 years. I will definitely be posting an update if I start having problems. Thanks again for the article.
I had my iud removed after5 years and had to be removed surgically as it was embedded.I have hypothyroidism n irregular periods so my doctor kept me on pills to regularize my periods.now post periods I’m on pills and get periods on due date but it only spots for a day.post removal my flow has stopped.pls guide .
Hi drgangemi
So I had the iud for almost two years now. I ‘ve been loving it the first year. The second year I’ve notice alot of changes in me. Depression, Lower back pain, mood changes, lazy, tired, annoyed with e veryone, eating like crazy, and gained weight and crazy cramps. I dont like non of these symptoms but I love that I cant get pregnant. I might give it another year and see how it goes because my mood is no good especially when raising a toddler. Over all I do like the iud just dont like the symptoms I have sometimes. As we speak i am having lower back pains and cramps. Should I continue this iud or have it removed?
Well that’s completely up to you and what you feel is best for your situation.
Dr. Gangemi
Thank you so much for validating the symptoms that many of us had with the Mirena IUD. There are hundreds of women who are suffering unnecessarily because of these IUD’s. It is so refreshing to hear a medical professional validate our experiences. I went to 2 obgyns and confided in them only to be told that the Mirena was safe and that the hormone did not leave the uterus, the other told me i needed psychological help. Mind you these were people that delivered my three children and who I saw for my annual check- ups. It took 1 1/2 years after removal to start feeling somewhat normal. I am so mad about all the times I went to different doctors only to be given anti-deppresant medications. I like many women are Mirena victim survivors. You can find them on Facebook under Ban Mirena or I hate Mirena private groups.
Ive had the mirena on and iff for the past ten years. In sept they removed the device as it expired. I was going to have another inserted yet had to wait till nov 10. I had it inserted and well developed horrific leg pain muscle twitching joint pain and all doctors i have seen say there is absolutely no connection yet i had none of these symotoms before this ordeal started in Sept. Im being tested for autoimmune diseases still waiting on results. Ive been deppressed nervous anxious and i have muscle twitching on my butt. I have no idea what to do. Will this go away do i need to do a detox? I need help. I appreciate any input
So i just went in 4 days ago and had my iud removed after having it for 5 years never had a problem with it until i go for an ablation and to have a tubal ligation after doing my ablation and removing my iud i wake up from the anesthesia and was told they couldnt get my tubal ligation done because it was like cellophane and he couldnt get ahold of them could this be from the iud? I do not go back for another week to see my doctor.
Hi Dr Gangemi,
I have taken your article to my manipulation therapist as we were both interested in what you had to say. I live in the UK. I had the coil removed 4 weeks ago. My skin allergies and soft tissue problems appeared to have cleared up. The joint problems remain an issue though I have only had one treatment post removal. I have been researching all of this to try and find a solution. I did not believe I could go from feeling 40 to 70 years of age in the space of one year. From what I have found I suspect the joint problems will take a long time, if ever, to subside. My GP has had X-rays taken and they are all clear, no blood work done. So we believe it is definitely a mechanical issue with the joints. In your article you don’t mention the affects of silicone, which the Mirena coil is made of. Do you have any info on this? I see the side effects listed describe everything I have had. I worry that an auto immune reaction has been triggered in my body. I hope not and remain positive about the next year ahead. Thankyou.
Dr. Gangemi,
I’m so glad I found this article! I had the mirena for 6 years and during that time my health started winding down. I did not realize it was caused by the IUD. I was diagnosed with celiac, had tmj and unexplained neck muscle spasms for which I took Xanax daily. I got the mirena removed in January or this year and decided to get the paragard instead because I thought the progestin was the problem. After 6 months of intense sugar cravings, brain fog and rapid weight gain, I pulled the paragard out myself. Since then I have continued to have severe water retention, bouts of hair loss and numerous symptoms of hypothyroidism. I am currently on 180mg of armour which has helped some of my symptoms, but my skin is still tight with fluid and it drives me crazy because it affects how well I can move. My question is if so many women have healed after getting the mirena out, why am I still struggling? Thank you.
I’d suggest you find a holistic doc who can help you figure this out. I’m also happy to do a consult.
Hi Dr. Gangemi,
Thank you for your article. I currently do not have an IUD but my PCP wants me to consider it. I am 31 now and I started having very heavy bleeding when I was 28. I started seeing an Acupuncturist after this because I didn’t want to take birth control. My Acupuncturist was able to get my periods to a manageable place but wasn’t able to help with the pain. My OBGYN suggesting an ultra sound which showed that my endometrial lining was very thick. My OBGYN suggested a Laprocospy to check for Endometriosis and a Biopsy to make sure there were no cancerous issues. After the surgery my periods got worse, my hemoglobin dropped to 6 over the course of 4 months and I had to get a blood transfusion. Following that I have to get an iron infusions every week for a few months. I started doing my own research and found a natural supplement called DSM. It has worked but I still have one heavy day and still need to get iron infusions every other week. I have also changed my diet, started juicing and started I am working on decreasing meat and dairy. Though my periods are better they are still heavy and it’s weighing on my body. I am so tired of the Drs only suggesting birth control, and I am not sure what to do at this point. I know you’re not in my area but I could really use some guidance. I live in MD, and I hope you can help me.
I might know a doc in that area you can email me to see if it works for you.
Thanks for this article. I have been doing some of my own research on the iud and it is nice to hear from a doctor who tells negative too , not only positive. I’m 39 and pregnant and have other children, and it’s not likely that me and my partner would want more. But even if we did since this is his first child it wouldn’t be for a couple years anyway. My OB/GYN recommended iud medina bc I had had bad symptoms on my seen ties from birth control pills. I told him I don’t want hormones at all so it irritates me that he still pushes more a bc even though it is very low, it is still a hormone. So I found out about the copper iud and thought maybe that could be an effective alternative. But now after reading your article and some other studies about both iud types and copper toxicity and iuds attaching to the uterus and hip and back pains, it doesn’t look so good. Especially when I already have a hard time with my hips hurting sometimes from an old car accident with hip fractures and sacrum fractures. When I’m not pregnant and Excercise my back is manageable. But these iud side effects sound unappealing and it does Semmelweis to make sense that a foreign metal object would irritate the uterus and cause other problems bc the body is all interconnected. But I don’t know what to use. Condoms suck, foams are not very effective, anything hormonal for me is not going to happen and now the para guard seems to have things happen that I don’t want to deal with, especially while taking care of a new born. And I saw you you seem to be against tubal ligation and vasectomy. I am Leary about it too just bc I don’t like being cut open and organs altered unless it is life threatening. But what are the sside effects that have occurred from them for men and women?
Hi Brandi, it’s tough when nature insists on procreation. Before menopause, I carefully charted my periods, with a wide safety zone around the time of ovulation — worked for years. Of course, it only works if you have regular periods. The day after my 2nd baby, I had a tubal ligation and have had no problems from that. I figure it’s easier for the woman’s body to absorb one egg a month than for men to absorb the constant flow of sperm. What does the good doctor have against tubal ligations?
I came apun this site after searching what to expect after having removed the IUD. (My apt is today). First I have to say I’m scared to death from all this reports. Hope I won’t have any complication after removal.
And another question dr. What birth control do u recommend to avoid pregnancy ?
I had the paraguard in for about 4.5 months and I was miserable and in so much pain … Got it out 2 years ago this feb and still have pain In my lower abdomain constantly .. Chronic uti and have to pee a lot and my uterus area kills after I do …. Is there anything I can do now
Find a holistic doc who can assist you with issues like this.
I have had a copper IUD since AUGUST 2014. All was ok except a metallic smelly discharge that everyone says is normal. This has yet to go and the only time i do not experience it is during my period. The period is a lot heavier but i have managed to retain my usual 21day cycle very timely.
Over christmas i had my period and ever since i have thsi itch that just will not go. Any manner of pressure on my skin is causing pink bumps and lumps. Worse if i scratch. They are so lumpy sometimes, it feels like i got hit by a golfball at max speed.
Anyway, i am considering it having it removed. Mainly because the discharge is really affecting my esteem. I am on pantyliners all day everyday i am not on my period. My vaginal area has become so sensitive – probably due to overusing liners, that i twitch while peeing, showering..etc.
I also experience some irritation during sex. what would you advise?
I’m sure you know where I stand after reading the article. :)
Hello i loved this article it really helped,but i still have some questions. I was fifteen when i got Paragaurd. The instant i got it my lower back was in utter shear pain. As bad as i wanted the doctor to take it right back out i kept it because the doctor said the pinch was normal. My periods were awful the cramps so painful. After three years i was having reallybad pains in my lower abdomin i was in and out of the er for three months at one time they said it was a cysc and gave me meds well one night i sat on the toilet and felt like i was having a baby! But i was pushing out clots of blood so i was rushed to the er() my mom was horrified. The er doctor said it sounded like contractions. So the doctor layed mye down i told him about the cysc he got all my paper work faxed and said no thats no cysc and opened me up and it was black blobs it relieved all the pressure but i was so scared! He said it could have been a misscarriage but it was too late to tell. I hadthe paragaurd removed the next dayi still dont know what happened. But its been two years and im still having back pain and horrible cramps. What do i do?
Cases like this ideally need to be figured out with a doc who understands these types of issues.
Dr. Gangemi,
I was wondering if you know of any good doctors near salem oregon, I realize it’s a long shot since you are in the east coast area. or Do you have any suggestions on how to find a holistic doctor. I have been having health issues some probably related to the iud which will be getting removed, and some that may be unrelated.
Thanks for your time and your knowledgeable post.
Sorry I do not know of any there. Info on consults here: http://sock-doc.com/consult-with-sockdoc/
Can you please expand on the Turok et al, 2013 article wrt iron overload and the IUD. Is there a way to get access to the full article that you cited?
thanks much….i think this has some relevance to my daughter’s current health issues.
Here is the pubmed link – I can’t find the full article at the moment but you should be able to track it down from here:
I’ve had the IUD for about 4 1/2 months now. I got it in the middle of October and my gynecologist told me that I would bleed for about three months straight. So I blead for literally three months straight. I would get slight cramps about everyday, but they would come and go. I stopped bleeding in the middle of December. After that I had absolutely no problems. For about a week now I started bleeding again. But I’ve never blead this bad. And I have cramps that are so bad they will stop me in my tracks and I can not do anything. I will be in class at school and get these cramps so bad that they make me cry. They come and go all the time. I will probably get them no longer than 5 minutes and only about 10 minutes apart. I don’t understand why this is though? Because I was told that after my three months of bleeding I would be done for three years until my IUD is up to remove. So I was wondering if you had any suggestion on what this could be.
Dr gangemi
Thank you for this article. Im having a few problems at the moment and I’m not sure if its normal or not if I should be concerned or not,
I had a mirena coil fitted about 6 months ago I’d previously had a copper coil my Dr knows I’ve pollycistic overys had PID also have sacrolilitus I was advised to change to the mirena as I suffer from acnie and was told this would help reducev it .
I started getting a bad smelling discharge and sore uncomfortable feeling.on checking strings I noticed the tip of coil pressing out . booked to see my Dr .nexed day had long fleshie bits hanging out me , so I pulled it away and attached to the end was my coil coverd with flash I assume , i was checked at the drs by nurses an told all is OK . then a day or two later the bleeding started and smelled like rotting meat I had a course of antibiotics and tablets to stop the bleeding . well the bleeding never stopped I’m getting clots falling out every day its been over a month of heavy bleeding and I fill exhorsted cold and at times my head fills giddie how long do you think this will last for is this normal and should I be concerned about the bleeding?
Sorry if my speling is rubish i cant help that.
I have had my mirena for 6 months now I had my gall bladder removed 4 weeks ago I’ve been have serious issues with cramps abdominal pain along with bloating and feeling deprived and depressed I have also passed clots and have a urinary track infection every time I turn around I bled for almost 5 months straight I’m curious is this what is really wrong with me I feel like it is but not sure I’m suppose to have it removed Thursday any advice please thank you!
I have had paraguard for a year and i had no issues until a few weeks ago. I ended up in the er due to sever cramping to the point that breastfeeding my daughter became too painful due to contracting. And once again my periods are heavy as in a super plus tampon can not control it this month. And my body overdoses on the added hormones in pills and any other birth control that contains hormones. My pms is horrible and the depression gets crushing around my period
ive never had these issues until a year of paraguard being put in.
Hi Doc, last night I had severe cramps that was traveling from my stomach to my back down to my butt. It hurt so bad it woke me up out my sleep and I could barely walk to the bathroom. I had the IUD (mirena) inserted in April after the birth of my second child. Sometimes I have stomach pains but I do like the IUD because we don’t have to worry about pregnancy. We’ve (my husband and I) had two babies in two years. I would hate to believe this is what causing this pain. I mean I really felt like I was about to push a baby out last night it was so painful. Your opinion is needed. If I remove it what is the next best thing. I don’t know if I want more children or not. But I do like the idea that I could if I decided to try again.
Hi Dr. Gangemi,
Thank you so much for writing and publishing this article! I come from Sweden, and here no/very few of the side effects of the copper IUD are known/acknowledged. I had a copper IUD for 2.5 years and suffered from various side effects, many of them mentioned above. When I consulted health care with my problems I was ignored and treated as “another hysterical woman”, and when I approached the question if the IUD could be involved with my troublesome symptomes I was almost laughed upon, and got the answer that I had to understand that a copper IUD has no hormones and could not possibly affect my hormones, my PMS, give me depression of mood swings, nor could it make my head dizzy or give me “brain fog”. No, I was silly to even suspect such a thing.
Thank you for publishing this article!
/ Mimmi
Hi Dr Ganemi
I have just come across your website & thought I’d let you know that you may well have saved another Gallbladder! I am having an ultrasound scan on Thursday to see why I have a swollen Gallbladder? My story’s long but I’ll try as briefly as I can to fill you in. For the last 2 yrs I’ve been experiencing a lot of pain in my hands, I’ve had Carpel Tunnel release on both to no avail, I’ve had one thumb joint replacement which has now got a trapped nerve that needs removing, (the other needs doing) a Nerve release Op on my cervical spine, to no avail & steroid injections at the base of both thumbs, brilliant for 4 days got all my Xmas Decs up, kissed my hands every 2 mins cause no pain for the 1st time in 2 yrs but it was just the anaesthetic
Sorry only half finished..
I’ve also had continuous urine infections & have a scan on Thursday for a swollen Gallbladder! I’ve just read your article’s on some of the side effects of the mirana coil & having too much copper in your system can cause! I have all of these symptoms baring peeling palms although I do have it underfoot. I read only the other day that painful hands could be down to hormones, I am 55 next month & have the mirana coil but I’m experiencing symptoms of peri menopause except I still have a regular monthly cycle, so decided to have the coil removed at the end of this week. After reading your information I am convinced that the Mirana coil is the cause of all my problems but hopefully hasn’t caused any permanent damage, if this is the case can I keep you posted as I’d like to share this with as many people as possible as this has not just had an impact on my health but my whole life. sincerely Grateful, Sandra
I thankfully just came across this web site. I am 45, 4 kids and had the Merina inserted about 3 years ago. All was great – no periods, no weight gain and I felt fine. BUT almost 2 years ago I had to stop jogging because my right leg became extremely heavy after running for 10 minutes or walking 40 minutes. It was the strangest thing. I could hardly lift it but there is no pain. It is affecting my tennis and skiing too. I thought maybe it was from too many spin classes (5 a week) and not enough stretching. My glutes and quads – specially the right side were/are SO tight. I’m having IMS on them. I’ve stopped my spin classes (which makes me so sad) and I’ve gone to a chiroprator, physio, massage, and an osteopath. I’m feeling like i am 90 not 45. I have just made an appointment to remove the IUD. Sure hope it solves my problems. DR. – thanks very much for posting this article.
Did the removal help?
Hi Dr. Gangemi,
Very illuminating to read your views on the IUD. My doctor had me get one to treat the extra thick (17 mm ) lining on my uterine wall. But I have been in tears for the past week. Pain in my lower back on the left and in my left thigh and leg has left me almost unable to function. Just started to explore the possibility and came across your article. Thank you very much. Any suggestions on my condition? Other options my gynecologist suggested were Novasure and Hysterescopy. The former is quite scary, and unsure about the latter.
Thanks for posting this article. I learned alot. I do have some other questions though. I had my Paraguard in for approx 5 years before removal. (I’d have to check my medical records,) Anyway – I would say I had it removed in March of 2014 (ish). In June, I had a very early miscarriage. What I thought was a heavy period became alot of tissue and a warning to go see my Dr. They advised me to take a pregnancy test, which showed an HCG level of only 14. After some blood tests and some time, it went back down to normal levels. Fast forward to around Christmas 2014, and I had another heavy period and extra paid that led me to believe I was miscarrying again, but I never got a positive pregnancy test. (Those things are pricy!) Now – It’s February 6, and I used an ovulation kit to try to conceive. My husband and I had sex for three days around the correct timing. I know there is a chance I’m pregnant and am trying to do what I can to be “healthy” in hopes my body won’t miscarry. If I do however – would now be a good time to have my Dr. check me out to see if pregnancy is possible? Also – before, when I miscarried and again when I suspected my second miscarriage, there was large sheaths of tissue rather than just a heavy blood flow. What was that? Why? Is it possible my uterine lining is just getting rid of residual copper from the IUD? If so, how long is that going to take?
Dr. GANGEMI, you are a rare gem!! I am desperate for your thoughts regarding sexual function and copper iud. I have researched for yrs only now to have my thoughts possibly affirmed. I have had suspicions about my copper IUD for the past 2 years, and have nott had it removed because several ob/gyns have confidently told me it is not the problem and is in perfect position as well.I had one for 10 years with no loud symptoms. Had a second one put in and the procedure was very difficult and painful. Since then I have had brand new symptoms that never occurred with the first I u d. My OBGYN has examined me and said everything seems normal, but I have gone from 18 yrs of normal and enjoyable sex life with my husband, to much less sensitivity, feeling and tightness it seems as though collagen and muscle tone has been affected with no other causes. I was toned and snug even after 2 vaginal deliveries. Why the big change now. I m only 37 and in shape. I wanted to believe it was the IUD so that symptoms may improve upon taking it out, but all three doctors have said it wouldn’t cause this and have also told me the pelvic area appears normal to them. I know that I know that I know that things are so different despite what they say. My main question for you is, in your professional position and experience, how strongly do you feel that the presence of a paraguard IUD could cause pelvic and vaginal muscle tone loss???? In all my research I have never seen it to be true, except in researching dairy cows that have ovarian cysts, lose tone. This could be a connection. My symptoms kind of coincided with the finding of a 3 cm ovarian cyst which quite possibly came about because of the iud and perhaps some confusion in the reproductive system. To summarize, I am just asking you how you feel a copper I u d could affect muscle tone and tightness in the whole vaginal area? Second question is do you think the ovarian cyst is the culprit to the changes I have experienced. Much thanks!
I too believe that the IUD caused the elasticity of my pelvic area to grow weak. I had been very healthy with no problems. I have had physicals every single year and from April of 2012 when I removed the IUD to October 2012, a 6 month difference and I had this issue come up!!!
Hi Dr. Gangemi! Thanks for all the great info! I have had the Mirena for about a year and a half now and I am suspecting that it’s causing some immune suppression problems for me. Since I got the mirena I’ve had to have two sinus surgeries and a tonsilectomy to “cure” my illnessness. However, I still get sick all the time, despite eating an extremely healthy diet of mosty vegetables and cutting out sugar and grains, and taking a lot of naturopathic immune supplements. I know that by know the antibiotics I took also compromised my immune system, but I am starting to wonder if it all started with getting the Mirena. I never had problems before recovering from colds or flus, now they last two months minumum if I’m lucky. I also have started to get sharp lower back if I am sedentary a lot, which seems kind of normal? But I never had this in any of my office jobs before. Have you heard of cases of the hormones in the Mirena causing immune problems?
Thankyou for sharing your stance on this particular contraceptive .I had the copper coil fitted last year , since then I have had problem after problem , thrush at least twice a month , heavy bleeding , stomach cramps and bv. Whatever happened to the oath of first do no harm !! Clearly the medics that fit these coils must know of possible side effects yet failed to tell me when I asked.. furious is not the word.
Dr. Gangemi,
Thank you so much for speaking this truth regarding the harmfulness of IUDS AND HORMONAL BIRTH CONTROL. The medical community at large has failed women horribly in this regard. I find it ironic that many women care very much about eating organic fruits and vegetables and animal products raised without the use of hormones or antibiotics yet they use high levels of artificial hormones daily for family planning. There are natural options available that are very reliable. The local organization in NC that trains women and couples in a natural methodology is fertilitycarenc.org. You should check it out. There are OB/GYNS at UNC Chapel Hill, Winston-Salem, Shelby and Raleigh that are trained in this methodology and support its use 100%. Woman deserve better!
This is my 2nd mirena and since the insertion 12/2014 and I’ve been having these issues… Pain on my left side(ovaries) and bloating. It only lasts for a few hours and comes and goes– sometimes once a week. I’ve also been having pain right below my chest and back pains– once a month. A week after the insertion, I also had this weird rash all over my stomach. It finally went away but my left side puzzles me. I didn’t have any side effects before w minera. Why is my body rejecting it this time? I’m 44 divorced and don’t want anymore kids. I’ve been on the pill til my kids were born and a little afterwards then IUDS. I don’t like my period and don’t want anymore kids. What can I do to protect myself? Another side note – my mom has stage 4 ovarian cancer but not a carrier of the gene. Thank you.
I had the mirena removed on dec 10 i had lost mobility of my legs my knees and ankles hurt. Ironically recently thyroid nodules showed up. My legs sloely get better but i still feel off although much better than in december. How long to see results also is there a nutrition diet you recomnend? I notice my symptoms when i ovulate each month? Any advice would be greatly appreciated
I had the Mirena iud put in Jan 26. 3 weeks later I started having feelings of anxiety and panic out of no where with chest pain. I went to the hospital where they couldnt find the problem. This lasted about 5 days. I went and had the iud removed even though I was told that it couldn’t be the problem. The same day of removal I felt sick and chest hurt bad. Could this just be the iud hormone coming out of my system?
I had Skyla inserted in November and I just had to remove it two days ago. I’d gone through cramping that got more and more common until I would be in pretty intense pain every second day or so. I finally had to remove it when the cramps got so intense I couldn’t really get up and walk properly. I think it would have fallen out on its own (the strings were over an inch longer than usually), but I just couldn’t really take it any more.
The reason I’m writing here is that I found your point about weakness in the muscles of the hip area very interesting. I used to lift heavy weights a lot and recently got back to the gym, only to notice that I’d developed new compensatory mechanisms that weren’t there before. I was surprised to notice that I had a somewhat posterior pelvic tilt and a rather hunched, stretched upper back, whereas when I’d previously taken off with heavy weights, I’d had an anterior pelvic tilt. I also do a lot of hula hooping and I noticed a lot of general core weakness and an annoying poking sensation that accompanied activation in transversus abdominis, and over time I finally I realized I’d been compensating for the pain from the cramps with the hunched over posture and the pelvic tilt. So it was very interesting for me to read about your findings regarding posture and instabilities resulting from IUDs.
Unfortunately for me, hip alignment issues and abdominal weakness result in difficulties reaching an orgasm, so consequently, my sex life was also not as satisfying as it was before the IUD. I’m happy it came out and I’m already enjoying my old, pain-free life.
Thank you Dr Gangemi. Your article explains a lot . I was eager to avoid Paraguard due to heavy bleeding and choose mirena 5mths ago. Now I have extreme back pain, painful knees and I’m gaining weoght.. taking it out tomorrow
I had the copper IUD in for a few years. First I was on Depo for about 2 years after my son was born (1999, I was 22), then switched to IUD because I wanted the possibility of future kids. (I had a friend on Depo for a few years, when she went off it, took several years to finally get pregnant again). I basically went through a second puberty… restarting period, debilating breast pain. I had the IUD in until late 2008, which I had removed because my finance (now hubby) wanted to try for a kid (we are still “trying” to this day, early 2015).
While I had the IUD in I started to experience some horrific pain in my uterus area during my periods. So severe I would be cry. It was worse when I had to take a poop… so badly that I was afraid to make a bowel movement. It even hurt at times after peeing. Physical muscle pain, almost directly above and centered above the pelvis bone/vagina area (hope that makes sense).
When I had the IUD removed, I continued to feel the sharp pain for several months. I still get bad cramps on day one of my period, sometimes bed ridden because I try to avoid medications when I can. If I have to work, I take a few ibprophen, since I’ve discovered a lot of my health issues/aches seemed to be relieved most with iBprophen which targets inflammation.
A few years ago I did end up pregnant, but miscarried at about 6 weeks. Ultrasounds (external & internal… first internal ever done) revealed 2 embryo sac… one with out a vaible embryo. They also discovered polyps, a few about golf ball sized. Before this, I’ve never had ultra sounds done except when pregnant with my son. I had a D/C years ago at 17 for another miscarriage, but no mention of polyps.
I often wonder if the IUD cause the polyps to form and if these polyps are the cause of my monthly pain on the first day. I haven’t had them removed do to lack of medical coverage.
Oh… also while on the IUD, I had several headaches a month, almost daily. Often were migraines that put down for several hours, worse on the last day of my periods. Since removing the IUD, the headaches have subsided, but I can still get that end of period headache or get one from high stress level… but they are all localized on the left side of my head, right behind my ear/eye area… almost like being stabbed with an ice pick. If I feel them coming on and I have the time (no work or school). I can treat it with hot washcloth or submerging my head in hot water in the tub (leaving face above water level), then taking a nap in a dark, quiet, cool room. Sometimes to help the process some ibprophen. These headaches can be so bad, I’m crying. There have been times it was like being punched and dropping me to my knees.
Before my IUD, my periods where a breeze for me… no wonky PMS, no bad physical issues (I hardly knew when it started). During the IUD I developed lots of physical issues and bipolar like PMS. After, I still have some physical issues and I have to be aware of my moods during PMS (depression, sudden hate, etc).
So yes, I agree with your assessment. I tell people not get an IUD unless they feel it’s their only resort. Thankfully I’m on no birth control since I’m still married to my husband. I’m 38 years old and hoping years of birth control free life style will help with an easier menopause when the time comes.
I had my IUD (Mirena) in for a year, in that time I was chronically ill with insane migraines. I would just lay in bed for days with stroke symptom type migraines, couldn’t even remember how to talk or understand what people were saying during my migraine episodes. I had my Mirena removed 2 months ago and haven’t had any migraines since. It’s been two months since the removal and I can’t get the bleeding to stop….any suggestions?
I suggest you find a holistic doctor who can help you with these issues.
Hello, I was wondering if you had ever seen the merina causing polyneuropathy or neuropathic pain?
I am 31 years old & had the IUD fitted at the end of October. within two weeks I started getting transient, but quite frequent numbness in fingers & toes (3-4 hrs a day). This then spread to pins & needles/ ‘electric shock’ type feelings in my arms, developing into what I can only really describe as a something akin to an immune inflammatory response; burning all over my torso & pain across my chest, back & arms akin to acute flu inflammation. It is incapacitating. Like being set alight. The problem is that I also have Lyme Disease (undiagnosed for 17yrs) so the natural inclination for any Dr is to to lay blame at Lyme’s door or neurotoxicity from the abx, however I have NEVER experienced this as a symptom of lyme in my 17yrs of being unwell & it started two weeks after having the IUD fitted. My overall health has spiralled downwards since then & whilst the evidence may be circumstantial I’m inclined to believe that the coil has in some way contributed.
In your opinion, could this be possible?
I have personally not but I think just about anything is possible.
Wow thanks for this article. Doctors made me feel like I was going crazy. Had mire na for 2 years terrible mood swings and rash on face. Had it removed and had a copper one. Was told it will stay there for 10 years. I am now 45 and had it for 5 years. Removed last week. Terrible constant itching behind knees after a year. Itching became a lot worse and more regular. Apart from discharge and 7 day heavy periods and severe back pain. The worst years of my life. I’m so glad I’ve had it removed and am looking forward to being normal again. Still itching but discharge gone. Just wish doctors had not convinced me to keep it in. Especially for another 5 years! Wish more people knew about the side effects. I live in the uk.
Dear Dr g. 9 years ago I lost a thread to my flexi t coil. The coil was removed and another put in. In November I had an emergency laparoscopy for an abcess on my Fallopian tube. I have intense pain in my gall bladder and have a dialated pancreatic duct. I feel that the thread is in my gall bladder but it doesn’t show on scans. The consultant says its pancreatitis. I had my coil out at the time of my laparoscopy but the pain is worsening. I’d love to know your thoughts.
Thanks for a great article!
I was wondering have you had women complain of other symptoms such as a bad odor, increase in bv, facial hair, acne, and/or hair loss.
When I called my dr office to ask if mirena could cause a bad odor (can’t describe the smell but it is not yeast or bv smell). The office told me no the smell is not from iud, but test are negative for any infections or stds. Wondering if others have this complaint or if it’s just me
Well hormones can cause those symptoms so although the bad odor wouldn’t be directly from the IUD it could be as a result of the hormones from it, as well as though hormones provoking other issues in your body.
any correlation between paragard and anxiety issues/ panic attcks?
IUDs can cause a wide variety of symptoms; look at the case histories in the article.
I tried to leave a comment earlier but I don’t think it did. Anyway, I just got a Mirena IUD inserted today. They told me that spotting would be normal. They did not, however, tell me anything about tissue falling out being normal. There were two tissues on the toilet paper, one being blood red and the other being a light pink, almost skin colored. Should I be worried?
I just got the paragard two weeks ago. Now, I am experiencing lower left back pain that radiates down my left cheek and the left top & bottom of my thighs. The back pain was so intense the other day, that I couldn’t stop crying – I could stand or lay, but sitting (rather getting into the sitting position) felt like I was being stabbed in the back –
Do you (I am assuming you will say yes) think the two are related? I am not overweight and I didnt do anything to warrant such pain. Now, I am sitting at work with a heating pad like an old lady!!
I am 53 and experiencing menopausal symptoms like night sweats, etc.
My Mirena IUD was inserted 7/2011 due to heavy menstrual bleeding. It solved the problem and stopped the bleeding entirely.
I just started having smelly urine and sharp lower back pain.
Wondered whether this could be the Mirena, and whether I should have it taken out.
Question: Once the Mirena is out, what should I do about the heavy bleeding?
Hiya I had the merina fitted about two weeks. I have had a constant headache so bad my whole head feels like it’s going to explode ! it’s been a week since I have felt refreshed and awake. Also for about 3 days now iv had a sore tounge and throat almost like burning sensation. Before I had my children I had a implant but had that removed due to weight gain depression and bad moods !
Could all these be side effects of the coil already or something else
Hi there !
2 years ago I had the Copper IUD inserted. The first night I had terrible pain on my left side /left ovarey. I didn’t bleed after the first day and the pain did go away . NOW, 2 years after the first IUD … The OBGYN said that the IUD slid down , causing it to hit my cervix. She took it out and put another copper IUD back on . Now I’m experiencing constant bleeding , spasms in my uterus and left groin hurts…. What does this mean ? Are these symptoms normal ? And how can an IUD slide down ?
Thanks –
That sure isn’t normal or healthy. I suggest you have that looked into soon!
I had the paragard inserted a little over a year ago. Last summer I started seeing my MD for high anxiety. I have been on and off numerous medications including Xanax and ativan. Neither of which helped at all. Started counseling but just couldn’t seem to get the worried feeling off my chest. I happen to google something relating to paragard, and saw a lot of threads of women talking about anxiety/panic attacks being caused by paragard. Looking back, my uncontrollable anxiety started soon after I had my paragard inserted! I am hoping I can find the time to get mine removed.
I Have the mirena and ive had it in for almost 2 years now. I havent had a period since ive had it in and recently i had to go into the ER because i woke up with the worst pain ever it was almost as painful as child birth (i had an unmediated birth so i remember the pain). When i was in the ER they did an ultrasound and found an ovarian cyst. Now im having more pain this past weekend i had a weird color discharge which my mom said it was my period and i had really horrible cramping and all this week the cramping is constant and painful. What do i do?
Thanks for posting your article! I recently spoke with my OB regarding believed side effects of the Mirena…left his office totally deflated as he assured me my issues were completely unrelated to the Mirena. I have an appointment with my GP tomorrow morning and after reading this and other articles related to side effects of the Mirena I am sure now I will have it removed….hopefully I will finally go back to my regular self. No more back pain, mood swings, weight gain, chest flutters and tiredness! Wish me luck
Thanks agin, Theresa
Thank you for this article. It is the most honest article written by an experienced doctor that I have been able to find. After reading this I have made up my mind to remove my copper IUD.
I had mine inserted 1 year ago and had severe cramping for the first 30 days. I constantly called my doctor during this time, because it seemed very abnormal, to which she always told me the cramping was normal and to give it 4-6 months. I had a follow-up appointment 6-weeks after insertion, my doctor checked the IUD, she said all was clear, and the cramping between periods eventually stopped to weakened. I have had the typical symptoms of severe cramping and heavier periods, which got better every month in the beginning and then they got worse. I went back to the doctor 6 months ago, had the IUD checked again, and it turns out I had a rare fungal infection. I was prescribed Doxycycline and the severe cramping between periods weakened again and almost disappeared after I took the medicine.
Now I’m sick with a terrible cold, I’m halfway between periods, and I’m having severe, debilitating cramping again. I’m concerned that the cramping is related to a PID because cramping seems to be worse when my immune system is down.
Every time I talk to my doctor she just tells me severe cramping is normal and never seems to think I need an ultrasound or seems very concerned, but I’m in too much pain. I have cramping in my uterus, but also sharp pains that seem to shoot through my colon and the walls of my vagina.
Thank you very much for this. I would love to find a doctor that accepts my health insurance that is as honest and concerned for patient’s health as you are!
1 week with paragard and im calling to have it removed. I cant sleep, pain under left breast, heart palpitations, leg spasms, arthritis in right hand resuming (after 7 years ago experiencing only briefly post partum), headaches, vertigo, cold hands and feet. This is not me. Depression and anxiety, uncontrollably sobbing are the worst of it as i am a recovering alcoholic of 1 year. Suffered 2 miscarriages in 2014. I was doing well emotionally, now-i feel tricked, lied to and ashamed i didnt research. I am a researcher…a bit too late, but grateful for this article and those who shared. I dont know where to go from here, afraid of miscarrying, but more afraid of poisoning the delicate balance of my body. Holistic acquaintances are getting phoned tomorrow.
Greetings, I want to know and share my experience . Two years ago I got Paragard was extremely painful , uncomfortable, to the point that I lost consciousness. Ok my cycle is very regular, 24-26 days . My gynecologist gave me an order from a pelvic and vaginal sonogram to see how the IUD was, the result is that I went out with a cyst and Paragard had slid my cervix. My doctor call me to make appointment for removal. Now I have a dilemma , my last cycle was March 3 and right now April 3 I don’t have my period since I took out (my doctor removed the Paragard on March 10), I did three pregnancy tests , urine tests , and they all came out negative, any suggestions ?
Hey, great article. But what about a diaphragm? I see no mention of that in your article or replies. (Sorry if I missed it)
Well I don’t believe it to be harmful but not practical or ideal for pregnancy prevention.
Thank you for posting this article. I had the Nova-T copper IUD inserted 6 months ago. I had been on the pill for several years prior but my migraines were suddenly becoming more and more frequent (after having them pretty well controlled for the last few years). My doctor suggested the copper IUD as a means of birth control while avoiding synthetic hormones (which he suspected was my biggest migraine trigger). If it were to work, it sounded like a win-win. I’d avoid pregnancy and my migraines frequency would decrease. I’m happy to announce that my migraine frequency has decreased dramatically. Unfortunately, that is the only good side effect I’ve experienced from the IUD. I’ve had very heavy bleeding, severe cramping even when I’m not on my period, a constant sharp pain that favoured my left side, and was treated for bacterial vaginosis. I chalked all this up to my body adjusting to the IUD. For the last three mornings though, I’ve woken up with a terrible pain from my lower back, into my right gluteus muscles, all the way down to the toes of my right leg. I’d describe it as if my leg was dead but still attached. I decided to Google this on a whim, assuming that I was losing my mind and this couldn’t have anything to do with my IUD. This article was the first link that appeared. Thank you for making me feel validated with my concerns about the IUD. I’ve known something didn’t feel right. This article has described many other things I’ve felt physically that I never would have associated with the IUD. I’ve been debating having it removed for the last month but this confirms it. I’ll be booking my appointment asap.
I just read this article and the comments and now I’m more confused on what choice is the healthiest best choice in the long term. I have tried diet, exercise, massage, acupuncture, shots, pills.
I am done having children, I am 42, I have had bad endometriosis since age 14, I have been on the pill, had the shot, and several laperscopic surgeries. I get anemic about every 3rd period, I also have a history of depression and anxiety. My family has a history of strokes (more the males than females). I have been given the choices of IUD (mirena), ablation (no thanks), and a partial hysterectomy. I worry about all and all have risks. I have been told I am now in perimenopause (had tons of tests to figure that out), and every month things get eorse. I have great blood pressure, slightly high cholesterol, I had a uteran ultrasound that looked fine, I had 3 cysts over the winter.
The quality of life kind of sucks as the pain, the extreme bleeding and clotting, depression, and mood swings are taking over.
I’m having a hard time finding real pros and cons to all of the options I have been given.
Not quite sure which route to take as I feel pressured to try an iud, but now I really wonder. Are there any articles to read or other options to help with this?
I had the paragard IUD inserted in January 2015. I began having nausea acne abdominal pain and shaking a month ago. I’m having it removed tomorrow. I am 21 years old and have had to miss work and school because of how awful I feel. My doctor prescribed beta blockers which don’t work. I’m scared based off of reading how long it takes to go back to normal I mean will I ever be normal and healthy again? I’ve lost weight because I’m too sick to have a decent appetite. I’m always cold. I want my life back. And i can’t wait 1-2 years for that otherwise I’ll lose everything. My life had just begun but I can’t believe how the IUD ruined everything in 4 months. It is awful
Hi there, I stumbled upon this article and it sounds like you really know what you’re talking about, after all the lady doctors Ive seen maybe you can give me your two cents – I am a woman who is constantly on her period. Every 16 days, on the dot, I have a heavy, horrible week long period. I keep track of it, I’m 21 and it has been this way all my life, except when I was on the pill – which made me gain 25 pounds, even while being active and healthy – and I just had the mirena IUD for two months and got it taken out because I am always in pain and cramping. What else can I do? As you can imagine bleeding this much every month is not only difficult on my life but I get very tired, dizzy, etc. (my iron also tends to be on the low side, I assume because of this). Would really love to hear your opinion on how I can treat this without birth control – all my doctors don’t have a clue.
Thank you for this article. I got an IUD after my son was born and had it for 5 years and no problems. That IUD was removed and a new one was inserted. For the last year and half since the second IUD was inserted, I have been experiencing many of the problems listed in this article including weight gain, aches and pain, depression, etc. Then about 3 months ago, I started having horrible pains in the lower right side along with horrible pain in my pelvis and lower back. Many nights I could not sleep, would have to get up and move. I went to my OBYN and he ran test, did an ultrasound and stated “everything looks fine and the IUD is right where it should be.” I came home discouraged and decide to do some research and found this article. Many of the issues listed in this article was just like I was experiencing. I made another appointment with my OBYN and told him I wanted the IUD removed. That was Tuesday and this is Thursday (two days since he removed the IUD) and I have no more pain, can sleep through the night and no horrible pains on my lower right side. Thank you for posting this article, I really think with out it I would still be experiencing pain like I never had experienced before.
Shannon, it is odd, isn’t it? My story is very similar. I had the first one for 3 years, and it was brilliant.
Then I had a new one placed, and 3 months later had hip pain which has become steadily worse over the past year.
Unfortunately I have a uterine-pre-cancer condition that the IUD controls. So having it taken out is a BIG decision and a risky one!
But all up, yours started bothering you with placement of the second one on the 6th year. Mine also has come to a bad conclusion at the 6th year!
I know if they do an ultrasound they won’t find any problems and it will be placed right, but I think I want to have them take it out, at least short-term to see if the pain goes away. I will be willing to bet that it does.
Thank you so much for this, I have had my coil for two years and had gradually increasing back pain ever since. Having being told that the coil didn’t have side affects and when I have seen the doctor about my back was told it was from having my children close together I just didn’t have a clue it could be my coil. I only started to investigate over the last few days due to an article flashing up on social media regarding the coil and a slight mention of back pain. I can’t wait to have this removed and hope there will be no long term damage. Thank you again for writing this article and I will be making my own decisions on what method I use next. X
Hello Doctor thanks so much for this arcticle. Have you seen any cases or know if the Paragard IUD causes blood pressure issues? I am young 26 and have never had issues with my blood pressure not even during pregnancy and my daughter is now 5 months old. I am now experiencing high blood pressure could it possibly be related to the Paraguard I had placed at my six week post partum checkup?
Thank you for this article. It’s nice to see a doctor’s perspective on this. I feel like it’s more reliable and true as opposed to forums. However, the forums make me feel like i am not alone!! I am a 36yo triathlete and have been having a lot of problems for almost 2 years now. I had the IUD put in 4.5 years ago, after the birth of my second son. I had one put in after my first son, but never really seemed to have had side effects from it. I have had what i thought was an upper hamstring issue, but also could have been piriformis/sciatica problems, and now i have been battling IT Band/runners knee symptoms for a year. My whole right side aches, from the hip, knee, and even down to the outside of my right leg. Time off has done nothing, PT has done nothing, all imaging from X-rays to MRI’s have shown nothing. No one has really diagnosed anything b/c all my symptoms are atypical of injuries. It could be this, or that, but not sure. I am so frustrated. I used to run for as long as i wanted, i used to be happy, high energy, etc. Last year my primary actually mentioned the fact that IUD’s are being known to cause sciatica and joint pain, after seeing the IUD in a pelvic X-ray. He said it wasn’t his expertise, but that i should talk to my OB. I never talked to my OB and i blew it off b/c my family, in the medical field, thought it was ridiculous. However, I am now taking my primary doc’s advise to heart. I am seeing a doc and getting the IUD removed next week, and i cannot wait. I am hoping that this device is the cause of all my aches and pains that will NOT go away no matter what i do and try. I am so tired of hurting. For being as active as i am, i loved not having a period. They were terrible before. However, i guess if that’s the price i have to pay to be able to function, then so be it.
Thank you again for this article!
Did it help?
After having the paraguard IUD for a few months, I began having issues with what seemed like bladder pains/UTIs. I’ve had the IUD for 4 years now and still have these issues. I used to randomly having lower abdominal pains, sometimes in the middle and sometimes on a side, but now I seem to have those and UTIs the week before and following my period. Sometimes when the pain is really bad, it radiates to my lower back and thighs. I’ve seen my dr about these concerns and she tells me the IUD is in perfect position. We’ve yet to find the reason for these changes but I’ve always been convinced that my IUD is the cause for all my trouble and pain. It has been debilitating and has kept my husband and I from enjoying activities together since I just want to lay in bed when I’m hurting. After reading this article, I’m convinced that my IUD has been the problem. I would be interested in more research on the connection between IUDs and urinary issues. Have you seen many cases where the bladder was affected by the IUD?
I personally have not but if you want my opinion I’d go with your gut feeling on this. Worse case scenario is you take the IUD out and your bladder issues continue but at least you’ve taken out a possible factor of the equation.
I had an IUD inserted in May. The month of June was fine but in July the week before my period I also exhibited symptoms of a UTI. I used to get them frequently so I am well versed in their symptoms unfortunately. My initial results showed a very high white blood cell count so I was given antibiotics. When the full urinalysis came back I was told that I did not have a UTI. Eventually the symptoms went away (whether from the antibiotics or not I’m not sure). Now I’m coming up on my period again and having the exact same symptoms. I too am concerned it is caused by my IUD and I’m really hoping I’m wrong. If anyone has any information on this, please let me know. I’m scheduling an appointment for another urinalysis now.
Hi doctor,
I have a question, I had the mirena placed 2 months ago and I started losing hair like crazy. Today I went to my doctors to get it removed and I am feeling dizzy, fatigue, tightness in my chest area. Is this normal after getting the mirena removed? Also, will my hair grow back after all my hormones normalize? Thank you so much
That is odd (the feeling post-removal). I’d obviously keep an eye on your symptoms and let your doctor know if they persist. Hopefully your hair does grow back; sometimes there is a need for hormone support for a bit.
I am glad to see there are doctors out there who care enough to write articles like this. I only wish I would’ve read it before I got the Mirena IUD. I never had too many problems with it while it was in (other than some painful cramps and bacterial infections), but when my 5 years were up, getting it removed became a whole other problem. After 3 attempts by three different OBGYNs, not one of them could remove the darn thing! After getting an ultrasound, it was determined that the device was embedded in my uterine wall, which required surgery to have it removed.
It has been two weeks since the surgery, and I am still spotting a dark, thick blood accompanied by the worst cramps I have ever had. At times it feels like I am going into labor. There is an acute pain in the area where the Mirena was lodged (I could feel what area it was stuck in when they were trying to yank it out). It feels like I am being stabbed from within. On top of that, I have severe bloating, and pain in my lower back and pelvis. Headaches, mood swings, horribly tender breasts and anxiety are among the other problems. It is as though I have been in constant PMS mode for the past two weeks. This whole experience is a nightmare!! If only more doctors cared enough to make sure these poisons were never put into our bodies!
I commend you for writing this article, and I am sharing my story with as many women as I can. My doctors made it sound as if these problems were “rare” but through my own research, this does not seem that rare at all. I have not decided on another contraceptive yet because it appears they all have dangerous side-effects and complications. I am not a fan of condoms, but me and my partner are using them now, as the only other option is risking my health and sanity.
Thank you Christina!
I just had Mirena IUD put in. I’m 40 yrs old with two young children since my husband and I waited later in life to have kids. I was told aftery second child which was also my second C-Section that having another child could be life threatening to me. This is why I decided to have the IUD put in. I can’t do birth control pills they make me very sick. The Depro-Vera shot was the worse, lost all sex drive and was moody for a year. I went off all bc for about 6 or 7 years and only used VCF vaginal insert film. I love the film however my husband and I wanted more spontaneity but no more kids. One day after insertion which doc used sonogram to make sure it was inserted properly, I had mild chest pains. This has never happened ever. I’ve never been on any medication for anything, I was a virgin when I got married so Ive only had one partner for 14 years same as my husband. I am very excited about Mirena because the doc really explained it so well and I researched it before and for me seems to be the best option. Now that I’ve read this article after typing in chest pains with Mirena I wonder if I can just do two years then have it removed since I will probably start menopause. I will keep a journal if I have any problems and if I do I will sue the company. After reading this article my concern is the IUD getting attached to my uterus. I literally watched him insert it deep in my uterus or wherever it goes and had no pain no problems no bleeding. I can not get pregnant again and I don’t want to do any kind of charting. I’m a busy mom with two small ones plus I work part-time and a very shall I say (ready at anytime for sex) husband. What other options other than charting do you have for a woman that can’t get pregnant?
Hi Doc
I had the paragard inserted 2 months ago, that first week my bowels changed- I was using the bathroom 4-5 times a day. The next week things were ok but then I started experiencing pain when using the bathroom. For the next three weeks there was blood and pain whenever I used the bathroom. I went to the gasternologist and discovered I had an anal fissure. I have never had issues before, I’m a healthy, active 33 year old. When I’ve asked my obgyn about the correlation between IUD and fissures they say it’s not connected. I am wondering what your thoughts are or if you have any research that supports this. I have a check up app with obgyn in two weeks and am considering having the iud removed. Your thoughts? Thanks
Dr. Gangemi,
What or which do you believe would be the most probable cause of sudden (mysterious) loss of vaginal tone….
(Age 37 and was snug after 2 vaginal deliveries many years ago, until recently)
-having had an episiotomy 19yrs ago
only now causing looseness?
-a recent existence of an ovarian cyst
(3.4 cm dermoid or endometrioma )
-having had 2 iuds over 12 years
Some of the above? or does one stand out as most probable to you. I understand you cannot give an absolute, but I greatly value your thoughts.
(I did have iud removed over a month ago with hopes to relieve the burden and return to normal. Your article basically stated a healthy uterus promotes pelvic muscle tone, yes?
Thanks for replying! ;-)
Well 2 and 3 can both affect your hormones (cysts are due to hormone imbalances) – so either could cause the loss of tone. I wouldn’t think the episiotomy would be an issue.
I had mirena inserted on 15th jan 2015… I have a prolapsed disc in my back and experience sciatic pain as a result. 10 days after the insertion I started having sciatic pain, pain around my hip and groin, numbness in my leg. I assumed this was my disc and did not link it. Over the last few months it has continued, an almost constant severe pain in my right leg, different from the pain I normally have and the pain I can deal with. Doc had put me on pregablin nerve suppressants .. No painkillers help. I am now in constant agony, cannot dress myself and mobility has been severely limited. I am so glad I came across your article as I haven’t been happy since the mirena was inserted and have been bleeding lightly daily since. I am getting it out as soon as I can and hopefully will get back to normal. I cannot believe women across the world are being allowed to have this hideous form of contraception actively promoted to them. I am so happy to have read your article… Thank you !
I have had my mirena removed today.. I will come back and update you on how I am feeling.. I am hoping to be back to normal soon. Fingers crossed!
I got the paragard inserted on a monday, and removed 2 days later on a wednesday. I was Having abdominal pains, low back pains , acne the very next morning, but the worst part was I started having really bad mood swings, depressed, happy, sad, & mad all at the same time. It’s been a week now and acne on my back has gotten extremely worse, and still feel moody. Could this be effects of the copper still in my system? My OB thinks I’m wacko but I know something from the iud had to of set my body off. My OB keeps saying it has nothing to do with the iud. What do you think?
I think you know what I think after reading the article. :)
Hello dr.
I have had my para guard iud for about 3 years. I am 24 years old and at first I never had any problems except for heavy periods. For a year now I have been having excessive wetness. It started of little by little and it has only gotten worse. I have taken medications for yeast infections and nothing seems to work. It has gotten to the point that I have to dry during intercourse because I cannot feel my partner inside of me. I am young and my doctor said it is normal. I am desperate and don’t know what to do. I am thinking of having it removed. Your advice will be appreciated. Thank you.
The info in the article is the best free advice I can give you regardless of the situation.
Halo doctor,
I am an indian. I just read your article and found it very useful. . One year back I had inserted copper t. When it was 9 mnths later, I felt copper t has tripped down. And I met my gynaecologst here. She did scanning and checked and told me . It has tripped down. It is not safe to keep it this way. There ia a chance of vetting pregnant and she got it removed for me and re jntroduced new one. This one is five years one. Now it ia only two months. I feel tht copper os again tripped down. I feel the thread realy low. Sometimes its rritating me when Iam walking. What Iis the problem here doctor?
THANK YOU for this amazing info!
I’ve recently become a HUGE advocate about educating women about what the mirena/IUD may be doing to them. I had the mirena after baby #1 and didn’t “notice” any side effects. And got one after baby #2, well, I was MUCH more in tune with my body by then and after 3 years with it– I FINALLY realized it was the mirena that had caused me
Low/NO libido
Plantar fasciitis
Hip pain
Abdominal inflammation
Tight leg muscles
Lower back pain
Struggle with losing weight–
Dr, maybe I missed it– but could you share more about how the mirena effects weight and why many women put on weight or have a horrible time losing it with the mirena?
I felt like not me with the mirena, I got it removed and immediately the pain left and my lower back was left very weak which within 2 months has been restored. I also did an extensive and natural detox and REALLY helped me balance my hormones, get my cycles regular AND lose 17lbs. I’d love to share more about that Dr. if you’d be interested about talking about it.
Thank you again!
Such an encouraging read. My mother had the essure for 2 years and recently had to have an emergency hysterectomy at 43 years old due to the many health problems it was causing. Since all of her research on the essure, she informed me that the mirena is very similar as far as ingredients and side effects go. Recently after getting the mirena I began to have slight back pain that started just as an aching pain, and over time has started getting progressively worse, and many days I have a hard time getting out of bed because of how badly the shooting pain from back to my leg are. I’m 23 and have always been very active and healthy, so now I am concerned what having this mirena may have affected for my future body and health. I have many questions, especially since I have not had an easy time finding a doctor in my area that is willing to discuss this without making me feel crazy. I have so many questions!!
Hi there. Your article was definitely insightful. But I’m wondering if you have any idea what may be my problem because I can’t seem to find information on it. Let me start off by saying that I’m 30 to and for the past several years my menses would come in regular intervals, but would last 6-8 days and would clot and bleed enough that I’d go through a large tampon AND a pad within 2-4 hours. I’ve even passed out a couple of times. Long story short, I’ve tried almost every treatment their was to help with regularity and emotional stability and nothing worked to the full advantage without terrible side effects. Furthermore, I recently found out that I’m in the stages of perimenapause. That was a blow, but it wasn’t unexpected since my mother and sister went through it early too. So after a long year of thinking about it I decided to get the Mirena IUD due to low levels of progesterone and the high levels of clotting during menstruation. The insertion was brutal. I’m not one to budge because of pain, but it literally made me scream out and was on the verge of passing out. The doctor told me the insertion was more difficult because I’ve never had a vaginal birth and my cervical entrance was off to the side. Also my Vegus nerve must have been triggered because I had every symptom of an IUD insertion. It has now been a little over two weeks and I am still bleeding, although light, having sharp pain and cramps. Other strange symptoms is quick bladder fullness (or at least it feels that way), pain throughout my lower abdomen including the opening of my cervix, wrap around dull pain like kidney problems, and the strangest is that the symptoms seem to be most triggered by laying on my coccyx, or pressure against it, like laying on my back or reclining. Also there looks to be mucus with the vaginal bleeding, which Im not quite sure is normal. The pain has been present since day one. I do notice I’ve been severely depressed, but I can’t say is from the IUD itself, but to say it is the the pain that’s causing me to miss out on opportunities to enjoy myself is likely why I’m depressed. I’ve been popping pain relievers like candy (and I’m not one to really take medication for any type of pain), warm baths, heating pad, light walking, eating healthy, and keeping hydrated. All to no avail. I demanded to see my doctor 5 days ago, and she checked to see if I had any inflammation and checked if she can feel the strings. All of that was fine including being negative for STIs. That day, to be on the safe side, they ran a CBC and did a transvaginal ultrasound. 5 days later I still don’t have the results back and they put me right in as an emergency. Nice to know I’m not such an emergency now. I’ve waited this long, so I’m hopeful is nothing life threatening. Would you say this is relatively normal for someone that hasn’t had childbirth and so on. And if i absolutely have to take it out, do you know of any other alternatives to my preexisting condition? I would really like a second opinion and it doesn’t seem many doctors I talk to want to step on my current doctors toes….so now I’m online. Thank you.
Hi, I really can’t offer individual/personal advice on-line. Happy to set up a phone/Skype consult.
Dear Doctor,
I read this woman’s post and can relate. I’m 47 years old and have never given birth or been pregnant, and up until January of this year, have had regular periods. Early this year I skipped a period followed by a prolonged 10 day long period to a lengthy gap until the next which lasted nearly five weeks progressing to anemia and hemoraging. I was treated with emergency D&C/hysteroscopy and fitted with an IUD (Mirena) to help with heavy bleeding.
By August, I presented again with a longer period and ultrasound showed IUD in correct place but large 4.5cm cysts on both ovary. I was prescribed a Progesterone only birth control pill. I would describe periods after IUD more as a bloody discharge than what I would say was historically a menstrual period for me.
Subsequent ultrasound showed a decrease in cyst size, however, by November bloody discharge was present again leading to a more menstrual like flow lasting two then three weeks. I had seen my gynecologist mid 3ed week (appointment was difficult to get inbetween holidays) andalmost left with a “wait and see” but had ultrasound a week later that showed IUD had move. IUD was removed three days later (appointment setting this time of year is brutal) which would round out week four.
Almost within an hour of removal, the dull lower back pain I had experienced for nearly six months had subsided. Within three days, my period had stopped (it is now three days later and no sign of blood or discharge). I noticed tendons tightening and migraine headaches increasing during the 6 months.
But more disturbing to me was the medical advice given the day of removal, and BTW this is not a pleasant procedure – no local, just yanked out. I was told there is not much more that can be done for my condition hormonally except ablation or hysterectomy. I told my doctor with the year rapidly closing either of those procedures would burden me financially as they fall into a new year on my insurance plan. I asked if where I am physically if my symptoms were life threatening. I was not at all in the bad shape I was prior to D&C so the response was “no”. So I said I wanted to take a break, go home, think and enjoy my week off from work during Christmas/New Year holiday. My period, and in my opinion this latter part of the period is more menstrual than discharge, had stopped as it would normally. My lower back pain I was blaming on an aging mattress has subsided, I have slept straight through the night the last four nights and the spirally bouts of depression have lifted all since the IUD was removed.
I refuse to accept hysterectomy or ablation is the next step. Not once did my doctor ask me if I exercise or eat healthfully. I chatted with a neighbor who suffers from PCOS, and she provided me with her doctor’s contact info. I will be getting a second opinion in the new year and I will be curios to see if my body regulates back to a normal cycle since all of my blood work shows I am not perimenopausal.
I welcome your input and am happy to share more about my year with you.
I had the Mirena without having kids. I had one before and knew what it should feel like to have it inserted. I knew something was wrong. 3 ppl tried and I was in worst pain. Finally they gave up, gave me pills to put me in contractions and told me to come back in few hrs, I did and painfully IUD went in. Within a few wks, I wanted it out due to so much pain. Painful intercourse, to sit, walk you name it. After testing me for everything, IBS etc they finally had to put me under to take it out as it was to painful to come out with me awake. Pain in my back, pelvic, groin persisted after numerous test they tried a partial hysterectomy (I have no kids) still pain. I lost my life cause of this. (forced to retire from military due to not being able to deploy) 10 years later still pain and no one will point to IUD and now they want to try to remove fallopian tubes.
I regret the hysterectomy, it did not fix the pain and I am without answers and children.
Look for other options, make them listen about IUD! I know my pain is still related to IUD, even if I can not prove it.
Hi! Thank you so much for this article!
I have been now thinking for the past few weeks that something is not right. Specially when my last gp visit finished with prescribed anti-depressants… my lord! I’ve never been moody or anxious before! Well , not before my iud being placed.
I have my copper non- hormonal coil now since 2012. Only last year I have started to notice things that felt really not like me. BVs( never had that before) , lower back pains, PMS out of this world!! They seem to last much longer aswell. Like all the time. My Gp said I am depressed. Haha. No way. That’s when I have started to think about the coil and possible side effects. Also what worries me is that my hair didn’t grow. I can see last year pictures and my hair Just did not grow… have appoitment with my doctor this week ( to talk how the anti-depressants work.. well ..They don’t as I am not taking them! ) so I’ll talk to him about this. This is what I was worried for long now. Thank you so much for this article. Finally I have read what my intuition was saying! Hopefully I won’t have to wait long for my removal and everything will go back to normal:)
I am about to have my third iud removed due to constant uti’s. I’ve had them all my life but now they are constant and I want my iud tested. My first iud I had no problems it was a mirena, second was a paraguard and the periods and moods swings almost caused me to kill myself!! I kept it one year before going back to the mirena and now I’ve had it for 2 years! I am where you have been with the back and joint pain! So bad I’m on $800 a month narcotic patches because no dr can figure out what is causing the pain! So I pray that my issues are the same as yours and the joint and back pain goes away along with the uti’s!! Glad you found your problem!!
Hi so I’m 15 and my mom got me put on Paragard a few weeks after I had my daughter. I’ve only been on it for about 20 days but for about 5 days now I’ve been getting sharp pains in my lower abdomen that shoot down my left leg. I’ve had unprotected sex twice with the same partner. Yesterday I noticed brown discharge and my strings seem to have wrapped themselves around my cervix. Do you have an explanation for what could be going on? I have a doctor’s appointment in a few weeks but I can’t wait that long for answers.. Please help
Hi and thank you for this article. I had the paraguard inserted two years ago. It did not go in easily and I felt pressure so I made appt to have it removed. The NP could not remove it so I went back the following day and my gynecologist (the one who placed it) removed it quite easily. It was only in for one week. However, since that time I have had lower left pain all around met hip and groin. (underwear area) I finally had an MRI and it showed that I have a cartilage tear (ace tabular labrum tear). But my pain is not typical for that problem so specialist thinks it could be nerve related. Could the 7 days of having the paraguard have caused this joint pain. Also, could there be a stray piece of copper left inside. If so, what test should I have done to determine that? Thank you. Linda
This is a very insightful article, I’m glad to have come across it.
I’ve had the Mona Lisa Copper IUD inserted two weeks ago and I’ve seemed to develop insomnia. I was just wondering if there is any correlation? Also, I am an athlete preparing for a bodybuilding competition in October, so I do take additional vitamins and supplements (no steroids) and was wondering if the copper being released from the IUD interacts with them, especially the zinc tablet?
Thanks in advance!
if u have a para guard iud inserted is it normal to always rush to the restroom?
I’d say not normal – you should let your MD know.
I have a question I got my mirena removed about 9 to 10 months ago I had it in for 5 yrs an I still have not concived yet. When they removed it the Dr said it has moved further in my cervix. Could that cause me not to get pregnant? What can or should I do. I get my period regularly every month sometimes 2 times a month.
Something to talk to your doctor about!
Did the Dr ever reply to ur comment. .i was I interested in knowing if it causes u not to get pregnant again
Hi dr i am in pain and have the merina in.severe leg pain after 1 month after merina can it really be the cause! Went to er and gynie and both said that it is bizarre pain that they never heard of
Hi Dr G
I got my Mirena device a month ago and the abdominal pain, back pain and weakness (bad at times like now) have been bad. I already have back problems so this exacerbates that problem. Am I feeling this way because my body doesn’t like it? People tell me “it takes time to settle and for the pain to go away”. Does that happen? If I try to hang in there, will the weakness and pain go away? In the past 4-5 days the pain has lessoned but weakness has increased. Still having discharge. My doctor isn’t helping to get down to the bottom of it. I hate to take it out on the sole purpose really of my mom wasting over 800 bucks on this thing, and well, my bad periods will come back with anemia. I also had a fibroid removed the same day as the device (while she was in there). The fibroid was causing extreme blood loss……don’t know what to do. I hope you reply
Hi there, I just came across your site today and I’m 21 and on Thursday and over the weekend I was admitted into ER for continuous vomiting and severe lower abdominal pain. Thursday they treated me for my 2nd “extremely bad uti” and I went back on Saturday for the same pain and vomiting. After a lot of tests and and ultrasounds, they thought it could be appendicitis but they found nothing wrong with my body other than the fact I now have excess fluid in my pelvis. I was wondering if you had any idea what this could be and if my ER trip was caused by my Mona Lisa 5 copper IUD recently put in on April 23rd as emergency contraception.
I had no infections other than BV prior to insertion which was treated and a week later I had my 1st uti which was apparently caused by the horrible procedure I went through (I blacked out on the table twice and remember nothing from that evening!!). I’ve honestly had problems since it was put in, I barely ate or drank anything, I lost quite a bit of weight over a month, I never knew what was going on and my memory was worse than usual, no sex drive when I’m a person who was always in the mood. I had it removed Sunday and I have had no pain in my abdomen or vomiting since but I still have a lot of concern and I’m really curious as to why this happened, I honestly thought I was going to die. Sorry for all the spam, I just wanted to make sure you had all the information so you could possibly give me your best opinion, thanks for your help in advance..
I understand, but having had 7 children (planned but now we’re done), THAT’S hard on the body and preventing another seemed essential. Other forms, as we know, don’t work. IUD’s are effective and we’ve coupled the Skyla with condoms. Please tell me this was not a horrible choice. At least no copper, and it protects against some cancers, I read. No good options, I feel like…
What do you think? And it can be removed…so, if anything goes wrong, at least there is that?
THANK YOU SO MUCH for writing this article!!!!! I am experiencing an IDENTICAL case to the third example you gave of the patient who needed her gallbladder removed!! I had Paraguard inserted about a year ago, and I have had two recent gallbladder attacks about 3 months apart that are straight out of a textbook, but with no stones showing in either ultrasound, my blood tests came back normal and am in the normal range on my HIDA scan (though the very lowest end of the range)!! I have been pretty strictly following a paleo organic diet for a year, so my symptoms just didn’t add up!! I also read your gallbladder article, and while my doctor has referred me to a surgeon, you have definitely prevented me from getting surgery!!! Instead, I am getting my IUD removed immediately and switching to condoms!!! I will also start a strict supplement/nutritional routine to try to correct all the other major hormonal and period-related issues I’m dealing with. If I lived closer to you or had more money I would start seeing you immediately, but since this is not an option for me, would you recommend I get hormone and vitamin testing? Again, THANK YOU for this imperative information…. I can’t express enough how much it means to me, and you deserve a major award of some kind recognizing you for your public service with your articles!!!
Wow and wow you’re a life Saver. I have had my copper IUD for 5yrs but recently had new one put in February because the first one was not in the right place. I Got diagnosed with Hpylori in March, I was having severe nausea everyday. Endoscopy said the HP was gone but I have lymphocytic Gastritis. I am still having all the symptoms. So I had a Hida Scan done and just found out today my Gall Bladder is functioning at 9% with no gallstones. Of course they want to remove it but I will remove my IUD immediately after reading this. Thank you, I would like to set up a Skype appt with you to discuss what I can do to bring the function of my GB back up after my removal of the IUD. Unless you have a recommendation for a doctor in Scottsdale,AZ
Yes – go see this doc: http://www.drnoahlebowitz.com/
Hi I’ve had this pain on my stomach only when I lay on my left or right side of my body, if I lay on it for too long, and roll onto my back, I can feel the pain in the top middle of my stomach like right below the middle of my rib cage, this pain only occurres when I lay on left or right side of body, is this being caused by the iud? Because I had it taken out about two weeks ago, the pain is still there just not as harsh as before , I got an abd ultrasound done, and nothing came up no issues on the ultrasound, pls pls get back to me.
I’m so glad I happened upon this article! I just saw my NP last week and told her about the thigh and pelvic pain I’ve been having for about 6 months now. She asked if I still had the Paragard I had inserted in April 2013 and I said yes. She said it could be linked to that. I was shocked! I would’ve never thought the IUD was causing this. She told me to pay attention with my next cycle and see if the pain worsens during it. Sure thing it did! Crazy. I see my midwife, she inserted it, in a few weeks and I am going to discuss this with her. I am almost 43 and a mom to 6 and I am done having babies but due to my anxiety I’m scared to have my tubes tied. I’m hoping we can figure this all out. I also bleed very heavily while on my cycle. I go through overnight pads the first two days of it. I actually need iron pills because I become anemic from losing so much blood. It’s crazy all that can be linked to the Paragard and IUD’s in general!
Hello, I have had a pain for many years and was told on repeated occasions that it was IBS. I learnt to live with it and take nothing for it. The pain is down my left side from behind my ear to jaw to shoulder to under left bottom rib to groin to the outside of my left leg and into my foot. The worst area for me is under my left rib. Also on the left side of my back near my shoulder blade. I have recently started seeing an acupuncturist who said it was ALL related to my Gallbladder and liver. Today on your site I discovered a link between these symptons and the Merina Coil. I have had the coil in for 15 years, I am just at the end of my third and am scheduled to have it removed in about 2 weeks. My question to you is, Have I done irreparable damage or will things settle down once I have the coil removed.
I look forward to your answer. Thank you……….Fiona
Love your article! I’m 18 and had the Skyla IUD put in about 8 months ago. Since then I’ve had 9 urinary tract infections. Do you think it can be caused by the IUD?
I have tryed to get my removed but my Dr refused to n now I can’t get out of bed I’m having so much pain in my hips n lower back n don’t have medicade or insurance to go to the hospital
What would you recommend in lieu of mirena for someone with the mthfr mutations?
It’s going on a lil over 11 yrs that u hv had my Mirena IUD inserted n me. It was supposed to only be effective 5 yrs, from what i was told..I have 3 children. I’m 33 yrs old. Been with the my husband yrs now n hvnt gotten pregnant..also my last menstrual cycle was 10 yrs 9 mo ago.yhe dr i saw said Since I didn’t hv insurance it would cost me several thousands to get removed. And if u didn’t get it removed it wouldn’t be a big deal but more than likely i w old get pregnant. I’m also wondering if the “expired” IUD in me is causing me to not get pregnant…which my husband n i want so bad. What’s yalls thoughts n opinions in my situation
Becky you need to get it removed if it is “expired” or you are trying to get pregnant. Getting pregnant with it still in your uterus would be very dangerous to you and the baby. From the Mirena website “There are also risks if you become pregnant while using Mirena and the pregnancy is in the uterus. Severe infection, miscarriage, premature delivery and even death can occur with pregnancies that continue with an intrauterine device (IUD). Because of this, your healthcare provider may try to remove Mirena, even though removing it may cause a miscarriage. If Mirena cannot be removed, talk with your healthcare provider about the benefits and risks of continuing the pregnancy.” Also, removal is done in a simple doctor’s office visit most of the time so it shouldn’t cost anywhere near a thousand dollars.
I’ve had my kid for 4 years and progessively worsening body pain for almost 4 years. I have an appt to see remove iud(mirena) this coming Thursday.
You said a patient’s body pain went away after one treatment? What was the treatment. I’ve seen doctors reletedly over years and no one ever mentioned my iud could be the cause.
Would love some input…
Iud, not kid
Thank you so much for this article! I just had a vaginal ulltrasound today because of pain in the lowet right pelvic area that’s been constant for about a month. While the radiologist has not yet viewed the images, the tech said she saw nothing out of the ordinary ecxept maybe that my mirena iud was oddly positioned. She was quick to say that they dont usually move 3 years after placement. But my pain began during my recent menstruation and has persisted and it feels like there is something something thst doesnt belong. Interestingly i also have bad side snd hip and back pain on the opposite side and mt PT says the soaz on the side i have pain is weak. Could this be an iudissue? Is there a doc you can recommend in oregon? I dont have an obgyn, just a family doc so am feeling overwhelmed and want to educate myself. Ive had cervical dysplasia over 25 yrs ago and had issues with the copper iud and heavy bleeding with that iud and without any hormones. Thanks so much. Melissa
I read your article and I was really intrigued. I was actually looking up symptoms that I’ve been having since I had the IUD inserted and qhat it could mean. I’ve had horrible cramping with sharp stabbing pains and I have seen my doc since having it inserted and she seems to think its muscular and not exactly related to the mirena but a side effect of all the trauma i have experienced in that area. They did my womanly examine and a biopsy of my endometrium because i have been diagnosed with PCOS and had gone 2 years without releasing my lining they found pre cancer and are wanting me too keep the IUD to keep my lining thin to keep me from getting cancer. But now i am in pain all the time. I dont know what to do so frustrated with the whole situation. Since I first started having problems i of not having periods i went from 160 pound to 230 in three months, losing head hair, fighting facial hair, elevated testosterone levels, elevated insulin levels, and constantly tired. I have had docs tell me to get everything removed or take metformin and it will eventually fix the problem it never worked i am only 24 and want to have kids at some point desperate for help or advice don’t know what else to do feel as though i am losing everything completely hopeless. Please help.
Stephanie, I am heartbroken for you.
I was diagnosed at age 41 with endometrial hyperplasia (uterine pre cancer) which was cleared with progesterone. It was then recommended that I get the Mirena IUD to protect me from cancer: Either that or hysterectomy.
The Mirena actually fixed several long standing problems with mood swings, heavy periods and migraines, from 2 hours after being put in. It was a Godsend. That was in 2010.
I had it replaced after 3 years because my gym had had a couple women who presented with recurring pre cancer after the 3 year mark, so I’m on my second one.
Flash forward to today. I have had a right hip problem and weak lower back for weeks. I have known since it started that there was some correlation to the IUD.
So the question for you and I is how to keep the pre cancer at bay without the direct application of progestin end to the uterus? I know I will have to have mine taken out too… But the only thing scarier that the symptoms it’s presenting is cancer!
Good luck to you and let me know how it goes.
I’m 43 and due to have an IUD fitted next month.About 7 years ago I started to suffer very very heavy periods (after my 3rd child and being on and off the pill for the last 20 yrs) and my iron got so low I had to have a blood transfusion about 3 years ago. I have been put on different “pills” again to try and control the bleeding which it has but have suffered other side affects such as migraines etc etc.So I was now considering an alternative to the pill and was advised to have a coil fitted. After reading your article I really don’t want to have a coil fitted or be on the pill but I can’t go back to heavy periods either.
Is there any other alternative???
Many thanks,
I have the Paragurd for 9 yrs and o been experiencing problems my recent one has been that I’ve had veey heavy periods and sometimes very light and the modt recent one had been a that i had a very prolonged period for 3weeks and with much pain in the abdominal and my lower back. Didn’t think it could of been my IUD until i read this article. I will definitely go and check on it witj my Dr. One Dr told me it could of been a miscarriage but ireally doubt it. What do you think?
I have the Paragurd for 9 yrs and I been experiencing problems my recent one has been that I’ve had veey heavy periods and sometimes very light and the most recent one has been that i had a very prolonged period for 3 weeks and with much pain in the abdominal and my lower back. Didn’t think it could of been my IUD until i read this article. I will definitely go and check on it with my Dr. One Dr. told me it could of been a miscarriage but ireally doubt it. What do you think?
Thank you for this article!!! I had the Mirena IUD for 3.5 years. For the first 6 months, I cramped and spotted constantly – the cramps were interfering with my job to the point that I made an appointment to have it removed, but then cancelled as my doctor urged me to “give it time” and I was terrified of other hormone-heavy birth control options. After 6 months the cramping and spotting subsided and I enjoyed 2 years of no periods and relatively few side effects aside from decreased libido and pain in certain positions during intercourse. A few months shy of 3 years with the Mirena my periods began to come back – much lighter than my normal cycle, but with a day or two a month of bright red bleeding that I hadn’t had for nearly 3 years. Around the same time, I began experiencing hair loss. It was an overall thinning, that came out in HANDFULLS in the shower. I went to my doctor and suggested something was wrong with the IUD/hormones and I was treated like a hysterical hypochondriac and told that, if anything, the IUD would cause excess hair growth – not loss. I left the clinic crestfallen & humiliated. The hair loss slowed, so I didn’t think anything more of it. That winter, I got my first bad cold virus in years (we live on a hobby farm, raise all our own food and are extremely healthy) and was bedridden for a week, my throat so sore and swollen I could hardly swallow water (neg. for strep). I didn’t make the connection between my IUD and my immune system being compromised. Then, last month, I began spotting for a month straight, had strong pregnancy symptoms (took two preg tests at home and one @ the hospital, all negative), bouts of acne, swollen genitals to the point that it was uncomfortable to walk and felt like I had a partially inserted tampon falling out, I had dizzy spells where I could barely function all day because the room was spinning, racing heart, low-grade fever – I called my doctor to set up an appointment to get the IUD removed, and was put on the schedule TWO MONTHS out. There was no way I was waiting that long, ended up going to the ER and insisting they remove it. It was perfectly in place and they found no infection or cysts – but ALL of my symptoms (including low libido) resolved within 48 hours of the removal, my skin cleared up, and (aside from some anxiety over birth control, as I know fertility awareness isn’t reliable when coming off synthetic hormonal methods and my husband isn’t used to condoms after all this time and has trouble keeping an erection with one on – although he understands and has been encouraging me to let my body heal and resume a natural cycle) I feel great!!!
Thank you very much for such a great post and for sharing your experiences. Well, here is my story. I have to say that I got the Mirena removed 4 days ago, after being on it for about 4 months. While I’m sharing my experience ,my left hip pain is really bad and I don’t know if it is related to the IUD as well, but my coxis area hurts like crazy and at the same time I feel that zone kind of numb. The reasons why I got Mirena removed… Body and joint pain, horrible headaches, really bad back pain, anxiety, panick attacks, fatigue and depression. I can be seated for hours in my sofa without moving even a finger. Mood changes, I can be happy now and in matter of seconds become upset with no reason and lose my temper. Have the sensation like someone is tickling me .. It feels horrible … It all started after I had Mirena inserted. The second week after insertion, my left part of the body hurt a lot ( left side of my head, left arm , left hip and leg … ) I thought that I was having a heart attack or a stroke .. Fortunetely, it went away in a couple of days, but then I started feeling like if my skin were burned. After that came the body aches and joint pain. My OBGYN told me that everything could be caused by something else, but I asked him to take it out, and he did. Now , I’m waiting to go back to normal.. I went to see my PCP and had some X-rays and blood tests done too, in order to rule out any possible Arthritis, but honestly, I believe Mirena has caused all these bad effects. Thanks again for sharing.
I just made an appointment for iud…husband refuses to wear condoms so what can I do? I cant chart my cycle because I am breastfeeding. Currently i use spermacide and he pulls out…not the best but its hormone free. I have read thay pulling out is nearly effective as condoms…thoughts? Anyway the iud looks like what I have to resort too or a tubal….however iud can be reversed so that is what I opted to.
Thanks for writing this, this does need to be brought to womens’ attention.
I experienced some slightly increased cramping when I first got my copper iud, then things seemed to settle down (almost 2 yrs ago). But about 6-8 months ago they began to increase, until last month they were as bad as the back-pains I got when I went into labor. Took my iud out last week, a few days before my period. Since I didn’t cramp up, my period managed to take my by surprise, but the real test will be next month when I ovulate again. We’ll see, but I wouldn’t be surprised if that pain is much less.
The doctor who removed it said though she hasn’t seen any official stats listing unbelievable, continuous/increasing cramps as a side-effect, she’s seen a lot of women in with that problem. I fully believe her.
Hi. I have always been a very healthy person, BMI of 19, exercise, etc. I am currently 41 years old and after my third child i decided to put the Paraguard. I have had it in for 5 years and have been experiencing all sorts of body pain particularly back and upper abdominal pain, joint pains and slight headaches. Over the past two years they have been progressively been getting worse. I’m so grateful that i stumbled across your article as i was searching for an answer since i have always had a hunch that it had something to do with the IUD. Due to all this pain I went to the doctor and they found several gall stones in my gall bladder and recommended removal. I don’t believe in removing any part of my body as i feel everything has a purpose and i bever take medicine unless absolutely necessary or life threatening. I will be calling my OBGYN for removal of IUD ASAP. My question is how can i find out if i have copper toxicity and how can i cleanse my body from it if i do. Also can you recommend a holistic doctor in Miami, FL?
Hello Dr,
Does this affect muscle building? I am trying to build muscle and I am not sure if the IUD will get in the way
It’ll often affect how muscles function as I mention in the article.
I myself have developed Dyspahgia (inability to swallow solids) as a result of the Mirena. I know this because exactly 4 weeks after I had the Mirena inserted I couldnt swallow. Also started having severe anxiety and panic attacks. I have been in the ER 4 times for pelvic pain even after having the Mirena removed to find out I have reoccuring PID! Doctors kept shoving antibiotics down my throat but none of them have helped. I decided to have tubes tied in hoped they would find the cause of my pain during surgery. Only thing they found was I have a prolapsed uterus. My struggle is ongoing and I hope this story helps someone else.
This is a wonderful website. I stsrted having thyroid issues enlarged thyroid and went to hypothyroid. I had to take a lot of medications for the issue it and it didnt help. I’ve been having muscle weakness and body aches shap bone pain. I felt like an old lady. I had to go to the emergency room they couldn’t figure nothing out then. I started looking at copper iud toxity on the internet. Just started making sense. I then made an appointment with my gynecologist and she removed it. Right after that I started to feel better! It’s crazy how something so small can make you feel so terrible.
Hi I had my Mirena IUD for four days, I told my doctor I did not want to have it. My mom over ruled me even though I am 18. I begged my doctor not to because I was in pain the month before. I was switching from depro, she did it anyway. Well anyway I passed out during the insertion, could not drive home. I have been having problems ever since. I called my doctor and she refuses to remove it until it has been at least 8 months. Any idea what to do?
Find a new doctor!
I have found this article to be particularly helpful. I had the Mirena removed two weeks ago after having it for almost 3 years. I started noticing increasing stiffness and pain, especially in my hips and lower back. Since having the Mirena removed, my hip pain has subsided somewhat. However, I’m noticing increased joint pain that I never had before removal. For example, my fingers, toes, and heels are particularly sensitive and sore. What is the likelihood that this is some sort of reaction to removing the Mirena? Also, what are your suggestions on getting back to some sort of normalcy post Mirena? Thanks so much for your time.
Hi I was happy with my mirena for 4 years then had it removed as it was nearing it’s 5th anniversary. For months afterwards and still recurring ive been near debilitated with hip and back pain. The only thing that helped noticeably was a high dose EFA supplement and hot baths.
I am so glad to hear I am not the only one with issues. I had a copper cool fitted 2.5 years ago when I was healthy, 3 months later I had developed hypothyroidism so severe that my levels were not measurable. I suffered contant bleeding and pain for about 9 months and now have got used to 1 week of bleeding between heavy periods and spotting often including after sex. I get cramps a lot and it radiates up and down my body. Is it just a consistence or is this the coil? I have been bleeding non stop again for the past week (between period)
such a well written article. I just had my mirena removed…I was wondering if you heard of any patients developing psoriasis? I never had it before and about five months after my IUD it formed
Foreign devices in the body and hormonal influences can have such dramatic effects on your body. So in my opinion just about any condition can occur if you appreciate how all body systems interact with one another.
Hello I was just wondering if mirena causes the gallbladder issues you mentioned
It can.
Two things:
1) I switched to the copper IUD from BC because I had some crazy things happen on BC (intermittent loss of sight in one eye, painful orgasms, dizziness). I went to a neurologist and confirmed nothing was neurological based and even had a CAT scan. I think if I had continued using BC I might have turned into one of the rare cases where women have died from using it.
But, your article is serving to add another vote against the IUDs as well. I found out a month after having my IUD removed that I’m ‘a carrier’ of the type of HPV that can cause cancer. I had my IUD (of ~4 years) removed by this doctor because I was also experiencing urinary incontinence (and I’ve never had a baby and I’m 33 – 32 at the time) and sexual discomfort (I felt like my cervix – and moreover the hard IUD – was getting painfully bombarded during sex). (I’m not sure if/how urinary incontinence and an IUD could be related.)
I think it is a good idea to note that my doctor is against IUDs – and any foreign type of birth control like you – and said she thought that my copper IUD (ie the irritation causing copper around/near my cervical os) was most likely contributing to the cellular dysplasia which would have increased my changes of having dysplastic cells and moreover, increased my chances of these cells turning cancerous. If I had any idea I had HPV before, and that irritation caused by higher copper levels could cause an increased risk of cancer, I would never have gotten a copper implant.
2) I have heard that using any type of BC can cause permanent reduction in sex drive. Since starting BC after college (I was not sexually active before), I have noticed a steep decline in my libido. Is this something you believe to be true with BC and IUDs, and do you believe that going for alternative therapies would potentially help my libido to return or at least increase? If so, what are these types of things you’d suggest looking into for myself and ask about?
Thank you
Since I last posted on here 7 months ago I see you have had several similar replies. After2 years on and off with the Mirena coil and ended up with severe joint pain preventing me from doing most of my usual activities; I was very fit and active and ran, swim and cycled regularly. Side effects were severe SI joint pain, plantar fasciitis, skin allergies, neck pain and by dec last year I struggled to put my feet on the ground every morning when I woke.
After seeing all these articles I thought should post some good news. 7 months post removal I have noticed a gradual improvement. Almost so slowly I didn’t notice it. I woke up one day to realise almost every symptom has disappeared and I am back running and swimming and cycling….so of course my mental health has improved too!! I feel my old self again. Just incredible. Here in the UK this report will go to the MHRA, our governing body for licensing of all meds. But there really is little out there in the way of published information on these side effects, and yet so many women seem to suffer with these problems. Many thanks for your article ?
Thank you so much doctor for your article. It answered so many questions.I had paraguard IUD 2008. My nightmare started 4 months ago. Saw specialist after specialist . Test after test . Therapy after therapy. My chiropractor doctor is the one who started giving insight that it is something in my pelvis causing my back, hip, sciatica issue . I changed doctors. I saw new oby/ gynae yesterday. He first plan was to remove IUD. I kind of got confused, since MRI and U.S. Said it was in right place. I have great insight after reading your article . Thank you so much, for giving hope to women like me.
Hi. I’ve just found this article and you are the one doctor I’ve heard all this from which I think I agree with. I had copper coil fitted in may this year which is only few months ago as other hormonal forms of contraception don’t agree with me so was willing to give it a go after giving birth to my son in February. I get an unnerving feeling something is not right, always have a pressure on lower abdomen like heavy period is going to start along with cramps and backache but comes to nothing, have had to period last 2 months! Have also been left with a consistent discharge that isn’t normal but all tests say everything is fine for infection and such like. Also feel very low and lethargic just not my usual happy self. If you have any ideas or advice I’d really appreciate it. Thanks
OK I’m in a position where hormonal birth control is not an option and neither is surgery due to health reasons. I reluctantly had the copper IUD fitted with good intention of having safe effective birth control although after reading this article I’m convinced my seemingly side effect free is going to kill me…I was almost convinced after 4 years of absolute hell on depo provera and a slew of related complications I made a sound choice with the flexi t copper IUD…is it really gunna be the end of me?
I have a post earlier that my doctor suggested to remove PARAGARD IUD. I had it removed on Monday. I cannot believe that my symptoms have greatly improved within just a few days, after suffering for several months. I no longer have the pelvic/back pain, pressure in my pelvis as if I was in labor, leg numbness, and I am able to sleep on my left side. I am feeling like myself again.
Ladies never give up on yourself, there is aways something behind any pain.
Thank again Dr Gangeni, for researching and publishing the article on IUD.
Thank you so so so much! I made an appointment tomorrow to have this mirena removed. I was happy with it for the first 4 months then I began having shoulder and neck spasms to where I was unable to move. I have had major depression, which is not normal at all for myself. I have had continuous bleeding and abdominal pain.
I knew the only thing that had changed in my life was this implant and I have done so much research because I was not about to argue with doctors or go through months of tests and be on muscle relaxers or any other RX’s they would try and put me on. I have a career and I am a single mom. Your post saved me a lot of time and money and I am so excited to get this out of my body. Thank you again for your time in posting this.
Thank you so much for your aticle. I had my iud put in 4 years ago after my first child. Since then, I’ve had month long cramps on my lower right side along with mild knee pain. I was convinced that these aches and pain were stemming from the IUD but the 3 obgyn’s that ive seen have juat brushed it off. I thank you once again. I have an appointment scheduled for next week to get it removed.
Dr. Gangemi,
I just had my Skyla IUD removed today. I only had it for 9 days before I ended up going to an emergency room to have it removed. Quick background, I am 28, married and monogamous and chose the IUD for help with extremely painful periods associated with endometriosis (I did not get it for pregnancy prevention even though I don’t wish to become pregnant) and according to my doctor, a severe excess of prostaglandin they can’t seem to control with medicine (such as Ponstel) so my cramps and pain is absolutely excruciating and debilitating, I’ve lost my ability to work more than extremely part time and it’s ruined my life so my doctor said I’d need an IUD or the “mini pil” and wanted me to try the IUD first.
I have not taken hormonal birth control in 10 years prior to this because my body never agreed with it and I prefer a more natural approach (I track fertility and use condoms) and I’ve never been pregnant.
In 9 days since IUD insertion I’ve experienced: cramps almost worse than my period which brought me to the ground and even given strong pain medication could not help. Extreme low back pain, I could barely walk, nausea, hair loss, horrifying panic attacks, depression, urinating 4-6 times an hour, migraines, exhaustion, and so on. I cannot believe in only 9 days this all happened.
Immediately after removal I felt better. Like a weight had been lifted. Still in pain now though not as much. I am SURE I could feel the horrid thing for the whole 9 days. They assured me that’s impossible but I always had a deep, warm poking feeling in my uterus and it was checked twice with ultrasound to be perfectly in place so even with perfect placement I am living proof you CAN feel that there is something bad inside you.
Now my doctor says if I ever want relief from the horrible periods, I need to go on the pill since I can’t (and won’t!) use the IUD.
They will only give me the mini pill due to family history of blood clots.
But the doctor also said I must be very sensitive to progestin since the IUD also had hormonal side effects and not just pain side effects. So if I’m so sensitive to progestin how can I use the mini pill??! Or any pill??!
I’ve tried so many herbal supplements. I tried massage and that didn’t help. Now from the pain I lost my ability to work full time so we have limited income and I can’t afford to get acupuncture, or more massage, or see a naturopath now since my insurance only covers traditional western medicine.
I’m lost and I don’t know how to get relief while still preserving my fertility for the future. I don’t want a hysterectomy. I don’t know if I should just take the stupid mini pill or try something else.
Your article indicates you know how to help women without having to use hormonal birth control so I wonder if you have any suggestions I should ask my doctor about.
I’m so glad I got my Skyla out. And by the way, they refused to remove it until I lied and said I was considering harming myself if I could not get it removed (they told me threat of harm to myself or from the device was the only way they’d remove it). I’m outraged I was not given the option to have something dangerous removed from MY body that was causing me harm without resorting to lies about self harming. More needs to be done about educating women about the true horrors of these devices. And how unwilling some clinics are to remove them once in place. (My doctor surely would have, though, but was on vacation).
I never even want to SEE an IUD again. But I do somehow need relief from my pain.
Thank you.
Hi, since having the mirena put in i have been experiencing an overload of fleshy bumps, they are not sore its just simply they are there, some resemble skin tags as they become more raised. others look like little raised bumps. There is a fair amount of them. However, they are remaining flesh colored. has this occurred often with the mirena? I have not had a change in sexual partners so I’m certain it’s related to the mirena.
Thanks for this article, I have a question for you and I hope you can get back to me, I had the mirena IUD for three years and I the last year I experience severe headaches, back pain, joint paint, plantar fascitis, Last week I had a severe back pain and ended in the emergency clinic, there they remove my IUD as I requested, my lower back pain is still there but I am taking pain killers, now they give me the pill, but I am not sure if I want to take it, I wish my body can heal, I am 40 and a mother of two, who is feeling very dipressed and not sure what to do. Please any advise. Thank you
I need help… I had my mirena put in in early March of 2015. About a month later, I completely lost my sex drive and started getting really bad pain in my hip. I ignored it thinking maybe it was a late reaction from giving birth in January. In June I finally talked to my doctor about it and she said it’s normal so I ignored it again. I went back two more times because the pain got worse and worse but they kept sending me home. Its November now, I still have no sex drive. When I do have sex it hurts… like he’s stabbing my iud further into my uterus. My pain is EXTREMELY worse. My hip starts hurting and then it feels like the nerves shoot down my leg and my lower back starts hurting. Should I go back to the doctor and just have them remove my iud?
I just had a copper IUD implanted 4 weeks ago. This week, I have severe pain in my left upper abdomen; this pain is intermittent and has been going on for four days now. Last summer I had C. Diff after jaw surgery. I just recently had a bone graft and was on antibiotics. I went to the ER yesterday, because I thought I had C. Diff again. I woke up with stabbing pain in my left side (10/10) and was nauseous. They didn’t do a CT of my abdomen at the ER and said that the antibiotics I was on were likely causing my stomach to be upset. I guess I will make an appointment with my gyno.
Hi thankyou for this. I have had constant pelvic/abdominal pain and lower back pain for 3 weeks. I have had the mirena coil in for 3 years now. You think it could be this? Dr is sending me for blood tests and scans but i dont know if i can wait that long. I need it out you think?
I have recently had a constant UTI. I have been tested for STD’s by cervical swab and urine twice each, and blood once. All were negative. I wound up in the ER Friday night due to extreme pressure in my ovaries and a lot of thin white discharge without anything more than a metallic smell. After doing some googling (which I hate because I always wind up with so much more than I actually have) I think this is all due to my copper IUD. I experience pain during ovulation each month, severe cramping during my period, really bad acne (which I never had before) and pain in some positions during intercourse. I always contributed this to my husband being on the larger size. My insides along my pubic bone itch SO bad I have bruised myself scratching. It is not constant but when it happens the scratching does nothing because the itching is internal. But after reading so many of my symptoms, I am convinced all of it is due to IUD. My doctor asks me year after year about my IUD. He asks if I am having any problems and I always tell him no. I never realized they were connected. He knows I have the recurrent UTI’s 4 or more each year. He always says my urine is clean though. After going to the ER this weekend, they found several cysts on my cervix and basically made me feel dirty until they see my STD tests came back negative as I told them I had just been tested 2 weeks prior. They determined that my issues could be from my Paragard. I have had hair loss but never though much of it because I have EXTREMELY thick hair. I am concerned because although I do not have an STI I do have some sort of infection that is in my blood. They gave me an antibiotic shot and said to contact my doctor to have IUD removed and be treated. I have no idea what this infection is. I hope my doctor will know where to go. I know this is issue is causing irreversible damage to my kidneys and I am also concerned about PID. They didn’t mention this at the ER. They did a vaginal ultrasound and said nothing more than I had developed cervical cysts. I just had my annual pap 3 weeks ago also. I have only occasional pain in my abdomen which I attributed to ovulation pains. I am scheduled to have my IUD removed tomorrow and am hoping it is safe to do it before my doctor figures out what the infection is. Since the ER visit I also now have severe itching in and around my vaginal area. I guess this could be a yeast infection due to the antibiotic shot.
After removal how long should it take for me to feel better?
Is it possible all this could suddenly come on so strong after 5 years?
Hey Dr Gangemi,
I read this article and found it very interesting. My primary doctor decided she no longer would prescribe me birth control (I was on the patch) and told me to find a gynecologist (I’d recently moved and didn’t have one yet) I found a gynecologist and when I went to see her she refused to prescribe me the patch because she said it causes blood clots and suggested an IUD instead. Since I always forget to take pills and not wanting kids yet (just got married) I opted for the Paraguard since I’m working with a hormone doctor for other issues and she did not want me adding any hormones to my body.
The first week 1/2 on Paraguard I was bleeding and had discomfort, then 2-3 days pain and free of bleeding followed by 5 days of extreme cramping. i went back to the gynecologist who checked the IUD and said it was fine and in the perfect position even though two days prior the strings were so long I thought they were about to come out.
It’s been two weeks since that appointment and for the last two days I’ve been feeling a very uncomfortable pain in my lower/left side. It hurts to even push to go #2.
I have found a new gynecologist closer to me and I also wanted a second opinion but the appointment isn’t until Sept 28. I’m not sure if I should be worried about this pain as it’s not severe but definitely uncomfortable.
I was hoping this would be a good form of birth control as it’s easy to maintain (at least it appeared that way) and we don’t plan on kids for at least another 1-2 years.
Hey Doc!
Thank you for this article! I hope that you are still replying. I have had paraguard for the past 2.5 years. Ever since insertion I have had extra long periods. Horrible cramps. And have been to the E.R for horrible lower stomach pains that would leave me doubled over to only to be told the x-rays and blood work were all fine. The most recent events that are concerning me are the panic attacks that seem to come out of no where. My doc wants to take antidepressants but I haven’t done so yet. I always believed these panic attacks are being caused by my IUD, but my Doc says they are not related. I’m a healthy 25 year old with no medical conditions. Any thoughts?
I had have my copper IUD for 6 years from now. The first 7-8 months I had intermittent bleedings and cramps. Slowly during all these years I developed pelvis and left hip pain, I suspect that it’s because of the IUD. There are some days that I can’t perform simple movements or body bendings. Yet, in general I’m healthy woman who exercise regularly. I’m going to remove my IUD, despite that it was very comfortable not to think about my cycle or undesired pregnancies. I hope, I can reverse that damage that have been done to my body.
Hello! Thanks to your website I’ve realized that my chronic gallbladder problems are probably caused or worsened by my Mirena IUD. I’ve been looking into barrier contraceptives, and I was wondering if you had any thoughts about cervical caps? I’ve been looking into Femcap and Contragel Green (since in my experience, nonoxynol-9 is pretty nasty). I’d appreciate any imput.
I had the Mirena inserted in 2011 and over a year later I had it removed due to right hip pain. I went to the doctor several times over the hip. We tried pills, patches, etc. I went to PT and to a chiropractor. When the PT said I should go to a PT that specializes in women’s issues that it rang a bell. I removed it and within a month I was fine. Fast forward 2015 I tried the Mirena again at my doctor’s suggestions. I told myself the hip pain was a coincidence. 6 months later the hip pain is back! Coincidence?!
My sister decided to try the IUD, per my advice, and she suffered from extreme discomfort, bleeding and pain until she finally went to the emergency and begged them to remove it. I stumbled upon your site because I was interested in how many other women suffered like her. if it was at all common which based on the comments seems to be the case.
After giving birth to my son I tried three varieties of the pill before I realized it just wasn’t for me. It all made me extremely nauseated and overall fatigued. My GYN suggested an IUD and I thought, “why not?,” so in went Mirena. I don’t know if their is any correlation between the Mirena and a chemical imbalance, but previously I had suffered from depression and bipolar disorder, also severe migraines, all of which were enhanced after childbirth. I was on a lot of different medications for pain, mood stabilizers and anxiety. I felt I had nothing to lose and had no interest in more children at the time. It has been 6 years and though I still suffer from mental disorder, I am better able to manage it. Before the IUD I would get migraines monthly, lasting for days or weeks, now it’s a rarity. After getting one IUD removed and another put in, I still feel great. I havn’t had a period in six years. I spot every now and then, inconsistently. After a rough delivery I lost a mass amount of blood, leaving me with an iron deficiency, today my iron levels are normal. I get occasional pelvic pain but not bad enough to affect my ADL’s. It’s unfortunate that I never see any IUD success stories, I feel like I’m in the minority here. I guess the real test will be in the future when I decide if or when I’d like to have another child, getting it removed and conceiving. Even if that were the case, I still plan on using Mirena. It’s been wonderful to me. I will be linking this page to my sister so she can compare and find out what went wrong and maybe find some alternatives. I respect a Doctor who uses their knowledge and platform to bring awareness to what they’re passionate about. My current GYN used mirena for a few years before she and her husband decided to try for a child and she got pregnant within 2 months. All women are different and our bodies respond to things differently. If the cons truely do exceed the pros when it comes to the IUD, then I hope they will find ways to improve it sooner than later because it has the potential to improve your quality of life!
As helpful as the Mirena was, I have not suffered a migraine since removing mine. I was having them two to three times a week. Just not worth it.
This has been a very helpful article in so many ways.
As I suffered from deppression for three years, and as a result I’m being treated for hypothyroidism.
And currently having a knee pain.
Would this copper IUD be so terrible, if inserted to someone that hasn’t been pregnant ever?
How to know if the cramps are normal or not?
I came across your site as I was researching possible links between seasonal allergies and dairy cravings and have been devouring article after article ever since – so thank you for sharing medical information so clearly here!
I had a copper IUD inserted 6 years ago. At the time my father had been diagnosed with colon (and lung) cancer, which I disclosed to my doctors. I had been having libido issues on the pill and decided to try the IUD after almost a year of other failed birth control experiments. 6 months after having the IUD inserted, I started to experience sharp and debilitating lower abdominal pain. My doctor said there “couldn’t” be a link between my pain and the device. I told the doctor that my sister was severely allergic to most metals, particularly nickel and copper. Could I be allergic too, I asked? I was told that while it was possible, it was highly unlikely since I had been asymptomatic to date.
I thought it was strange that I had never experienced significant stomach pain (outside of the flu) before and all of a sudden there it was. At age 26 I had a colonoscopy (all clear) and before they could run down the litany of tests, I insisted that the weapon of mass birth control be removed. I have never had that kind of acute pain again.
I’ve warned any inquiring friends to be careful. Thank you for giving me evidence that it might not all be in my head!
I’m scheduled to have a tubal ligation and nova sure ablation on Tuesday, and having the Mirena IUD removed. I’ve been reading a lot, and I’m pretty convinced I will be canceling my appointment tomorrow. I swear the hormones from the IUD have affected me negatively in so many ways. I want it out! I have never done well with the hormones in the pill etc. I’ve always had heavy periods too. Is there some reason I can’t have the ablation and get the paraguard instead of the mirena? I need the birth control without side effects and the ablation for the heavy bleeding in my cycle. Thank you!
Help me! I had my paragaurd iud since my last child was born 2.5 years ago with no know side effects so i thought. In late August i had my period and everything about it was weird from the blood color to cramping to length but most concerning was a burning/cold feeling that started on my pelvic bone on left side. I bleed for 2 weeks before i stopped and with that the left groin area still burned and i had some right side liver area pain for a day on and off along with weird discharge. Another 1.5 weeks went by and my burning was now going down my left hip flexor and getting worse so i went in and saw an anrp? She did a vaginal check and said my strings were normal length and my pee was neg but she went ahead hesitate and ordered and ultrasound. It showed i had a cyst on left ovary and my iud was dislodged to the right. She had me come back 2 days later to see a midwife to take it out. She pulled and yanked and after changing tools and im in tears the string broke off! She told me i had to go to a obgyn in another town 40 mins away to have removed. I went that afternoon and was give ibprophin and 4 shots in my vagina for pain before she literally ripped it out after numerous attemps and almost giving up. I was so close to passing out i didnt know what was happening to me. I did catch a look at my iud and it was so cocered in pink fresh tissue it was unrecognizable. She started me on an antibiotic and said i should be fine to return to workout in the morning. That was so not the case. 2 days later my whole pelvic bone and both hip flexors clear down to my knees are not on fire but cold at the same time. I feel like i have the flu but no temp. My pelvis feel numb like someone eubbed icy hot on me and has a fan blowing! Nerve?? I went back to midwife and she took blood which was neg and looked at my discharge under a scope. She ended up giving me antibiotics a shot and another rx for more on top of the ones i was already started on. She said call friday either way to see how i am. Friday came and i feel worse. The only thing iv noticed is the pain is the leadt when i wake up but im in tears by the evening. She ordered a soft tissue ctscan of my pelvis that came back negative! Im suppose to rest this weekendand call monday but its Saturday and im in tears already. Anyone else have anything like this? Help me!! Im only 31 and have 3 babies to chase around and at this point i cant even wear underwear let alone let my husband touch me :(
Hi Dr. Gangemi,
Thanks for publishing this article, I never could really believe that the copper IUD is so harmless as they say.
I´ve had two Paraguards fall out, the first after 2 years and the second after five months. While I had the 2nd IUD I had lots of pain and really long periods and also sharp pains while I didnt have my period that I had never felt before.
Its 3 months now since that IUD fell out and now I am not on any form of birthcontrol. However, my periods have become really iregular, the last two ones were more than two weeks late, and the one before that was also late. (I havent been late for the last 3 years so this is very strange for me)
Is it possible that this is caused by a change in hormones because of the lack of copper or is it possible that the IUD caused some more serious issues that are complicating my period?
Hi Dr. Gangemi,
Thanks for publishing this article, I never could really believe that the copper IUD is so harmless as they say.
I´ve had two Paraguards fall out, the first after 2 years and the second after five months. While I had the 2nd IUD I had lots of pain and really long periods and also sharp pains while I didnt have my period that I had never felt before.
Its 3 months now since that IUD fell out and now I am not on any form of birthcontrol. However, my periods have become really iregular, the last two ones were more than two weeks late, and the one before that was also late. (I havent been late for the last 3 years so this is very strange for me)
Is it possible that this is caused by a change in hormones because of the lack of copper or is it possible that the IUD caused some more serious issues that are complicating my period?
Thank you
How long do you estimate a body to bounce back after removal of paragard? I only had it for about 8 months and removed it due to severe cramping. Now the cramping is gone but I am feeling more emotional and slightly anxious without reason. Its weird.. no hormones?? I think not lol. I’m hoping it passes quickly.
I came upon your website and article while researching if the Mirena can cause issues with Connective Tissue Disorders – mainly Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome 3 (hypermobile). I had it inserted in May 2015, to help control adenomyosis and was fine until August when I continually bled the whole month ranging from spotting to flow. My OBGYN prescribed Estrogen patch to help stop bleeding but I had terrible side effects to the estrogen. I have also had problems with my GI tract (history of Ulcerative Colitis). I take probiotics.
Just wondering if you have any research knowledge of connection to connective tissue disorders and using a Mirena.
Thank you for your time!
I found this to be really interesting.
I wish I had found this article when doing research before having the copper t inserted. I now suffer from constant bleeding, increased pelvic and back pain to the point where I can barely walk at times and palpitations.
I am definitely going to have it removed TODAY.
Thank you so much for this article.
Thank you so much for writing this article, I received the Paragard about 1.5 years ago. I had the Mirena first and too hormonal for me. I was just at the doctors today to try and find out why I am mysteriously having achiness/pain from my hips and down my legs, its prominent in my hip/uterus area. It started in August this year and has been reoccurring every two weeks. At first I thought I had the flu but became really worried when there were no other flu symptoms with it and it reoccurred 2 more times now. My husband had mentioned to me a few months ago that he thought my menstrual cycle was coming more often than normal, I didn’t think so but also was not tracking it except for thinking to myself “I’m pretty sure it came this time last month”. As I started to put the timeline together of when the achiness/pain was happening (we took a couple trips so time line was clear) I was able to see it was all occurring either before or after I had a menstrual cycle as well I identified my cycle was now 21 days apart instead of 30 like it had been for the past 8 years. I also started this past week having pain when lying on my stomach, the same pain I remember feeling when I had the IUD inserted, I could feel it pushing inside. the paid went away as the doctor said it would as the Paragard is supposed to get softer the longer it is there. With all this coming to light and reading your article I will now make an appointment with my OBGYN, I now have somewhere to start.
Thank you again for the wonderful post.
Hello, I had my Mirena Iud removed exactly 30 days ago and I have had problems with GI tract, loss of appetite, loose bowels diaherra, clay colored stools, left side pelvic pain went to ER three times and left hip pain now my dr thinks it’s my gallbladder….. I am having it checked in two days. Any advise? I think I need to sue or get some advise the dr will just refer me to have it removed if that’s the problem. I don’t wantbto make another dumb decision like I did when getting the Mirena put in. Thank you for this article!!
Dear Dr,
Thank youso much for this article!iloce your site. Had the iud inserted 2012 and just this year Ive had a numberif issues. It wasnt until August 2015 that my hips started to hurt and its gotten worse. I would get shooting pain in diff places and hip pain Would radiate to back and knee along with pelvic cramping. I had it removed last Sept 17. Hip pain went away then returned 3 days ago. I am now getting an mri along with blood tests cbc, thyroid, ana, esr etc. Will seeing a chiropractor help? What is the best approach? What detox can i buy? What chiropractic therapies work? I live in the Philippines. So far from you? hope to get a reply. I want to schedule a skype consult too after i get lab results.
I have been experiencing erythromelalgia and raynauds at the same time my feet and hands are red and burning very painful at times or they r purple and cold. Completely impacting my daily life. When I elevate my hands and feet the red/burning pain goes away, my feet return to normal color when I walk. I had normal blood tests all normal, went to see a vascular dr. all normal but only tested me laying down(standing and sitting is when my symptoms act up. Next is the neurologist to test for MS. Then my husband told me he thought it was my mirena. Then I found all this info and got it removed today. I just want to know if and how long I will have these symptoms if the mirena is the cause of all this
Hi Jenn –
I was wondering how your recovery has been? I’ve been having muscle pain, stiffness in my neck, nerve pain, and dizziness – all signs of MS or Lupus. I’ve only had the Mirena for two months! Ive been to the ER twice for shortness of breath as well. I am having it taken out today. I am hoping that I have a full and speedy recovery!!
Thank you for a very well written and informative article! In my work with teaching the Justisse Method of Fertility Awareness (FAM), I often get questions about the safety af the copper IUD as an alternative to synthetic hormones.
Though I must say that your explanation of natural birth control or FAM is misleading. The Rhythm Method consist of counting days and should never be confused with the symptothermal method (checking for cervical mucus, temperature, Cephalad shift and other signs of fertility). The symptothermal method (STM) is a fantastically safe method of birth control (see for example Frank-Herrmann, Heil et.al study from 2007) when correctly taught and used, while the Rhythm Method is a very unsafe method of birth control.
When a woman might experience stress or illness that alter her days of fertility the Rhythm Method will fail while STM will not – since STM rely on the directly observed signs of fertility and not on counted number of days.
Thank you for what I perceive as a great work in the area of women’s health!
Siri Kalla, HRHP
im perplexed because my hip and SI joint pain started just shortly after having my Mirena removed! I was doing great with it in. And they are often effective for way more than 5 years. (Mine was still doing a great job controlling heavy periods after 12 years. My doctor just thought it was time to remove it and see where I’m at (I’m 49).) I’m probably getting another one because my bleeding is still crazy heavy without it.
Thank you. I am having the Mirena removed tomorrow because of horrible hip, leg, and low back pain, and also mood swings and palpitations, dry eyes, etc., no doubt caused by the progesterone.
I was prescribed the Mirena to shrink my uterine fibroids. Could you recommend what sort of doctor to see to find alternatives to a hysterectomy? They have also mentioned ablation and other lovely options, but I am so confused and need to actually speak to a practitioner who won’t just prescribe progesterone (which EVERY naturopath seems to want to do.)
Thank you!
Did you have any luck trying to find an alternative? I had mine placed for both excessive bleeding and uterine pre-cancer, so it’s pretty critical that I find an alternative. Having the same back and hip pain others describe, so going to have it out as soon as I find a viable alternative.
Why is there nothing happening legally? I have just wasted 3 years of my life living on nSaids, visiting a physiatrist almost monthly, and basically unable to live my life. My gyn at the time (4 years ago) recommended the Mirena due to heavy bleeding which was causing iron deficiency. Within 6 months I noticed pain in my right groin area. An x-ray and ultrasound showed nothing. The Mirena was situated correctly. All of a sudden I had severe Sciatica down my right leg. Over the course of 3 years I tried accupuncture, cupping, Chiropractor, Physical Therapy, medications, 2 injections into my low back, Prednisone packs…..nothing alleviated the pain. My husband and I planned a once in a lifetime trip to Europe and I could hardly walk. He was ready to cancel the trip. I researched sciatica on the internet and stumbled across some IUD discussions, where women were saying they felt their IUD was the cause of their sciatica. I went immediately to the ER and said I wanted it out. Even if it didn’t help my pain, the peace of mind was worth it. I was crying because I was in so much pain and had been for so long. That was in June. Three weeks ago (end of September) I woke up and the sciatica was GONE! For the first time in over 3 years, I had no pain. I cried tears of joy. After reading your article, I’m angry. Had I known that sciatica was a side effect of the IUD when I first got it, I could have had it removed 3 years ago and not lived in so much pain. I’ve gained 40 pounds just because I couldn’t be active, now I get to try and lose it. Why is nothing being done?????
So I have always been skeptical about birth control and do not like putting anything in my body that isn’t natural. Once I got in a relationship my partner refused to do anything without either the pill or hormonal method that would be more reliable. I gave it a shot and tried 2 different kinds of pills and felt terrible. I had headaches, mood swings, cravings, etc. I decided to stop and went months without any method and sex. justa month ago I got the mirena inserted. I wanted to stear clear of any hormones but my dr insisted this be my best option. Anyways, my skin broke out and I seem to be more moody, and have lower sex drive(hard to say if this is the cause). Besides those I am more paranoid about the lasting effects. I have only been on it for a month and but just don’t like the idea of having it and would like some alternatives or guidance. If you have any thoughts or tips regarding the mirena or if i should just get it taken out please share!
So I have always been skeptical about birth control and do not like putting anything in my body that isn’t natural. Once I got in a relationship my partner refused to do anything without either the pill or hormonal method that would be more reliable. I gave it a shot and tried 2 different kinds of pills and felt terrible. I had headaches, mood swings, cravings, etc. I decided to stop and went months without any method and sex. justa month ago I got the mirena inserted. I wanted to stear clear of any hormones but my dr insisted this be my best option. Anyways, my skin broke out and I seem to be more moody, and have lower sex drive(hard to say if this is the cause). Besides those I am more paranoid about the lasting effects. I have only been on it for a month and but just don’t like the idea of having it and would like some alternatives or guidance. If you have any thoughts or tips regarding the mirena or if i should just get it taken out please share!
Dr. Gangemi,
I had a copper IUD 38 years ago and got pregnant with Julie, my daughter whom you treat as your patient. I didn’t think to tell you or her, but I got pregnant with the IUD implanted, and the gyne had to remove it.
When Julie was 7 years old, we realized she had an auditory processing disorder, and a chiropractor tested her hair and found high levels of copper. I never put the two together, but sounds like this could be related. You have successfully treated Julie for her severe hormonal problems over the years. I will have to tell her about your article and my summations. Really appreciate your article, and always research any health issues on your website FIRST!
Thank you,
I had my mirena in for about 6 1/2 years. Just had it removed a few days ago. I have been experiencing horrible lower back pain for years but of course never associated it with the IUD. I will be paying very close attention in the next week or so to see if my back pain gets better. I am also being treated for hirsutism which came about several years ago. My testosterone levels are higher than normal but have had numerous test and ultrasounds done and everything comes back good. Drs do not know what is causing the high testosterone. I start PT in a few weeks for the back pain but hopefully I will be better before then.(If it is my IUD). Thank you for writing this article. It’s very informative.
Thank you for this post! It really got Me thinking about what my IUD is actually doing to my body. Like so many, I have had unexplained symptoms. I’m curious if you have ever seen unexplained flu like symptoms (without fever) related to the IUD and/or difficulty with body temperature regulation. Thanks so very much for your time!
Yes – I’ve had women complain of that before.
My Mirena perforated and was found on my bowel. It may have been lost up to 3 years. It took 2 surgeries to remove, leaving behind scar tissue that later affected my pregnancy. I had placenta accreta, and had to be rushed to the OR for emergency surgery 30 minutes after my daughter was born. My placenta had become stuck into the scar tissue. Now I have adenomyosis, which isn’t treatable except by hysterectomy. I was also diagnosed with full on osteoporisis at age 35, and I think Mirena is to blame since fake progesterone (as in depo provera) is known to cause bone loss. I also almost lost my daughter in early pregnancy due to low progesterone, since my body no longer made it in sufficient quantities after Mirena. The Mirena is a terrible drug for many women.
I am 36 and had a baby 4.5 months ago and Paraguard was inserted about 3 months ago. I have stuck out the unmanageable heavy bleeding (which I have never had before) and saw a more normal cycle last month. I have a history of manageable lower back and paraformus pain but this month it has changed to a pain so sharp my knees go out from under me and I can’t even bend over. How much time would you say there typically is between the insertion of the IUD and back pain?
I am a 35 year old woman who just had her second Mirena placed in July after having the old one for 5 years. Since the end of July. I began having pain in my legs and has recently got as bad as I can barely walk at times. It is much worse at night and takes me nearly 2 minutes to gets out of bed. My lower back pain has increased as well and I have severe swelling in my (imo). I have even began having muscle twitching though I found that a benzo will stop them. I take that for my anxiety which brings me to my mood swings and feeling like I am going crazy. My fiancé and I fight to the point we are almost breaking up. Today though I went to a hormone/internal medicine doctor who his first words were I can’t treat you because you have an IUD. And that all of these issues are related to it. I must immediately have it removed. And after showing him my swollen legs he noticed the right being bigger than leg so ordered imaging to ensure there is not a clot. Tonight I found you article and it just confirmed his diagnosis. I am in shock that there you don’t hear about this via news or even from the doctor inserting it. I have seen several doctors who have not made the link. This is just debilitating and I feel like an old lady and have even contiplated taking my life to end the amount of pain. Thank you for this article. It gives me hope that removing this will begin to enjoy life again and be the mother and fiancé I was. My family has suffered right along with me.
Hello! I am a 24 year old woman, just had a baby the 23rd of July and 8 weeks PP I got the Mirena IUD. My husband and I thought it would be the easiest, most effective and at the time “cheaper” BC because I was getting gov. assistance. I am 6.1ft tall and have had back problems before, but ever since I had the baby and seems to be, ever since I got the IUD, I’ve had some issues. Back pain, knee pain, and now recently abdominal discomfort. I feel as though I am bloated like when I am PMSing but with discomfort. Also irratability, mood swings, anxiety some… and I can’t pin point if it’s from being a stay at home mom with a 3 month old and having PP depression or Iud side effects. I’m going to follow up with my doc. as well. I wasn’t able to handle the extra hormones from the pill before I got married…. made me bipolar and iritable all the time. We stopped it and used condomes… well 4 months later we found out we were pregnant.
So long story short after chiropractic visit to rule out some back pain, I’m thinking it’s probably a good idea to get rid of the IUD. I would rather use other methods of BC than deal with this every day fatigued achiness. Thank you for the article!! :)
I’m 25 years old and have had the copper IUD for over a year now. I have seen already 3 doctors but really am trying to avoid removing it as I have already gotten pregnant once on bc and this so far I haven’t. However, as months go by, I’m getting in more pain. I have abdominal pain in my lower right side that leads down to my right leg. It feels like an extreme growing pain/aches and sometimes is extuciating. Nothing gives it relief. Not lying down, walking, sitting. I noticed that when I’m in pain- I bleed after. So generally the pain comes 2-3 days bf my period and then sometimes in between my period. First dr suggested I had endometriosis but before I was going to have surgery I went to see another OB, who said it’s probably from the IUD and the pain is related to bleeding and therefore prescribed me the pill to stop the bleeding which so far hasn’t worked. I finally went to my last dr- pcp- and he sent me for a thorough ultra sound. They told me the IUD is in place but I have to wait for the results to go to my regular dr. I am currently waiting for that. I just want to make sure that it is in fact IUD related? And not something else- i don’t really trust many birth controls and this so far has worked ? But at what cost?
Hi Dr. Gangemi,
Do you recommend any doctors in the Eugene Oregon area? Since having my Paraguard inserted in December of 2014 I have began to have nausea and UTI symptoms (needing to urinate frequently/constant feeling of need to urinate but without pain or fever) each month surrounding my period. I have also felt weakened core muscles and excess stomach body fat. My pelvic muscles also seem more loose. I contributed all these factors to having had 4 kids (the last was October 2014 right before my IUD). I find it interesting that the symptoms may actually be from the IUD instead. Strongly considering its removal and hoping the symptoms will clear up. Are these symptoms (weakened core and pelvic muscles, frequent urination, some nausea) normal in your practice for a women NOT on an IUD but who has had 4 or more children?
Thank you for your time.
I had my Mirena inserted 2.5 weeks ago. I was instructed to do so by my doctor because I have a Endometriosis and irregular periods and pain. The insertion was more painful then any contractions or miscarriage I’ve experienced. I’m 33 and have always had “female” issues. I’ve begged for a hysterectomy but I’ve been a guinnie pig instead… Depolupren to induce menopause for a year, this didn’t help, the pill makes me sick and the patch gave me heart palpitations. I’m in constant pain since the procedure and can’t find my strings bc I’m too swollen to examine. I am bleeding and getting shortness of breath whenever I try to do my normal activities. My doctor was reluctant to see me this Friday and said my issues are NORMAL. Needless to say I demanded he see me. I’m tired of feeling broken!! I know my body and its disheartening to have someone that should have your well being their first priority, just blow you off. I appreciate your article. I lost my mom at 19 , she was only 44 with cancer. Even with the family history in not being taken seriously. I have 3 kids that rely on me and I can’t me the mom they need if I feel like this.
I was searching for your thoughts on IT band issues and this comes up, who knew my IUD could be causing my hip weakness and pain. I have been thinking of removing my Mirena to let my body be more natural but am hesitant. The reason I had it placed was to reduce debilitating migraines that accompanied my menstrual cycle. Do you have thoughts on this?
I too had this problem. My Paraguard IUD came out once and misplaced twice in the times I have used it in the last 11 years. Last year, I was having frequent hives and my blood pressure was through the roof. I also had frequent bouts with BV. I went through a series of allergy tests and everything trying to find the root cause of my ill feelings and doctors found nothing. I just recently got it removed and I feel a 98% difference overall. My bp is normal, without meds, I have no hives! No more lower back pain! No vaginal issues, no strong urine, nada! I dont know if I am speaking too soon but so far I am happy!
I kept on asking my doctors if my IUD could be the issue and they all was telling me no.
Thanks for confirming issues with the IUD!!
I wont go into my experience with the paraguard- but i had one for 6 years. 2 years out now and still struggling. Anyway. The point of my post is mentioning an alternative BC. The FemCap with contra gel. Its a cervical cap you can leave in for up to 72 hrs and the contra gel is a natural, lactic acid based spermacide. You can order both online from the UK. Or probably on amazon.
Hi Dr. Gangemi,
Thank you so much for this article. I currently have the IUD Paraguard it been almost 2 years. And it has been the worst cramps, heavier menstrual cycle (very heavy), fatigue, vomiting and just constantly sick. And now come to find out my Gallbladder is swollen and might need to be removed. This article has open my eyes to see exactly whats wrong with me. Since I been complaining to have the IUD removed but my doctor insist is safe and the problems I have is not coming from the IUD. Once again thanks for writing this article.
Hi, I just had my paragaurd removed. I had it in for two years and during my second year I started having major dizzy spells and feeling so faint, shaky, weak, completely depleted. And I eat very well, but it seemed like my blood sugar was just going crazy and like everything was out of whack. I also gained close to fifteen pounds throughout the year which is a huge amount of weight for me. I had my adrenals tested and sure enough my cortisol is low, among other things in my blood test, which my practitioner assumes is all caused by the adrenals being taxed. I also have inflammation. I was really strong and healthy before, I only suffered from low iron but this went way out of control. After doing lots of research I finally felt that I had to take the iud out. I am feeling a little better, I am not supplements and herbs and watching my diet carefully so I hope my dizzy spells will soon come to an end and that I will be strong enough to make it through the day. I didn’t get my blood checked for copper or zinc, wondering if I still should…
WROTE A BIG COMMENT BUT WEBSITE ERROR GRR…… Basically wanted to say thank you so much for writing this. https://www.change.org/p/susan-ley-minister-for-health-michaelia-cash-minister-for-women-erin-brochovich-major-investigation-into-mirena-contraceptive-and-bayer-manufacture-Australia
Australia needs more doctors like you xo
Thanks Jodie. I’ll be in Sydney in Feb –
I’m in severe pain but do not want to go to my hospital because they are terrible. I think the iud needs taken out or I’m having something else going out. I’m having extreme cramping, lower back pain, and huge pain in my tailbone area. In comes in contractions and is getting worse. Both my legs went completely numb tonight from the pain. I just had my second laproscopy done on nov 10th.
Dear Dr Gangemi,
Thank you very much for this highly informative article.
I wonder if you would give me some advice on my situation. I recently stopped taking the pill after having tried 3 different ones and experienced consistent hormonal imbalance-related issues over the course of the past 2 years: mainly breakouts and acne, which I had never had before in my life and actually started disappearing within a week of getting off the pill, as well as irregular bleeding and loss of libido.
I got a Multiload copper IUD put in a few weeks ago as an alternative: my fiance and I have been in a long distance relationship for a couple of months for professional reasons, and will be in that situation for a little while, so I really want a method that is effective 100% of the time, since we do not necessarily get to see each other on the “safe” days of my cycle and not being able to reconnect in that way whenever we get to see each other would add tremendously to the difficulties of our situation.
(I also tend to get reactions from condoms, so they are not a very viable option for me.)
But to tell you the truth, I am fairly nervous at the idea of carrying a foreign body inside of me all the time. I am very health-conscious, I make most of my personal care and cleaning products myself and eat very clean, and it seems counterintuitive for me to be resorting to something so unnatural.
I should also mention that I am an opera singer and that I need my pelvic floor and muscles to be very healthy and reactive at all times, as well as my back and breathing apparatus. A lot of my singer friends do have IUDs in and don’t experience problems with singing, but I still wonder.
I have to say however, I am at a loss as to whether it is possible to find an efficient and safer option. Do you think the IUB could be a slightly better method? The copper-related risks would be the same I guess, but its shape might put less strain on the muscles and maybe prevent certain risks, such as perforation or the device lodging itself in the uterine wall?
Or is there a pill that you would consider safer than others?
In advance, thank you so much for your repsonse. I currently reside in Amsterdam and have no idea who I could go to about this, as GPs here are pretty careless about those sorts of things.
Excellent Information. I had the mirena for 5 years, just removed 8 days ago. I started doing research as I have had excessive bleeding since the removal, which my doctor failed to tell me. I can not believe all of the problems I have had over the past 5 years being described by all these other women on this site. The thought never entered my mind they were related to my IUD. I chalked it up to aging.I am 53. I have gained 30 lbs, never had weight problems before. Recurrent UTI’s, increase in migraines, hip pain, hair loss. Just had bloodwork done and was told my iron levels are high. I am assuming due to decreased periods. I am very angry that my doctor suggested this form of birth control. I trusted him.
I had a cooper IUD inserted last Tuesday and honestly speaking since that day my life has taken the worst turn. I feel extremely bloated(like 5mnths) pregnant, constipation, intense lower abdominal pains,throbbing headaches that wont go away even after taking buscopan (three times a day) I do not have a history of headaches. I am sick of swallowing painkiller after another to no avail. my hip bone hurts, cant sleep at night just because of this small gadget? I am having it removed in the next two days. Cant live such a frustrated life.
YOU my good man- are not only a GOOD man you are a SAINT- thank you for caring about and for women. I’d also like to thank your mother and your wife.
Dear Dr Gangemi
I am a South African medical doctor currently doing some research on an article I am writing about Tubal Ligation and why O&Gs are so afraid of doing them in young women with no children or young women period. You are so correct in saying that doctors advocate the use of IUDs. The responses from MDs about sterilization in the young and childless are the same: ‘why not an IUD?’
As a student we had a case of a young lady having 3 lap scopes to remove an IUD when she wanted to get pregnant. The IUD had eroded into her abdomen and could not be located. After every lap scope she would have to have imaging done and the IUD moved again. Finally she had a laparotomy and they found it.
Although I only have a few years experience, I have simply realised that I would not recommend something that I personally won’t use. My husband and I are both doctors, and we only use condoms because the risks of IUDs and hormonal contraception are just too great for me.
I want to thank you for being so honest and not being afraid to say something when so many doctors believe otherwise.
Thank you Dr. Maggie! Best to you!
Dr. Gangemi,
Thank you for posting this article. Based on my OBGYN recommendation, I decided to get Mirena IUD in Feb of this year. My periods got frequent and random. So I decided to remove it in July. However in May I started having lower back pains – especially at nights when I am immobile. My lower back and pelvic would get extremely stiff and it would take few minutes in the morning to walk straight and get rid of the pain. During the day I was fine for the most part. I also have spondylolisthesis, of course, all attention has been on that. However, I have not had any of these symptoms before and I am 47. I have been doing PT for two months now, had an MRI to rule out anything else and finally now in December I am beginning to feel better. I removed my IUD in July. Does it make sense to you that it is taking this long for my lower back to get better? And as you described in your article, the pain has been in the gluteus muscles as well as weaker core. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do to improve my symptoms – its getting better very slowly. Thank you!
I had a copper iud (gynefix) inserted jan 2014 and immediately experienced low back pain, i throught dr. had perforated my uterus i could barely walk the next day. i went for a check and was given antibiotics and told this normal, and it did get better but i was left with on/off left buttock pain and lower abdominal pain. then my knee started to ache and hurt, it feels like the joint, my left leg feels “tight” always and i have a lower abdominal pain like a “stich” as some women mention. I started to feel all these symptoms intermittently but then they became a daily thing. I had an abdominal ultrasound and pelvic a well as internal, was told all was ok, blood tests and urine are normal. It feels like my ovary on the left is constantly aching and i do feel the stick, low left side back pain, flank pain, knee pain and tight leg. My doc told me to remove IUD and I did a week ago, but the symptoms persist. Next I am getting an abdominal CT scan. I hope its all because of the IUD and it will go away but I also worry it could be something more serious so i will probably get the ct scan to make sure. All problems started after IUD and I had it in for a total of 23 months. I would have had it out earlier too, but the insertion was so terrible and painful (I almost passed out) that I was petrified to go get it taken out as i thought i would pass out. luckily removal was much easier. Sharing, because i will never consider and IUD again.
Hi Dr. Gangemi,
I went in on Dec. 11, 2015 and had the Mirena placed at the recommendation of the doct because of heavy periods and severe cramps. I have never had children. I do have several autoimmune disorders. I went back on Dec. 17 the pain had not subsided but gotten worse along with side pain and sweating, severe gas I’ve never had before, and bloating. I was told it was placed correctly after an ultra sound and it was something else. This last weekend dec 2015 the pain still had not stopped and became unbarable. I can tolerate pain well because of my autoimmunes. The urgent care said I could wait till today- monday. I went to the ER. They removed it. I have an infection and the said my uterus lining was irritated. Today they did an ultrasound. My turns is fine, said I have a cyst and that is why my side by my ribs still severely hurts they said. When they removed the iud- I had instant relief minus a little pain still. My question after all of this is I’m still gasey and so very bloated. I can’t lay or sit down I’m very uncomfortable- will that go away. I apologize for this being winded…
Hi I had a IUD Copper T for 10 years and I think I have Copper Toxicity. But I am having issues getting a diagnose from any doctor. Can you recommend a Dr in Georgia? Also if a Dr diagnose a person with Copper Toxicity isn’t this a law suit against Paragard?
It’s hard to diagnose copper toxicity as it might not show up in a blood test. Since it’s also a mineral your body needs and is present in foods and water, it would also be hard to determine (or prove) where high amounts came from.
Dr. Gangemi,
Thank you SO very much for writing this article. I have had joint pain, particularly in my hip joints for the past 3 years. I am 24 years old. However, within the past year the pain, inflammation, and stiffness began to spread to my knees. The hip pain (which was more like a very deep ache inside my hip joint) began a few months after I had my paraguard IUD placed. I never made the connection until I read your article. I was a very, very active person before the pain became too intense. I had to cease almost any physical activity where I used my legs, including running, lifting, hiking… even walking began to be painful. There was so much inflammation in my hips that I had to be very, very careful how and where i slept or sat. All surfaces had to be very padded, or else the pain would increase greatly. The doctor thought I had arthritis, and placed me on a perscription anti-inflammatory. It helped tremendously but after an x-ray and MRI there saw no signs of arthritis, and no cause for my pain. I went to three different physical therapists to see if they could help, but it did very little if anything to ease the inflammation.
After reading your article two weeks ago i IMMEDIATELY had my IUD taken out. Having it removed was my last hope, and the only thing I feel I haven’t tried. Since I had it removed I still have aches and pains, particularly in my leg muslces throughout my thighs and glutes, but the inflammation seems to have disappeared almost immediately, and the pain is reduced drastically!!! I am SO HAPPY to say I have not had to take a pain medicine in 2 WEEKS!!!!! I haven’t been pain free for more than a day at a time. It rained all this week here in Ohio, and that usually makes my hips ache terribly, but i’m so thrilled to say they haven’t ached AT ALL!!!
I do have some muscle pain, but it’s not severe (maybe 3/10) and it improves with rest. Why do you think this is? The muscle ache is new and kind of feels how muscles feel after you’ve worked out a lot, although I haven’t been working out because I want to take things slowly and make sure my hips are OK for exercise. I do walk a lot, about 3 miles a day at work.
I pray every day that the IUD was the cause for my issues, and now that it is removed I will be finally healed and better. I’m trying not to let the residual muscle pains in my legs and knees get me down. Could my body just be adjusting to no longer having the IUD??
Thank you again so, so much. You will never understand how thankful I am that you shared this information. It has changed my life and I am truly forever thankful.
Great to hear; thanks for sharing your story. Sometimes certain anti-inflammatory foods can be of help (fish oils, turmeric, ginger – to name a few), or you might benefit from some bodywork therapy now from a massage therapist. Hard to say but sounds like you’re on the right path now.
My daughter is in the hospital with complains of lower back pain, right side pain, right hip pain and running down upper thigh. So painful it’s like a muscle spams. With all the test they can’t find anything but her pain is off the charts. She 24 years old. She had the IUD for 2 years now, but I just had the doctor to remove today. I just had that mother feeling. What medicine should they give to treat her with this pain. I know it’s coming from the IUD. ???
Dr. G,
Thank you for this! I had my mirena placed 9 months ago. Immediately, I had numbness for weeks along my right sartorius muscle. The doc thought it was weird and couldn’t explain it. A few months later, I started having intense vaginal itching daily. And that nuisance hasn’t stopped the past 4 months. I was diagnosed with a yeast infection at one point, which I’ve never had in my life. I’m 34 years old, and have had 2 C-sections.
Last night, I got random nerve and skin pain underneath my left buttock and has not resolved. It hurts to sit on a cold toilet seat! I’ve had thoughts of getting it removed, as I’ve always felt like my body is almost rejecting it. I’ve never had all these crazy symptoms, and the itching is truly getting in the way of my life! What do you think?
My girlfriend has an abnormally high CA125. She just had a follow up and the result was even higher than the first test. She also has a recurring breast infection. After the high CA125 she has had a mammography, endoscopy, MRI..and still they haven’t found the problem. I also might add that she produced milk that was green in color until about a year ago.
My question is, can her IUD contribute to the high CA 125 and recurring breast infection?
She is 38 years old and has had an IUD since her last childbirth 12 years ago (2nd IUD now).
I think anything like that is possible but of course impossible for me to say or comment specifically.
Hi I had the iud for almost three years the mirena..haven’t bled really ever since the first six months. Anyway the last three weeks I’ve been spotting like crazy than a few days ago I think I caught a yeast infection. Which I bought otc medication for. Well me and my husband had intercourse and ususally I have problems with being dry and well it was really wet. Anyways yea it was lots and lots of bright red blood… And now after I’ve been laying here and my hips thighs backside hurt like crazy. Is that normal…
I have a copper IUD right now for a week. I have pain in my lower part of body and my right knee hurts more. I read this article only after insertion and now I am thinking about removal of IUD.
However, I am afraid to take hormones because they change my mood a lot. It happened last time when I was taking pills.
Are there any others types which are safe but not so risky for health? Or pills are better anyway compared to IUD?
Thank you
Dear Dr Gangemi,
I have had my iud copper in for 18 YEARS…please can you tell me the dangers of having it for so long? I also believe I have two coils in because of an scan I had years ago for tummy problems which showed two black images which they has advised was an iud device but did nothing about. I now 18 years on m experiencing very heavy black tarry smelly discharge, continually bleeding throughout most of the month, lower back discomfort, pelvic discomfort with stabbing pains on the left hand side and continual bloating with my tummy always feeling full and discomfort when doing a motion. Am I in trouble? I would be utterly grateful for your opinion. Please help.
I have the Paraguard IUD, and have for about 4 years now. Before that I used the Depo shot for a few years, but they found DCIS and I was told no more hormones. That is why I went to the Paraguard.
It seems that ever since I have had the IUD or shortly after, I started getting pain in the lower left side of my pelvis. They blamed Ovarian Cycts (which I had never had before either). Just recently this pain has started getting more intense and intercourse is more painful than enjoyable now. My OBGYN has recommended I remove the IUD. Which I am definitely doing after reading this article. But to take it a step further, I am having my Fallopian Tubes removed. (The complete removal is said the lower the risk of Ovarian cancer since recent studies believe that is where most Ovarian cancers start). I am 35, have 3 kids, and do not plan to have any more children. What are the negatives you have seen with Tubal ligations and the such?
Great article! I have had the following issues that I feel are linked to Mirena.
-sporadic spotting
-inability to lose weight
-swollen glands & neck pain
-swollen nasal turbinates
– low labido
-extreme fatigue
I had my IUD removed today and am hoping many if not all of these issues are resolved by the removal.
My doctor removed the IUD, no questions asked.
Do you have any thoughts on IUD use for controlling Endometriosis? My gyno insisted it was the ONLY way to control it.
That has to do most often with adrenal gland health and sufficient progesterone levels along with proper estrogen detoxification.
Dr. Gangemi,
I know this is an older article, but is there any evidence of long term copper toxicity, adrenal fatigue, T4 to T3 conversion as a result of past Paragurd use? Mine was removed 3 years ago. I have recently suffered 2 miscarriage. One at 5 weeks and one at 7 weeks. I also exhibit many other symptoms. Anxiety, acne, extreme fatigue etc. My TSH is on the low end of normal. T4 is middle of normal, T3 is very bottom of normal, barely in range.
Thank you,
Hello! While doing some research (googling) trying to figure out what this new pain I’m experiencing may be cause by I came across your article. I had an IUD (Mirena) for four years then had it switched out with a new one, same appointment removed and inserted a new Mirena. That was 8 months ago. Just recently I’ve been experiencing a sharp and sudden pain shoot from the left side of my uterus up into my lower left breast. Normally the abdominal pain I’d brush off, but because it’s hurting near my heart I’m a bit concerned. Have you seen, or heard of something similar? And I’m guessing you would agree I should probably go have it looked at? Any information or guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Hi – could you explain further the link between sacroiliac joints and TMJ. I have a damaged sacroiliac joint (due to falling down the stairs on my back ) and TMJ problems on the same side. In what way could these be related?
Hello. I too have a long story about two different iud’s, but I’ll try to keep it short(er).
I had the paragard for 7 years and had it removed a few years ago. I began a new relationship recently and needed a new birth control option, since the copper was too painful.
I decided to try the new Lileta iud, of which I am surprised with myself for making that decision, since everything I experienced with Paragard was horrible.
I got the Lileta and the initial few weeks were far worse than the paragard. My abdomen felt bloated and I had constant debilitating pain. I had to take strong pain killers for two weeks straight. I had an exam because i was getting worried that something might be wrong and the obgyn just told me that the first month can be rough and that I should wait it out.
The pain got a little better but just a couple of days ago it seemed to have shifted. It started feeling more like a pinch or a stab, which became unbearable with urination or bowel movements. Then, i almost passed out in the shower. I went in to see the doc again and he was perplexed. He tested for a pelvic infection and gave me a pregnancy test but both were negative. I had the Lileta removed that day, which was just yesterday.
I immediately felt a little better because I couldn’t feel it inside me anymore. I even feel less depressed today, which could just be the peace of mind, since I’m sure it takes a while for the hormones to leave the body. Today I still have been getting on and off sudden pains in my abdomen.
So much for keeping this short. My question is, why would the IUD give me stabbing pains when going to the bathroom? The obgyn didn’t know. And if I’m still having that a little, could that mean I was damaged during insertion? I only had it in for a little less than a month.
Lastly, I had intercourse the day after insertion because I felt fine. Could that have caused the problems? What about yoga? I had done yoga the day before the pain shifted from being crampy to stabby.
Should I be worried that there might be a tear in my uterus?
Thank you so much for the info!
I was wondering if you ever came across of anyone saying they experienced tingling or numbness in hands and feet?
I’d like to add my story to the chorus. This article has been so helpful, infuriating, and cathartic all at once. I had an IUD placed by a doctor who I hadn’t met prior to that day. She was not gentle in the slightest, she was fast and it hurt… horribly. The stabbing pain came and went, but was so bad it would shoot down my left leg and cause me to catch my breath. I called the advice nurse a week later very concerned it was lodged in my uterus lining, set an appointment, but when I saw the doctor, they only checked the string and told me all was fine. …The stabbing continued, but became somewhat less frequent. I started experiencing thick yeasty discharge that I had to keep on top of managing, everyday. My breasts became so tender, my daughter couldn’t rest her head on my chest without me wincing in severe pain. A year later, I was a scatter-brained mess; and then depression set in. I went to all sorts of therapy, but never considered the IUD hormones could be to blame (after all they always boast how low-dose it is, right?!). A year after that, I was working for a Chiropractor with a wide range of knowledge, when he performed a QEEG brain scan, which reveled inflammation in my brain, and my own physical exam revealed a lump in my breast – I asked my boss doctor if IUD had any influence. He told me hormonal birth control affects the liver’s breakdown of estrogen and can lead to cell mitosis (cancer). I set an appointment right away to have my IUD removed. It’s been less than a week, but I can feel the healing. My body has flushed out all that unnatural discharge, my breasts no longer ache, my mood is lifting as fast as a helium balloon and the lump in my breast has gone down some, but I’ve scheduled an ultrasound to have it thoroughly examined. …I also have a copper IUD who’s periods are so intense she has to take codeine every cycle, which lasts 2 weeks long. Education on this topic makes all the difference!
Hi Dr Gangemi.
I’m glad I found your write-up. I am looking for a referral to someone in my area and some advice on what to do about the Mirena, which has saved me from uterine pre-cancer, but is now causing other problems, just as you describe. Please bear with me.
Back in 2010, I went to emergency with severely heavy bleeding. I have always had heavy periods, and had a uterine polyp several years prior to this event. In fact, the bleeding pattern had been becoming similar to when I had the polyp, and when I went back in complaining I felt there was another polyp, they did a pelvic ultrasound and apparently missed one.
Emergency room gave me oral progesterone to control bleeding until I could get in to see my gyn, and sure enough, I had not only a 1.5cm polyp (again) but when she went in to get that out, also a “polyp wall” of 20 or so tiny polyps.
When tissue was tested, it was confirmed pre-cancerous. I was told only 5 years earlier, that would have meant hysterectomy, but that now, given this great new IUD and progesterone therapy it provided, I had options.
To prove that the pre-cancer would respond to progesterone, I was given 40mg of oral levenogestrel, a VERY high dose, for 3 weeks. It made me want to rock back and forth in a little ball, I was so stressed. It was horrible. I don’t like oral hormones. They are bad, especially in high doses of course, but it was a necessary evil at the time.
However, it DID clear the pre-cancer, and I was told I should get the Mirena IUD which was pretty much a guarantee the cancer would stay away. Having read up on it in the meantime, I wanted no part of it. It sounded too risky. So I decided to try a progesterone cream.
I was living in Australia at the time, and hormone creams don’t seem to be as advanced there. It gave me migraines immediately and seemed to be a rather if-y way to approach things.
After much more consideration, and hard contemplation, I decided I could TRY the Mirena and always have it removed if there were problems.
Well, I am not kidding when I say a mere 2 hours after having it put in, ALL of my longstanding problems disappeared. I had suffered from migraines for years. I was anemic at this point. I tended to have horrible cramps all the time.
The bleeding was controlled, my moods and depression were sorted, right away. Over the next few months, I lost weight and my hair began to grow better than it had in years and get shiny… and yes, I realize this is the opposite experience to most people. But it was the BEST decision that I have ever made. It changed my life and saved me from some pretty bad stuff. My gyn told me I would never STOP having periods, because mine were SO heavy, and she was right… but for the first time in my memory, I could go out without worrying about having maxi pads and super tampons and having to change them EVERY HOUR. Now I just use regular tampons, and barely need them. My period still lasts a week, but it is very slight.
In 2013 my marriage fell apart. I should mention I was living in Australia at the time. I went to my gyn to get things checked out because of a cheating husband, and she told me she’d also like to replace the Mirena with a fresh one, because she had found with two other patients that it successfully controlled the pre-cancer for 3 years, but after that began to fail. So it was good timing.
That sounded like a reasonable idea to me, so she went in, made sure my pre-cancer hadn’t recurred, and placed a new IUD, so I was set for the coming year or two in which I would move back to the US and who knew what my medical situation would be? I was grateful.
The first IUD was perfect. I never felt any ill effects from it that I can think of. If there were some, it was so slight I never noticed. However, 3 months after having the second one inserted, I “pulled a muscle in my hip”. Yes, that was what I thought, anyway. That was in February 2014. I had taken up waterskiing after a 20 year absence, so it was a reasonable assumption that it was the waterskiing and not the IUD that had caused the problem.
I moved back to the states, and I began to gain weight. No matter what I did the weight went on and I gained about 15 or 20 lbs. I figured with the big portions in this country and some of the questionable additives (even though I try to eat fresh), this was why I was gaining weight.
My hip would hurt on and off. It was worst waking in the morning like so many have pointed out. It would go away for awhile and then come back. It was also getting worse over time.
Flash forward to 3 weeks ago (early Feb 2015)… my hip hit a critical stage, and then my lower back began to experience intense pain. The hip pain seems to most closely sound like tendinitis or bursitis and is in the psoas muscle area, OVER the hip. However, nothing helps it. Not ibuprofen nor stretching. My back alternates between a feeling of weakness and pain and radiates out from the center and over the psoas muscles. Worst on the right side, only slight on the left.
My ex-husband had back problems, and so I am familiar with compressed disks and sciatica and timeframes for recovery of critical episodes. It seemed like this sort of thing, only something told me there was more to it. I wasn’t just “getting old”. I began to wonder about the IUD.
Then I read your site. Bingo. lower back pain, radiates to right hip, and a couple days ago, my left ankle began to hurt. I get various pains all over my body that are non-specific, and most recently, just before my period, my glutes started to feel weak. A weakness I remember from when I used to get horrible PMS. As you said many of your patients have said, “It all makes sense now.”
Now, my issue of course, is that if I get rid of the IUD, I believe the back pain will go away. And there is one way to find out. However, I also KNOW that I will get horrible migraines almost immediately, and ridiculous blood loss will follow in less than a month. Further down the track, I am probably up for a hysterectomy when the pre-cancerous cells come back.
I ask myself, “Which is worse? Back pain or cancer?” There is an easy answer to that. But then I read a little further and hear experiences from some people about acquiring osteoarthritis or autoimmune diseases or at least something mimicking those, from the IUD. People note silicone poisoning from the Mirena as a possiblity, but nobody really knows. So from the sound of it, it’s not just short-term, probably reversible mechanical failure of my body I’m up against with that little IUD, but possible autoimmune, osteo and other systemic diseases that aren’t so easily reversible. That makes me reconsider.
I am going to see my gyn. But I am newly back in the country and haven’t built up trust with her yet. I have no idea what her stance on this will be, and am ready for a big argument and months of wanting to do MRIs and cortizone shots, neither of which I will submit to, before finally consenting to take it out.
My question to you is, it’s all good and fine to say the Mirena WILL cause problems and SHOULD NOT be used… but what about people like myself who risk not only uterine cancer, but excessive bleeding, anemia, and probably horrible migraines if they remove it? What other options are there besides hysterectomy which, in my opinion, will also cause back and frame issues as well as potential hormonal issues anyway? I’d like to keep all my organs, thank you!
I’ve thought long and hard about why I had at least 3 good years initially with the IUD (and have really managed 6 good years with a little hip pain), and why it made me LOSE weight and feel YOUNGER initially. I think my estrogen levels have always been ridiculously high. My mother and grandmother certainly had very high estrogen and both ended up with estrogen positive breast cancer (not the genetically pre-disposed kind). Did I mention I had cysty breasts which are not so cysty anymore now that I have the IUD? Yes, another positive.
I think initially the IUD worked well to counter that estrogen imbalance. But I am now 47 years old going on 48, and my estrogen is probably waning. Suddenly, a turnaround, where I start to GAIN weight, feel old, and have joint/nerve/muscle problems due to the extra progesterone. I think it should be an interesting consideration… the natural estrogen/progesterone ratio in a woman’s body, compared to how well she tolerates this IUD. I think there is a LOT of validity to that. If you are “normal” to high progesterone, it is probably a VERY bad idea. Estrogen heavy? May work well for several years.
I will discuss options with my gyn, and I think it would be a smart move for me to have the IUD removed at least short-term to see what happens. Does the back pain resolve? I would expect it to do so quite markedly in the first 2 to 3 months, as that was the time frame for it to do all the GOOD stuff when it was first inserted.
But if you could recommend an alternative therapist who deals with either hormone imbalances and/or kineseology/chiropracty in my area, I would appreciate it. I am near Walnut Creek, CA which is to the east of San Francisco, and would very much like to talk to someone with alternative therapies about my situation.
I unfortunately have Kaiser health insurance. It had a bad rep when I left the country, but does have quite a few positives now… unfortunately paying for alternative doctors and chiropractors aren’t two of the benefits, so this could get expensive. But I DO want to seek out external advice which is not so influenced by the drug companies.
Thanks again for your write-up. I think it has an awful lot of validity, although I would like to see you consider people in my situation too, who have the IUD for medical (and anti-cancer) reasons, rather than contraception, because I think that is a valid reason to have one of these and would hate to think you wouldn’t treat someone in this situation!
Ironically, my fiance had the snip a few years ago, so I don’t NEED contraception! But I’m still stuck with this thing… the good, bad, and ugly of it!
Amazing article. I wish it had been posted before I had my copper IUD inserted. Had one inserted in 2010 and soon after, started having unexplained symptoms: high anxiety, PMS, bloating, weight gain, ogre appetite, long periods, my natural hair colour went from blonde to brown, no energy, inflammation, hypothyroid, unexplained body pains, adrenal fatigue, candida etc etc… I could go on.
I had it removed almost 4 weeks ago, and apart from a lower back, right hip pain that I developed and am working with an osteopath to treat, I am feeling so much better. My new doctor was not in favour of the IUD but previous doctors did not see a relation with my symptoms and the IUD. At the time I had it removed, I thought it had been the cause of my health problems, and now I am sure. Finally on the path to recovery. Thanks for the amazing article. If I had found it before, I would for sure have the IUD removed sooner.
This is EXTREMELY helpful! I’m a 23-year-old virgin and I remember I decided to get an IUD when I was about 12 years once I got married as my contraceptive method.
I’m now in a serious relationship and I will get married in about 2 or 3 years (so I’m planning to have sex when I’m married and not before).
I’m making investigations already about the available methods and seriously this is extremely helpful, especially because I do have back problems (disc herniation in the second to last disc).
I know that I would hate to use condoms! but what about the DIAFRAGM??
could you talk about that method?, it sounds pretty safe and it would be almost like using a menstrual cup (which I have been using for years and I’m thrilled!).
Could you talk about the diafragm and maybe even with or without spermicide? Thanks so much!!
Hello Dr Gangemi,
I appreciate this article so much!
I’m a 23 yr old woman. when you say back pain in the lower area. does that count for sharp pain through out the middle part of the spine and sacrum area? I have something going on creating joint issues. it has started before using the merina. though before using the merina i never had serious enough joint issues or pain up until now after using the merina. I have been bugging my doctor recently with something being really wrong with my body lately so my doctor is looking into it with an mri. he says he’ll look into possible rheumatoid arthritis….which I’m really hoping that’s not it. Anyway i have been using the merina for almost a yr now. I’m starting to think that even with joint issues going on as is, it’s not good to be on this anymore, I’m not getting proper periods to help with my bones, im sure it takes a big role in helping my bones.
while I am currently getting an mri done with my doctor. I have seen a chiropractor who thinks i have something systemic going on as well.
I think that if i get this merina out as well it will help rid of the back pain i am having. at least i would hope. I’m worried I’m not going to be back to normal. my back pain is unbearable. I think number one thing to do is to get this merina thing out anyway.
again this article was appreciated.
I am going mental thinking i could have some serious health issue, and that may be the case, but its taking my doctor forever to get back to me i know it takes time for the mri to come through it’s just been too many weeks of back pain. at least i can have some hope it may just be the merina causing the issue. i hope i can regain my body back to the way it was.
thank you again sincerly Amber
Hi Dr, loved your article. I removed my mirena an year ago. But I am still with some problem and I dont know if they are related to the mirena. Pelvis pain in the left side, heavy period, back pain… I had two scans and the ovarian and uterus look clear, same for blood test checking anemia and infection. I dont know more what to do. I was so much better before Mirena. Thanks
The doctor keep saying is not related with Mirena. But I never had problems before. So sad, so worried.
I got the Merina after my daughter was born in 2008. Within 3 months I had migraines, mood swings, weight gain, and my hair was falling out. I had it removed after only 4 months. Every since then I’ve had pain in my hips and unexplained inflammation. My inflammation is high but they can’t find why. Just diagnosed me with Fibromyalgia. I’ve also had infertility problems since and have yet to have a normal cycle
Hi, s very very interesting read. I had the copper iud fitted 2 years ago. In the last year I developed a hip pain which caused me to limp and unable to exercise. Being very active, I couldn’t accept this and had lots of physio, for what was diagnosed as a hip impingement, labral tear. I now also have a groin/pelvis problem. I have been told by my GP that this is pubic symphysis, something I never had even during or after my children.
After reading this thread, I went to have the iud removed but instead they insisted on scanning me, which showed the iud was in place and that this would no way be causing my symptoms or discomfort. It took me a long time to have the iud fitted, due to the fear of pain and now I’m even more afraid to have it removed. I read earlier that some people even die from removal. I am so scared. the doctors keep telling me that my problems are no way related. How will I know if the iud can be safely removed? Is there any way of checking or is this a risk I just take?
Would really appreciate your view.
Hello Doctor,
I never write on sites but feel I should since I am going through many issues. I had the mirena put if after my second son 4 years ago. I have been experiencing unexplained “attacks”… These attached were spuradic until I hit almost to the day at 3 year mark of having the iud put in. Symptoms included shortness of breath, heart populations, numbing of left arm, feet cramps, lower back pain (in the past month severe), extreme right hip pain, weight gain, no labido (since my iud was put in)… Now when I did get pregnant I had to take projesteron pills since I didn’t produce enough. I have severe endometriosis… 4 years later… My family doctor (that o no longer see) put me in Zoloft and loranzempan to help with my attacks dismissing me and stating that I’m “stressed and depressed)… I went to a phsycologist he refered to get assessed for further evaluation and physiatrist care…. I went, got assessed and she said “never see that doctor again, and I will slowly ween you off Zoloft” she then continued and said “I feel this is more hormon related”… As soon as she said that, I put two and two together. This was only 3 weeks ago!!! My “attacks” are scary and deviating. I am anxious about getting another attack and not because o am anxious. I am very happy at home with great husband and gorgeous boys. I have a great career and good income… There is NO reason I would be “depressed”… In fact, the only thing I may be depressed about is not knowing what I have and not having a labido what so ever.
In short, I finally made it to an obgyn that went I. To check the mirena… He could find the strings and feels it may be “lost somewhere” in there. My back is killing me and so is my hip. This whole week I’ve been having severe cramps. My MRI is scheduled for the 31st…..
Thank-you Dr. Gangemi for sharing your knowledge and case studies I this blog.
This has confirmed my hunch that my SI joint instability was correlated to IUD use. The smaller Bayer IUD Skyla was fitted just about a year ago. Four months later I began experiencing frequent SI joint dysfunction, low back pain, back spasms. I hadn’t connected the issue to the IUD as it hadn’t occurred to me that the pain experienced from the IUD could be musculo-skeletal. I had always assumed if the IUD caused me pain it wall be cramping and achy. The sacral area became extremely uncomfortable and fired the sciatic nerve when the SI ligaments were becoming too relaxed. I continued to self treat and realign the joint however some of the deep squats and knee-to chest poses in yoga also became painful. I was perplexed as all of this came on without a specific injury or known event. I finally bit the bullet and had the Skyla removed. I felt immediate relief to the lower sacrum and began to focus on re-strengthening the muscles and movements that became so we as a result of the levogesterone in my body. Thank you again as I finally found the confirmed reports I needed to understand the adverse side effects I experienced.
Thank-you Dr. Gangemi for sharing your knowledge and case studies I this blog.
This has confirmed my hunch that my SI joint instability was correlated to IUD use. The smaller Bayer IUD Skyla was fitted just about a year ago. Four months later I began experiencing frequent SI joint dysfunction, low back pain, back spasms. I hadn’t connected the issue to the IUD as it hadn’t occurred to me that the pain experienced from the IUD could be musculo-skeletal. I had always assumed if the IUD caused me pain it wall be cramping and achy. The sacral area became extremely uncomfortable and fired the sciatic nerve when the SI ligaments were becoming too relaxed. I continued to self treat and realign the joint however some of the deep squats and knee-to chest poses in yoga also became painful. I was perplexed as all of this came on without a specific injury or known event. I finally bit the bullet and had the Skyla removed. I felt immediate relief to the lower sacrum and began to focus on re-strengthening the muscles and movements that became so we as a result of the levogesterone in my body. Thank you again as I finally found the confirmed reports I needed to understand the adverse side effects I experienced with the IUD.
Hi doc. Thanks for this article. I’m almost 1 year post partum. Like seven weeks post partum, i got the mirena and experienced whole lot of side effects: migraines, pelvic pain, excessive bleeding, mood swing among other things. Then after like three months, i got the paragard and experienced a whole lot more: excessive sweating and discharge in the groin area along with a pretty bad odor, pain extending from my pelvic to my leg, back pain, low libido plus the previously mentioned side effects. I went to remove it but my ob/gyn convinced me it wasn’t the iud. But after reading your article I am going to have it removed, even though I very much don’t want to get pregnant any time soon, and don’t want to use condoms. I just don’t know what birth control method I’ll be using. But my comfort and self esteem is as important. If anyone know a good ob/gyn on staten islans NY pls recommend.
Hi Dr Gangemi,
I am commenting as I have been suffering from a combo of low back/hip/thoracic pain (almost all on the right side of the body) for almost 2 years. I traveled to docs all around Miami, FL where I live, got various MRIs, tests, injections, pills, etc with no luck. I also sought a variety of holistic treatments including acupuncture and myofascial release, all of which provided temporary relief. In November 2015 I started Egoscue Posture Alignment Therapy, a great holistic approach to aligning the body by Pete Egoscue and since then have seen some great relief. However, the relief is not consistent. I will make progress and feel great for 1-2 weeks and the next week my low back feels like there are knives in it.
I never thought this could be caused by my IUD until now. I had the first one for 5 years (since I was 21) and although I have had neck pain and stiffness (also mostly on my right side) since I was in high school, my back or hip pain only started about 2 years ago. I was feeling great relief from my Egoscue exercises on Monday. On Tuesday I actually had my appointment to get my IUD removed and a new one inserted and I immediately felt cramping and my back pain flare up again after insertion. I figured that would be temporary but I am still feeling like crap after a few days. I originally got it inserted when I was 21 do to having horrible periods (causing back and pelvic pain so bad I would take multiple aleve or advil capsules at a time).
Based on your article I’m sure you think it would be beneficial for me to get it removed. If you think you could help me further with a Skype appointment after I get it removed, please let me know. I am totally sick of being in pain. Although I eat a very healthy vegan diet, I miss working out and feeling active and healthy.
I had the meraina put in about a month ago. In the last 3 days I have had the worst migraine and just recently today I have had a contraction like pain (though no where near as severe as a real contraction). Is this a side effect of the meraina?
Hi Dr. Just had IUD Copper inserted two weeks now but the pain am having is terrible on the right lower abdominal feeling like my tubes are affected. Should I just remove it? I can’t even cough or laugh. It’s really killing me
I can’t tell you what to do, or not to do – but you should listen to your body!
I just stumbled upon your article as I was researching pain from an IUD. I had mine put in about 4 months ago now, and have been in pain since. I have had it checked and the doctor says it is in there fine. We put it in to prevent pregnancy but also to help with endometriosis. I feel like it is more painful having it in. I have the same symptoms of my endometrial pain as I did with out it. I am talking with my husband tomorrow about getting it removed. My question to you, is do you have any suggestions on how to help with endometriosis? I have already had 2 laparoscopic, and don’t want anymore. Plus was told at my last surgery that the endometriosis that is there can’t be removed because it is on vital organs, and they are afraid it would damage those organs. So what do I do? The endometriosis is getting pretty bad again, and not finding really good solutions except not having a period which would mean the pill. Which just seems unnatural to me. Your thoughts please.
I have had my IUD for 6 months now and still experience “keeling over” pain. It only happens about once a month, so I am guessing this is occuring around my menstrual cycle. I had someone check it out, but they only did so manually. Only to confirm that it was still situated correctly. Would a sono be beneficial in this case? Why am I still in So much pain?
My cycle was very abnormal before I got it in. So I am feeling like I should have figured out first why my cycles had been so irregular before I had this implanted.
Recently had a nasty something move through my body, fever, chills, sweats, body and head aches. Then on top of it my IUD cramps. I can’t help to think that this is all related.
Interesting, thank you. Before I had my (+10 year old) Mirena removed a few years ago blood tests showed very high iron levels. I had had little to no period for +10 years with the Mirena. I was diagnosed with Oseoarthritis in my left hip around the same time and suffered pain from OA for about 5 years. I am no in peri-menopause, my iron levels are normal and my OA pain is gone. I can’t help wondering if it was the high iron levels, as a result of the Mirena that caused the OA. I took up yoga about 3 years ago and now have little to no pain from OA. Quite a dramatic impact on my quality of life!
I have has to paragaurd iud for 5 years and have recently missed two periods and afraid something is wrong….what could it possibly be
I have had my cooper IUD fitted for just over two weeks and for the past four days have had rather excruciating pain. Had been debating having it removed and now i’m decided. I have tried the pills, the implant and the injection and opted for this IUD because I cant tolerate nor do I want to tolerate the hormones so I suppose its the body monitoring and condom method only left for me. Thank you very much for writing the article.
Thank you for sharing your stories, it has helped me come to a decision to have my Mirena removed. I am on my third Mirena and have had no major problems until recently other than hormonal or cystic acne along my jawline which was manageable with medication and cream for my face from the dermatologist/ primary carte doctor. However recently I developed sciatic pain down the left side of my body beginning at my left buttock down my left side to my knee. I’ve recently returned to my job of being a flight attendant for a major airline and the pain is so bad that once I wake up, I have a hard time standing up and it takes me about 45 minutes to work thru this pain out….so that I can get dressed. I have a difficult time putting pantyhose on and I’m in great shape, it’s just because I’m unable to bend my leg without getting a shooting pain. I look forward to giving my gynecologist a call as soon as I get home and I’m going to let my fiance know that I decided to have it removed. I am 47 years old and looking for another type of birth control but I’d rather have nothing for now than to have to deal with the sciatic pain and continue to go to various doctors to look for relief. Any suggestions? I have never been able to take pills, they have always caused naseua…
D Phillips
I had my Merena removed just one month shy of a year ago. When I had it removed it was embedded and literally was yanked out of me. Ever since the removal when I get my period I have horrible lower back cramps and stomach cramps. I never had cramps like this before I had the Merena. Is this normal still after a year of not having the IUD?
Good blog post , I Appreciate the info , Does anyone know if I can obtain a template IL LLC-45.5(S) form to edit ?
I had the Skyla placed 1 year ago. About 2 or 3 months after I developed raynaud’s phenomenon. I followed up with a physician who referred me to a rheumatologist. I had all the autoimmune labs done as well as crp, Ana, and sed rate in addition to the bmp and cbc. Everything came back normal. In the mean time, I began to swell, everywhere, but especially the hands and face and developed a constant heartburn. My body aches everywhere. The iud is coming out but I’m wondering if these symptoms could possibly go away or since I have most likely triggered the autoimmune response, am I “stuck” with it. I did my research before having this inserted and no where did I find mention of autoimmune disorders being triggered. I am beyond frustrated and just want to feel well again.
Thanks so much doc am experiencing some lower back with IUD I went to say my gynaecologist ,the doctor was adamant in removing it ,I went back home still experiencing the same pain. I don’t know what other contraceptive to use. I thought I had found something that was working well with my body.
Hi Dr. Gangemi
I am on a mission to help my 2 collage age daughters find a birth control that isn’t a disaster in one way or another. Often the tempter method as a young woman isn’t a good choice unless she’s very committed to learn and work with it. As you know, whats out there is stone ages and basically what was available when I was their age only the next, new and barely improved version.
Have you ever herd of Smart Woman’s Choice? (http://www.smartwomenschoice.com) to learn more for you’re response. It seems too good to be true. Please weigh in.
Many Thanks! I will share the above blog with my daughters and they will definitely pass it along.
~ Carrie
Hi Carrie – I’ve definitely never heard of this one; I’m definitely intrigued. I’m going to ask around and see what/who knows what about this product. Thanks for the info! (I’m going to post on my FB page so you can follow there.)
I’ve recently removed my IUD (Skyla) after about 9 months of having is put in. I experienced hair loss, weight gain, loss of libido, depression, and muscle aches. Upon having it removed a week later I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. They tell you the two aren’t correlated, but the more I read this article and more cases I have found that they in some way are related. I only experienced these symptoms after insertion. I’ve seen where one woman who was also diagnosed with hypothyroidism after receiving the IUD remove her IUD and waited six weeks and was tested again and her levels were normal her doctor told her to continue her medicine but she explained to the doctor she had never started her thyroid medicine. I’m my case this works for me as well, but I wanted to thank you for taking time to write this article and urge women to think about what they are putting into their bodies before going the IUD route. My question is now, with this new problem that I face, what would be a better form of birth control? I switched back to a pill and I’m afraid it will not make my symptoms better.
Thank you Dr.Gangemi for your insightful post.
I’ve had the Mirena for 14 months and chose it due to my terrible period cramps and heavy bleeding. It has worked well in that aspect, however other side effects have led to my decision of wanting it removed.
Can you recommend another type of BC that is best for period cramps and heavy bleeding? Would it be safe to follow with a new BC the day after removing the Mirena?
Thank you.
Hi Dr. Gangemi! The information you provided was very interesting and you seem very knowledgeable about Iuds and other forms of birth control. I was almost certain you were an Ob/Gyn ;). After going back and forth thinking about it, I had the Syla Iud inserted back in November of last year, so I would’ve reached my year mark next month. I have an appointment to get it removed next week due to problems I’ve been experiencing mostly for the past 5 or 6 months. Prior to getting it inserted I’ve had all over abdominal pain, lower abd cramping, nausea, fatigue, and bowel issues. I’m not sure if a recent BV infection was related or not, since those are fairly common among women, according to my Gyno. I have a seven year old, and am seriously considering to have one more child in the near future, but I’m not ready right this moment. What are your suggestions? Thanks
Thank you for this article! I used the Mirena coil for 4 months and had to have it removed due to excessive pain.
And as you said, the pain would be like normal period cramps, but also intense back pain, and sometimes on my chest and gluts. My doctor only told me that such pain was a quite rare symptom. It seemed such a great and convenient solution that I am quite disappointed that it did not work for me. I am a healthy person, I would like to have more numbers on this, I am surprised that my case seemed so “rare” to my doctor.
Hi Dr. Gangemi
I got the IUD a year and a half ago. and about once a month ill get severe cramps and i assumed that was what would be my period as before the IUD I did have heavy periods with major cramps, but sometimes these are so bad that i fall to the ground in pain. For the past couple weeks maybe this past month i have been having them everyday, then id get a break from them for a couple days and this past week i havent had any until today. could this be linked to the IUD?
If so id like to get it removed, but since i have major depression i cant take birth control with high amounts of hormones do you have any recommendations.
Thank you sooooo very much for this article. I can’t find much written about the negative effects of the paragard. I suffer from psoas pain on the left side that started the day after I felt a weird sharp pain in my lower abdomen. I had just had the paragard put in and I can only describe the feeling as something pinched up inside my left hip and psoas. I walk around with this pain everyday and the only time it goes away, funny enough, is when I am menstruating.
I am convinced it is my paragard. I have hated the thing since day one and I am taking it out next week.
It’s nice to have my intuitive notion as to why the pain is there validated. Thank you.
Thank you for the post Dr Gangemi,
I’ve had terrible hip pain since having a mirena put in and had wondered.
I do however have endometriosis and have been assured the mirena is the least invasive hormonal treatment for holding the endo at bay. I honestly don’t know which is the lesser evil. Putting up with the mirena/hip pain or running the risk of my endometriosis running unchecked (or taking more debilitating hormones)
Hello Dr. Gangemi
I found your article very informative. It has helped confirm my assumptions that the Mirena could be causing some of the “weird symptoms” I’m experiencing: almost constant pain in left hip and lower back ( sometimes going into butt and legs), chronic headaches, anal pain, tingling and numbness in mouth and face, and pain in my right ear.
I have had the IUD for over 4 years. Recently saw the Doctor after listening to my intuition that something is not right. She couldn’t locate IUD, hoping and praying it’s turned in uterus and not imbedded in my uterus. I was ordered an Ultra Sound to locate IUD.
Thanks again for sharing this information.
Hello Dr. Gangemi
Thanks for the info on the dangers of IUD’s. I’m so thankful to have come across your posts as I’m experiencing much of what these other women with IUD’s have experienced. I have had chronic hip pain for four plus years, tingling and numbness in face and mouth, knee and groin pain, headaches almost daily, and constant lower back pain. Seems like maybe some of these symtoms could be linked to my IUD.
Recently had a weird feeling about my IUD so I had it checked, unable to locate it so they wanted an ultra sound. Hoping all is well but after your article I’m thinking about having it takin out to see if my weird symtoms continue.
Thanks again for sharing this important information.
I’ve had Mirena from 2008-2014. Four months after insertion, my bowels and bladder went CRAZY. I developed acne (which subsided after a while), my hair got thinner and my bodyhair grew more. I developed pain in the right hip-joint, (which I initially linked to my dance-education and a leg-length-difference). Sex with the penis making contact with my cervix hurt. According to the OB/GYN’s I consulted it was all in my head. I had it taken out 2014, but the symptoms didn’t really go away.
I still have a lack of strength in my pelvic floor muscles, have to pee all the time, experience discomfort with certain foods (even those am at least not lactose-or fructoseintolerant) and my stool is usually softer than normal.
I am sick of conventional medicine using people as guinnea-pigs with stuff like this and then telling them the discomfort they experience isn’t real.
Dear Dr. Gangemi-
I was compelled to write after I read your article on your opinions of IUD’s In the last year and half I have been hospitalized 5 times for severe lower belly and back pain resulting in numerous diagnosis:
1 – appendectomy
2- returned a week later with C-Diff
3 – testing for pain: Cat scan with dye, Colonoscopy : removed polyp and had ulcer on intestine
4 – diverticulitis
5 – severe pain on lower left side, Cat scan again – unexplained and referred to OB/GYN.
In all of my CAT scans and ultrasounds they kept saying you have cysts on your ovaries, but we are not concerned as they will go away on their own. They never did.
I have been having the severe pain and two periods a month for over a year.
I finally had my Paraguard, removed in earlier this month. For the first week, it seemed that I was in worse pain, but now the pain is gone.
I am returning to my OB/GYN the first of January to have a biopsy done to check for uterine cancer.
After reading your article, I am now in belief that these problems were in relation to my IUD. I have had two Paraguards for a total of 16 years, and as you said the first 14 years, no problems but then they started with no warning.
Orange County, CA
I had an IUD inserted and for that week following I had unruly pelvic pain and bloating that didn’t get better with time. I couldn’t have a BM and I was in misery. 2 days post insertion I starting having typical UTI symptoms as well but C&S ruled that there was no growth in my urine. I had the mirena removed 1 week after it was inserted and it has been 3 weeks post removal and I’m still dealing with urinary frequency and urgency. No UTI present. Not pregnant. BG normal. Blood tests normal. Along with running to the bathroom at least once an hour , I have right sides lower pelvic pain. I’m curious if the IUD causes damage upon insertion. They did a pelvic exam , x ray and ultrasound 1 week after insertion and said the IUD was in the proper place , but could it still have causes damage on that time. My symptoms started after insertion and have not resolved !
Hello! I had the Paraguard IUD between my 1st and 2nd child for about 2.5 years. Never noticed any complications or had any issues with it. I was wondering if there was any way to combat a copper toxicity? As in, is there anything one can do to “detox” from the copper if one should have the Paraguard placed in order to assist or minimize its overall impact in the body?
Hi Dr. Gangemi,
I had my iud (skyla) inserted about a month ago and have been experiencing strong and painful cramping and bleeding. I was menstruating when I had my skyla inserted and I feel as though this is my second period this month. Is this normal? The pain is so bad I can’t get up and have to be taking ibuprofen every day. Could something else be causing this?
Hi my name is Elaine and about 2-3 weeks after i got my iud put in i been dizzy every day and have cramps and panic attacks could my iud be makeing me have these?
Hey Dr Gangemi,
I thought this article was very informative. Thank you for for sharing.
I’ve had the Paraguard iud for 1.5 years and recently I’ve started to have period cycle related migraines, and also my legs hurt a lot at night and during the day at certain angles. I would describe the pain as a burn you get when you walk up too many flights of steps. The pain is not constant but rather when I change positions from my side to L thing on my back I have the pain for about 20 seconds and then subsides. Also my hands and legs and even the back of my head goes to sleep really quickly. And since last night my arms also ache. The doctor thinks some nerve is being compressed. I’m really worried now. You think all this could be related to the iud?
Sorry for the rant. I hope I explained this well as English is not my first language :) thank you I hope you answer.
I can’t give specific advice but as you know from my article and the many, many comments here, an IUD can cause symptoms like you’re having.
I came across this article after researching gallbladder problems. I’ve been having radiating pain throughout my sides and back. I got the Mirena about four months ago. The first four months were hormonal hell and I struggled with suicidal thoughts. Knowing that the Mirena was to blame, I hung tight through it. They are gone and emotionally I feel better, but this pain is new. I hadn’t thought to think that it might be the Mirena. Sigh. I was enjoying having light periods, but not at the expense of my gallbladder.
Hi. I am 54 and have a Mirena IUD. This is my second Mirena. I seemed to be doing ok with using it. My doctor thought it would probably see me thru menopause. I had been single for almost 8 years and was not sexually active. I started dating again and have started having sex again. After my last GYN appt., my doctor wanted to do a blood test to see if my ovaries were still functioning. The office called me back and said, good news, my ovaries were no longer functioning and I could take out my Mirena. I could not get pregnant now. Since I am being happily, sexually active for the first time in years, it terrifies me to go without birth control. Is the doctor correct? Can I not get pregnant now? They are laughing at me and saying I can’t….but, seriously, am I taking a chance if I remove it? My friends say there is no way they would take it out now!
Too old for a baby now…..what is your advice? :)
Thanks for such a great article, I read it quite on time since in gor a paragard inserted on 16th of January. I have Already faved severe pain in legs, lower back and heavy periods. Do u think I should wait if it suits me,like my doc said to me when I complained or remove it ASAP?
Thank you so much for your post. I am a 35 year old, very healthy. Had a mirena inserted in 2014 after my second child and loved the pregnancy protection that i didnt have to think about. About 4 months ago i started having horrible anxiety problems and i have never had deppression or anxiety before. I had every blood test under the sun ran and im still extremely healthy. I refuse to take anti anxiety meds since ive seen what they do to people. I researched Mirena and Canada and Uk websites list a lot more side effects for it than the Usa site does. One of them being anxiety of course. I have an appointment to take it out but i was going to put copper iud in instead. Do you think that is a bad idea given that mirena gave me so many bad symptoms?
I just wanted to say thank you for this article. I have had an IUD for two years and never had a problem. A few months ago, I started getting bad lower back pains which could be associated with normal monthly cramps. Nearly two weeks ago, it started again and has been persistent. Unable to sleep, workout, get in and out of my car without helping to lift my left leg in due to pain. I am a very healthy person, I eat fairly clean, work out daily, and am thankfully aware of my body. Gut feeling said IUD. I found your article, and went to the OBGYN the following morning. They said they didn’t believe that would be causing the problems I have, but said its my call. I had them remove it. 90% of the pain was gone immediately, improved throughout the day, and was entirely gone within two days. Not only has that particular pain gone, but I feel better overall, physically and mentally, in under a week since removal. I can not imagine how many cases like mine go untreated entirely or have misdiagnosis’.
Thank you!!
Yeah! So happy for you; thanks for sharing!
Hi thanks for this article. I recently had an iud fitted as I have attempted natural birth control in past and as much as it can be effective for most of the time I do have 4 children now and really don’t want any more anytime soon …. I’ve had a niggling pain since having a copper coil fitted a few weeks ago, which I thought would just calm down but it’s got worse and is now a very sharp pain on th right side and I’m wondering if the coil has gone through the side of my uterus. I went to doctors yesterday and they have booked a scan for which I need to wait for a letter… I have been aware of the negative health effects of contraception for many years. I refuse to dabble with hormones and never have. I do however also have a sensitivity to nickel which means that most metals irritate me… The copper iud however seemed like the lesser of evils considering what is actually available…. Apparently in ancient Egyption tombs bodies were found With small coins in their womb so this has been a very long standing method it would seem…. I wonder if on that level of health issues using something like kelp, iodine for helping to detox excess heavy metals would be helpful…. However at the moment I am concerned that the iud I have isn’t even in place properly and my main worry on leaving it untreated and waiting for scan is possible risk of infection and resulting in being offered antibiotics which I avoid as far as absolutely possible…. Do you think maybe I should treat with antimicrobial herbs etc just incase of infection developing? What are the risks if it has punctured me? Thanks… J
My 21 year old daughter was recently diagnose with endometriosis after having an IUD in for 1 yr 4 months. She told her Dr that her pelvic pain started when she got the IUD but the dr said it was unrelated. We are devastated by the endometriosis diagnosis but after reading your article feeling hopeful it could be wrong. I’m encouraging my daughter to have the IUD removed to see if the pain will go away. Thank you so much for sharing your expertise.
I went on the Mirena because I was having heavy bleeding. I’ve been having lower back, hip and pain going down the front of my right side. I was wondering if it was from the iud. If i have the iud removed what would you recommend to use for the heavy bleeding? I’ve also had my gallbladder removed sine i had it put in and 4 injections in my lower back for the pain and they didn’t work. Thank you for taking my question.
Dr. Stephen,
Thank you so much for sharing. I had my IUD inserted about a month ago and just after it was inserted the following morning I woke up with sharp epigastric stabbing-like pains, it is intermittent and would last for minutes and very discomforting. I’ve been to hospital twice and the first time from my history of using brufen for period pains, the doctor thought that the pain was probably due to prolonged use of NSAID’s, so the pain recurred and the next time he thought it was a protozoal or bacterial infections, I’ve completed my last medication and the pain is still persistent, could it be the IUD and could you suggest any other method thats as good if not the IUD this being my first method of birth control? I’ll appreciate your assistance, and once again thank you for the article, it’s been of great help to many like my self!
Hi Dr., in your experience have you had any pantients dealing with sudden and severe joint paint after an IUD? I’m 27, healthy and active, non smoker, no other medication. I had Skyla inserted 8 weeks ago, and have been dealing with an onset of joint paint for the last 6-7 weeks. I’m almost certain it’s from Skyla, though I’m nervous my OB/GYN will not agree (she was very quick to recommend Skyla to treat cramps, despite my aversion to hormonal birth control). From what I’ve read, the symptoms are in line with RA, but I’ve had no family history. Could this be autoimmune caused by Skyla? Do you have any tips on speaking to my doctor about this? Thanks.
Hi Dr Gangemi,
Thank you so much for your insightful article.
Do you happen to know of any Doctors/ health professions who have a similar ethos to yourself who are located in New Zealand?
I am about to investigate getting it removed, however since your words, I think I would like to reset myself as best as possible after this.
Copper IUD issues – revoltingly heavy periods, a permanent mood change, cell change in my cervix one year into having the IUD, worsening TMJ and now a numbness in my hip.
Thank you and kind regards,
Hi Olie – sorry I don’t know anyone in NZ.
I just got a Mirena IUD inserted about two weeks ago. I am having some discomfort and am second guessing the decision to get it. I got it at the same time as surgery to remove a cyst and one ovary due to endometriosis.
The idea to have the IUD was suggested so t it would suppress things so as not to have further complications with endometriosis.
I am wondering what you suggest to women in a situation like mine.
Thank you.
Hello Dr. Gangemi,
I am so grateful to have come across this article. I currently have my second Mirena IUD and after reading this article I am planning on removing it. For years now I have had chronic pain in my sacroiliac joints, and have shrugged it off as sacroiliac joint dysfunction. I have tried various things to heal it, including physical therapy, massage, chiropractic care, and changing my diet.
Thank you so much for posting this article, as I have not been able to find much information on the internet about the correlation between SI joint pain and IUDs. I will let you know how the joint pain changes after removal of the IUD.
Hi Dr. Gangemi,
Thank you for sharing this thoughtful post. At the beginning of last year I had the paraguard IUD inserted, after two months I had it removed bc the pain it caused was too much and causing disruption in my life. It’s now been a year and a half and I still have intense pain in the lower left of my abdomen (initially caused by paraguard). I was wondering if you could recommend a specialist in New York City where I live.
I’m sorry I don’t know anyone up there; happy to see you in NC if you’d like.
I live in Louisiana. I am having severe back, leg, ankle, and neck pain and I have paraguard. Is there anyway to tell if it’s the IUD causing the pain? They’ve done ultrasound and pelvic exam. Plus urine. I don’t know what to do. I am in so much pain!
Have you ever witnessed cases in which the IUD is the potential cause for tingling in the feet? As well as aching in the glutes, hamstrings, and groin. I have these symptoms all on one side of my body as well. Is it usually bilateral?
I have been struggling with chronic achy-ness, and tingling for 1.5 years and have had the Mirena IUD for 3.5 years. My MRI was negative for disc or nerve route issues.
I have been trying to find an article relating the IUD to back and hip pain, so thank you! I thought maybe it was just old age…I am 49 so people say that’s just what happens when you get old. But my pain started shortly after I received the IUD. My blood pressure was elevated from being on the pill so I opted for the IUD. I am now trying to decide if I’m going to keep using the IUD until I’m in menopause and just keep taking ibuprofen every day or what I should do.
I’ve had peragaurd for a year now I’ve got terrible lower right side pain that goes down my right thigh feels like someone stabbing me then get terribly hot… What should I do?
Hi Stephen,
I’ve had my Mirena for 9 months now and have had no known issues. I am however an avid cyclist and since my Mirena was inserted I have been experiencing left lower back/glute pain whilst cycling only – I ride in an aggressive racing position and haven’t had any issues previously. I had it suggested to me that the Mirena may be a contributing factor and I’m trying to find out if anyone else has had this problem or if this seems feasible to you?
Thanks in advance.
I am so pleased to see this article. I have had a Mirena IUD for nearly two months and my body is not happy with it. I have a digging pain in my left hip and constipation that is very difficult to deal with. I am also very tired, on top of the fatigue from chronic anemia, which was the point of the IUD. My iron stores fell so low from the heavy bleeding from the insertion that I needed an IV iron infusion. I am also losing weight and that is accelerating to a pound a day! My GP is a terrific, well educated in Western, Eastern and holistic therapies, and he would certainly agree with your patient assessments and diagnoses. I see him tomorrow and I can’t wait to get this problem sorted out. Keep up the fantastic work you do!
Hi! I read your article and it’s eye opening , it’s hard for women particularly to be on any type of birth controls. Originally , I choose copper t becare it’s non hormonal , now there is all other side effects have to deal with. Do u have any recommendation ? any other birth control that have less side effects for us ?
I have had a Litletta since November of 2016 and noticed in July of 2017 that the musculature of my vaginal walls seems lax and has lost tone. Do you think this might be related to the IUD? Would removal reverse this effect? I have experienced loss of sensation in those areas as well, making sex less enjoyable.
Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Thank you for this! I’m an aspiring female health nurse practitioner and this is all good to keep in mind. I’m contemplating having mine removed after I’ve noticed increased pain and sensitivity in the area. It also seems like my bladder is being affected.
I love holistic health articles like this! Keep it up!
Hi, your article had some interesting points to consider and I wanted to research the claim that the lack of menstrual bleeding caused by the IUD could result in iron overloads and depression. I followed the citation you provided (Turok et al. 2013) but found nothing in the article related to that claim. Do you have a different citation for this? Thanks.
Hi – well you’re right, that citation clearly doesn’t fit there. Honestly it’s been 3 years since I wrote this article so I can’t recall why I put that there, or perhaps it was a mistake and you’re the first to realize! I did find this though: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23843714 and several others specifically with the hormonal-depression link.
My Mirena IUD was inserted to treat a medical problem I have with my womb but 2.5 years on it’s not working effectively and I have spots, my back problem has worsened and I have aches in all my lower joints, my monthly bleeding has restarted and thats just a start. I was told my only other option to treat my condition was a hysterectomy and at 38 I felt I was too young for that, so I’m kind of trapped. Not sure what I can do?
This is a great article. I had the Mirena for 1.5 years and still regret it, it made me very sick and contributed to adrenal burnout, among other problems. I am a big believer in cycle-charting and abstaining during fertility! I even made a book about tracking your cycle for women.
Interesting article, I have an IUD in now, I believe it to be the copper one. A few months ago, I was raped and it hurt so bad; my abdomen hurts whenever I have sex with my boyfriend now. Periods are hurting more, I’m wondering if that could have shift my coil out of place. I’ve had mood swings this week too and I’m getting worried that it could have moved and I could be pregnant now. Is it possible for the coil to be forced out of place by rough sex?
I’m so sorry to hear that happened to you. You should have that checked out immediately if it was not after the incident (as well as the rest of your body – both physically and emotionally – if you have not); which it sounds like it wasn’t.
So I’m glad I looked this article up now. Honestly I was on Google because I’m having issues right now and Google brought me here. So here is my issue. I have the Paraguard IUD. I had it inserted a year ago. Since then, my periods have been regular but also heavier and I cramp way more. That I can deal with as my periods were already bad before. But today, I started getting stabbing pains in my uterus area. Idk if it right on it but I feel like it is. My lower back and hips also hurt. But it’s not like my period. I had my period on the 9th of September so I’m not due for two weeks. While walking it feels as if someone is squeezing my stomach and poking it with a knife. I’m calling my GYN tomorrow but I need advise. Help please!
I hope you still check this thread as its been several years since the article was written. About two weeks ago I had Mirena inserted to treat atypical complex hyperplasia. Dr said it would help keep the lining of my uterus thin. Since then I have developed hives on my upper thighs, lower belly and chest. I have bouts of bad mood swings, anxiety, and depression. I went back to my dr with concerns that it was the IUD and was told if I had it removed I would end up having to have a hysterectomy. I left it in for the time being. I was wondering if you had any thoughts on treating the hyperplasia without an IUD?
I had a Mirena inserted three months ago due to heavy and prolonged menstral cycles that were making me severely anemic. I feel worse than I did with the low iron levels. I’m still constantly bleeding. I hate this thing and am ha omg it taken out. My OB refuses to do a hysterectomy, says I hade to try ablation first. I’m so done with this. I’m done having kids. I really have no use for my uterus.
Dear Doctor Drgangemi, I’m was so relieved to read your report on the health risks and reaction to the Mirena coil and I U D devices. I’ve had a difficult time with the Mirena coil and low blood pressure on having the coil fitted each time and severe pain. I’ve had the coil removed on the 13/10/2017 at my A and E department after months of severe pains all over my body and head, neck, basically every where including my pelvic are and lumbar region. The Mirena coil had been fitted in 2010. I am relieved to have had this removed yesterday even though it was not pleasant. The pains have diminished to a lower amount, on removal of this device. Having experienced, a lot of complications and health related problems this was so inspiring to read. I feel I was meant to read your report, thank you for your honesty and writing this for woman to read and know the real affects this device can cause. Kind regards Joanne
Joanne O’Dwyer Email
I’m unsure if this site is still being used, however, about a month ago, I woke with facial tingling and tightness in the jaw. I’ve been experiencing back pain, along with neck pain. Both the head and C-spine MRI came back normal. As did the MRA. I also had an ultrasound of my thyroid. Everything was normal. I had my IUD for 2 years before experiencing these symptoms. I ended up having it removed about a week or two in to experiencing symptoms. 2 weeks later, symptoms come and go, but are not consistent as they were before. My anxiety is off and on as well. Could this have been the IUD?
what are the risks of getting the tubal ligation?
I’m so glad I found this post! I had my Mirena removed today after 5 years. In that time I’ve gained 12kg and developed pain my hip, shoulder and jaw that can’t be resolved. I’m hoping this will start the road to recovery. Thank you.
I am having IUD from past 5 years and last few years facing severe left leg and thigh pain with few eye problems . Dr says I have Rhuematoid Arthritis and positivevHLA B-27
Do you suggest these all could because of IUD , shall I take it off ASAP.
Any support study will help doc
I cannot give you personal advice, sorry. It might help if you read the comments here after the article posted by readers who have had various problems with their IUD.
I have 11 months with IUD paraguard and 3 weeks ago I started to feel back pain, worst in my period, now pain in my legs, nauseas, I feel tired.
My last appt with rheumatologist was 2014 because my level of lupus was very low he said “Back to see the rheumatologist when you feel pain or discomfort again ” and now 2018 is the time to see the doctor again.
Thank you for this post!!! I have been having horrible chest pain since having my IUD inserted 4 months ago. I felt like I was having a heart attack the other night and now after reading your post I believe it might be my IUD. I also HATED the pill. But I’m not ready for kids yet. Do you think natural family planning is a good route to go? I don’t know what else to do. My body has reacted horribly to all forms of birth control. What’s your opinion/advice?
Would you please send references to professional research articles related to the levonorgestrel IUD and body pain along with tingling?
I had my IUD (Mirena) put in 5 weeks ago. The last week or two my hip, back and shoulders have become extremely painful, my shoulders actually being the worst. Have you heard of the shoulder/arm pain before?
Hello and thank you for your article! I have an IUD since Feb 2017 and after reading your article, I stopped and thought about my health and I came up with a long list of things that are not going well. I’ll have this thing removed as soon as possible.
Important to mention, I currently have a Mirena. Here’s a list of my symptoms:
Low blood pressure
I feel nauseous sometimes in the morning since I’ve had it
Back pain
Tired all the time
Mood swings
I injured my knee a year ago and I’ve done physiotherapy, seen chiroprators (3) and another professional (also had an MRI that showed a tear in the external cartilage, which is usually easy to heal) and they all can’t believe it didn’t heal by itself after this long.
Weight gain
Loss of hair
Numbness in my arms when laying on my back and holding a book
Headaches (which I barely had before)
Sooooo I am currently calling my doctor to have this thing removed asap. I hope the condoms will be enough because I don’t want anymore kids, I got my hand full with 2 lovely boys of 2 years old and 1 year old ;)
I read the entire article in disbelief until I saw your credentials. Right. It all makes sense now.
Are you seriously denying women treatment based on your contraceptive preferences? Like we need MORE male doctors who subscribe to medical paternalism to tell women what they should or shouldn’t do?
None of your references support *facepalm* what appear to be your anecdotal, second hand accounts. Right, I forgot you’re not a medical doctor and aren’t trained in medicine even though your title is doctor like other phd holders. My mistake.
I suspect this post will be deleted or denied approval, but in the event that you choose to leave it up I hope to God the women who read this page have more sense than to allow themselves to be swayed by terrible advice.
You might want to read more closely and be aware your passive aggressive comments. I’m not telling anyone what they should or shouldn’t do. You might actually read the comments and the entire article to understand that rather than making gross assumptions. Also, a “second hand account” would be one where I am not seeing a patient myself as a direct treatment process – which, by the way, is called a “first hand account.” And all the comments and concerns expressed by the hundreds of women on this article would not be a “second hand account” either. Your time is best spent elsewhere.
Hi Doctor, I know it’s an old post. But maybe I have luck getting answer from you. I put copper IUD 3 years ago. This past two months I got a case of constant feeling of full bladder. And Urologist already ruled UTI since I have negative for bacteria on my Urine test. And also there is no burning sensation or pain. Just that feeling of constant need to pee. Is possible that IUD caused it?
I had the iud copper coil fitted on friday. I intentionally went for an implant as have been on the pill for 15 years and always forget to take it. My Gynecologist was not keen on the implant or the removal and persuaded me to get the coil. Well it was horrible. I fainted 5mins after. Never felt so vulnerable in my life. Ive had a bad weekend feeling dizzy and lightheaded. Got cramps and burning. Going to demand they take it out this week.
One of the worst and costly mistakes, now I am scared I will faint again once its removed.
I’ve had iud’s for 15 years ( just had 3rd put in). Hip and shoulder pain last 4. This is making me wonder
Trying not to be too personal but I have the copper iud and i have had months of bleeding even if its light 2months of constant bleeding is insane (this has happenes 2x) , my stomach is in pure agony as of last week and my doctor refuses to do anything about it. I hate the iud ive had it for over a year but its only now causing so much pain :( i cant do anything until monday but what can i do to ease the pain in the meantime?
Ive had my Morena in almost a year and I started feeling sick and I woke up with back pains after not getting my period this month.
I stumbled across your post and I’m really worried about what could happen and I don’t want to use the pill because when I was using it I had depression like thoughts.
I am very adverse to the pill and the arm in-plant so I thought this was my only option.
Do you have any opinions on what I should do (I’m 19)?
I realize that this article is from years ago but I just listened to the Fertility Friday podcast that you were featured on. I had a copper IUD for almost five years (yikes). My instinct was that something was not right, but I toughed it out because I thought it was better than the pill. Eventually, my hair started going grey, falling out, I was constantly extremely fatigued, cold, puffy, and having extreme anxiety. I could feel its presence all the time even though doctors told me that there were no pain receptors in my uterus. It wasn’t pain, just constant discomfort. Eventually, I had enough and got it removed. The anxiety went away almost immediately, and the rest of the symptoms disappeared in time. My doctor (who hadn’t put it in) said when she took it out it appeared that it was too large for my uterus and was applying constant pressure to my cervix. Yikes again. I regret not having it removed sooner all of the time.
But to get to my question. Now what? Is there anything that I can do to heal any damage that it may have done? I see a lot of information about how much damage they IUDs can cause, but hopefully you can point me toward some resources for “rexovery” if there are any.
Glad to hear you’re feeling better. Recover for each woman is individualized; it’s best to seek out a practitioner who deals with certain physical/structural issues that may have occurred from the IUD, as well as hormonal imbalances. Here are some of the practitioners I’ve trained with my techniques and protocols: https://systemshealthcare.net/find-a-practitioner/
I am also having problems but i do not know if it is directly caused by the IUD. I am always bloated. My uterus hurts everyday. Its as if theres air inside it and also my lower tummy because really hard when this happens. I then would have to wrap my arms around my waist to try ease the pain. Its really annoying and i wish it could stop.
Thanks for this post. I’m having knee issues. If I run or jog my knees are cracking and popping more than the usually. I almost considered going to a rheumatologist. Lower extremities hurt, feel dizzy from time to time. I feel like I’m 80 and only 38. Doctor said that it wasn’t the Mirena after I told him about it, but I just scheduled to have it removed.
Thought provoking. I had paraguard inserted 10 days ago. The day of the procedure the pain got so bad i faited that day and ended up in the ER. At my follow up appointment they said it was normal. I am still cramping badly and randomly throughout the day it sets really bad and speads to my back, hips, and thighs. I went back today, and was told its normal for up to 3 months.
I am enjoying your website very much.
I have just had my Mirena removed today because of joint soreness in my right hand, lower back stiffness and sore right gluteous and hip. The reason I got the Mirena was because I had Mennorhagia (excessive bleeding). I am 47 years old and have two kids. The heavy bleeding lasted 2-3 weeks and my haemoglobin was so low that I had to have a blood transfusion (3 bags). They gyno says that it’s very unusual for someone’s haemoglobin to go down so quickly.
I had the Mirena in for four months. Now I’m worried I have an auto-immune disease like Rheumatoid Arthritis. I’m desperately hoping this pain in my hands disappears soon and that my lower back loses its stiffness.
Of course, it’s possible I could get Mennorhagia again and so have some ideas in place if that occurs.
When it comes to vasectomy. My partner had a vasectomy when I met him. We decided we wanted children together so he had a reversal which was successful. After my second child, he went straight back to the Doc and got another vasectomy. Perhaps he had an excellent surgeon, but we are disappointed that many men are scared about vasectomies. They’re fantastic.
P.S. Can you come and work in Australia please? We need more specialists like you.
Thank you for posting this! I’ve been in so much pain in the past 3 weeks. Pelvic pain, sharp cramps and UTI symptoms. After a ultrasound we found out my IUD wasn’t in the right place. Removed it today and feel a little bit better.
Hi, I have just last week removed my cooper iud, that I had for 6 years. I was experiencing everything and anything. Jaw pain, Pelvic pain, Leg pain Back pain ,Hip pain, Heavy Heavy periods That always went through my clothes. Also perimenopausal symptoms, night sweats dryness etc. My doctor sent out the iud and told me it was letting out an infection and sent my over antibiotics. Why do all doctors think the iud does not cause symptoms. I asked quite a few times if my symptoms be because of the iud I’m worried to look into other birth control.
Its just absolutely amazing how I stumbled across this article with all the drama I have been dealing with since I had my son last August. I immediately had a Liletta IUD inserted as soon as my son was pushed out. I never really wanted it I wanted my tubes tied ( and still do) but my paperwork had not gotten done before my son was to be born so my only other option was this IUD. From the time I came home with my son, I have had the worst backaches lower back mainly. Even these shooting pains that come and go throughout my back and sides. I would of never guessed it could be my IUD until reading this. I have seen a chiropractor and that helped a little but not completely. I also have been having gastric problems. I already have had a hiatal hernia which never seems to bother me I have been having increase acid reflux, gas, bloating and just stomach pain in general. I even just recently had an endoscopy done to check for stomach ulcers because of my ibuprofen use because of the constant pain I have been in for months. I also have had dental problems and like my jaw has been acting up. Who would ever wonder that an IUD could be causing all these problems? I am currently going to be in the process of getting this thing removed but I thank you so much for this article.
I had the Mirena IUD, was in so much pain that they finally decided to remove IUD. I had to be put under for removal. 10 years later plus a partial hysterectomy I am still in pain with no one wanting to believe it was from IUD. Pelvic pain, back pain, and lower abdominal near ovaries. I am at my wits end trying to fight with doctors over the fact that this was caused by IUD! When I told them about this blog they still do not believe IUDs cause any pain, call my pain “Phantom”pain. Please really think and research before getting one.
Hi Dr
ive had right hip and lower back pain for about 31/2 years. I chose to have the mirena fitted about 18 months ago and notice that i bleed constantly and the pain in my hips is worse. My doctor has me take Tranexamic acid to stop the bleeding but im noticing that my pain is worse when i bleed. Although im noticing a connection with the bleeding and the pain my doctor doesnt want to remove the Mirena.
Id be grateful for any advice, thanks
Thank you for this. I’m 25 years old recently had a medical abortion, after which they gave me a Skyla IUD, which I understand is a “smaller & less hormones” version of Mirena. First of all, simply the way they had me lay on the table with my legs in those stirrups put my pelvis and lower spine in an awkward position. It felt like it was pinching something in my lumbar spine. Then, after working out later that day, I started experiencing an intense, but familiar, pain in my left lower back/hip area that radiated down my leg. THEN after two days of overcompensating on my right side, I was moving some heavy stuff for work, and started having sharp & intense muscle tightness & spasms in my upper right thoracic area :( after a week of nursing that, I finally was feeling better. Now, today, two weeks from the day I got my IUD, the same hip/back pain is happening, again after working out…
SO I know that my body has been through a lot in the past couple of months, but do you think that getting the IUD removed is my best option? This is a pain I’ve been dealing with off and on for years. People keep saying that my body will adjust, but I also don’t want to cause further damage.
I just wish there was effective birth control that was actually safe. yeah yeah,condoms, I know.
I’d love to hear how you think the SI and TMJ joints relate. Sorry but it seems a bit far fetched to me. I’m sorry but as a chiropractor I dont think you have the education to speak on such matters as IUDs and reproductive health. Let’s leave this topic to gynecologists and true MDs in the field.
Do you think the women who have been affected by IUDs have the education to speak on such matters like IUDs and reproductive health?. Clearly their gynecologists and “true MDs” are the only ones, in your opinion, who can offer them sound advice.
Wow. This outlook is exteme oversimplification of the typical complications you mention here. An iud is a foreign body in the uterus, and therefore can cause pain. It can become out of place and cause more serious issues. However, when you have an iud you must check it’s position at least once a month and if you feel an unusual amount of pain, similar to monthly breast exam for preventative care. A good gyno will include this in for on insertion. Periods are painful and a change in hormone levels can affect the level of pain felt. For example my cramps are significantly different from before my iud was inserted. Not worse. Changes in consistency, amount and length of cramps will cause different sorts of pain. You are citing the removal of iuds as resolving people’s pain, and this is the appropriate response if a woman’s anatomy or hormone levels do not respond well to the iud. For those of use for whom it works, it is a lifesaver as the alternative with a comparable success rate is a tubal, which as you know has its own set of potential (and far more likely in this case) complications. Your recommendations here are irresponsible and may be preventing your patients from accessing effective birth control.
My recommendations are irresponsible? I’m merely siting case histories from experience with many female patients. Please read the entire article, as well as comments, before making such a comment.
I’m really glad I came across this. I got my mirena IUD inserted about a momth ago, I have been experiencing extreme lower back pain and cramping in very specific parts of my uterus. I went to my gyno and discussed this with her. She told me she was sure that the IUD was not having any negative side affects on me (even though when she examined me I felt sensitivity and cramping). She told me I have to keep working out to keep up with mental health, and to just take pain killers before I do so. I’m considering waiting it out to see if the pain goes away; is this the right move? Or should I consider getting more testing done (by someone different)?
Hi Dr. Gangemi, I am a nurse and wanted to educate myself further about the use of IUDs because I have been getting an increase in calls about it. I find the article very enlightening and wanted to thank you for writing it.
I was looking to share it with my daughters and wanted to know if I needed your permission for that.
Thank you and yes you may share!
I’m really not for or against IUD like you are as everyone’s body is vastly different from what I’veread on the internet and heard from friends, and your case studies are very vague when pointing the finger at IUD as the culprit for indirect muscular and skeletal issues, but hey I’m not a medical doctor so that’s all I have to think about that.
HOWEVER I have had pain in my cervix during arousal and orgasm ever since having a Mirena implanted over 10 months ago- I can’t stand it any more and may have it removed in the coming month. I already had a physical exam and ultrasound, it seems to be in place and functioning fine they say…Had an STI test, came back negative, had another, negative again. Tried home remedies, nothing has worked.
I have some questions, can it be removed at home or physician only? and is removal painful generally?
And how strong is the link between weight gain and IUD? I guess lower than the pill and Implanon etc? But may be an issue here for me. Hard to say.
Hope it solves my problem ~ watch this space eh ~
Thanks for the references!
Just had my second Mirena removed. I had my first Mirena and breast implants inserted at age 21 in 2008. Every little issue I’ve had I have contributed to my implants. Now I think that Mirena could have been a factor.
Leg cramps and knee pain
High TSH levels
Facial hair (ugh)
Weight gain
Gluten sensitivity (slightly)
Cramping in right ovary (like maybe a cyst)
TMJ (teeth clenching at night, low enamel)
Back pain
Joint pain
Muscle weakness
Lower abdominal bloating
So ready to see if I feel better. Except for my pregnancy with my second child I’ve had a Mirena for the last 10 years!
Very interesting article. I’m having itchy skin on my face and scalp, intermittently on my body as well and the docs have excluded everything they can think of so far. Was interested in any other cases of similar conditions linked to Mirena. I had mine fitted last April (2017). I started with nerve tingling on my right wrist last July too. Would be interesting if they were both caused by the Mirena coil.
Thanks on your marvelous posting! I really enjoyed reading
it, you’re a great author. I will make sure to bookmark your blog and will often come back down the road.
I want to encourage yourself to continue your great writing, have
a nice afternoon!
I have decided to remove my IUD after reading this article. I have back pains,hip pains with great discomfort. Another effect is menses that last for 9 days with heavy flow, infections and unpleasant odours. Recently, I do experience something like electric shock from my head to my breasts. can this also be linked to the IUD?
I, and I think many others, would love to hear how you fell after the IUD is removed – to see how many of those symptoms are/were connected.
Thanks a lot for this post!! Finally someone writes honestly about the issues related to Mirena. I got severe anxiety, nervousness and depression after a week when Mirena was “installed” and also developed severe insomnia. I got it removed after three weeks because I just could not handle it. I am so disappointed on the gynechologist who told me to have it although I had explained that hormonal contraception has never worked for me and to the other one who took it off saying “oh you only had it so little time, you should keep it longer to really know..” and “so you really link these symptoms to the Mirena?” Sooo underestimating my own experience and putting me down in the situation where I was already desperate!! I would have pulled the damn thing out myself had the wires been visible, but they were not. Now slowly healing and will never try it again. Never.
I appreciate someone taking the time to acknowledge the dangers of contraception and the lack of sufficient alternatives! I switched to Paraguard after doing extensive research and realizing the negative impact that hormonal contraceptives had on my health. I always questioned the safety of the copper option as well but it seemed like the lesser of two evils. Now I’m just grateful to finally be at the stage of my life where I’m ready for children soon and I can’t wait to not have to worry about any of this anymore!! Once I’m done with kids it’s either tubes tied or vasectomy.
I had the copper T IUD for 3 years . heavy bleeding and none stop pain and cramps . had it removed Feb 2018 and now noticed 4 months after this pain in my left pelvis joints straight down my leg but mostly none stop pain in my hip joint and left pelvis area and back pain. The pain is so tremendous, using cataflam but its like its not working now second time using this , pain stopped for couple days and I’m back to square one . plz help me . Anisa.
I have been told my IUD is stuck. It is only through research i started to join the dots together and discover that my mirena coil is the cause of a lot of my health problems, have had first one for five years and the second for four years. but all y problems started after the first one and has taken me this length to discover its the mirena.
Hi dr , I wonder if you know any dr i can go to in Houston tx thank you
Sorry I do not.
I have had an IUD for four years now. I had a new one put in ssixteen months ago. My first son, I had an iud and was fine. No problems. After my second kid, I got the iud and I’ve had so many problems. I feel they were from it. I have had low back pain and my hips would constantly get messed up and not be even, then my right leg would always be shorter than the other. Random electric feel on my right leg, kinda numb feeling for a very short time. I don’t have any disease or anything, I just could not get why my hips kept getting un-alligned! I’ve even seen a chiropractor for one year and still have to keep going because it just reverting back. Not only that-low sex drive. It’s caused a lot of hurt in my marriage but we’ve come to learn that my body is just not the same. I did research and found this page and for that I’m thankful. Do you think it’s possible that my iud could cause this? Because either way I’m getting rid of my iud. I’m nervous about a new Birth control. What do you recommend?
I have mirena inserted… Went to hospital last night, vibrating sensation in vagina, pelvic pain, lower back pain and thigh aches… Blood test- negative ct scan- nothing… Then i came across this! Thank you!
Thank you for this article. It saved my life literally. Learning about the back and hip pain that can be caused help me to understand the pain I was experiencing for months and did not know why. IUD out. Back better but still have hip pain. Hopefully will get better over time . Thanks again for this life changing article.
I had an iud placed 6mths ago and now I’m having serious ovary pain and both flanks in my back, I have been diagnosed with Polycystic ovarian syndrome years ago and it’s the same ovary now that hurts and for the flank pain in my back it has happened before and I had 9 stones removed from my right kidney but now both areas hurt also I’m so nauseous everyday I have lost 40lbs in 3mths should I have this moraine removed?
The Minena is pure EVIL – it gave me a year and half of HELL, PAIN, DEPRESSION AND MISERY. Do not use the Mirena.
I found thia post to be enlightening as i went to the docs office yesterday because ive had horrible back pain for the last couple days along with bleeding etc.. I thought ar first that i had injured my back sime how at work but when i went in the doctore during examination said the iud was in my cervix and she took it out immediatly. ..i immediatly felt a little better. She perscribed me antibiotics ans no pain medication and told me to go to the er if pain persists i asked her if the iud comminly gave wpmen these sort ig issues she said no never. .the bleeding stopped about an hour after she took out the iud.that was yesterday morning..i still cant bend over or stand up with out a struggle because the pain is so bad and now its no lnger in the middle of my bacl but mir to the left side .i cant help but would if should be running to the er for exrays and pain meds or if maybe continueing these antibiotica for another day or two with resolve thw problem .
Thank you for writing this. One generic question, how often in these cases do women have some sort of health problem that leads them to getting the IUD in the first place?
My story: I had issues with BV and hormonal birth controls, ultimately it seemed like the ParaGard was the obvious answer. Two years later I’m in physical therapy for pelvic floor issues. My lower back hurts most days (advil is my best friend). I’m starting to force myself back into a gym routine to regain core strength. I’m just sit of feeling like my body is a mess, I’m only 27.
In your experience, can I assume your recommendation is to remove it and move forward from there? I’m frustrated that there aren’t better birth control options out there for us.
Thank you for writing this post. I am perplexed however, how is it that you a certified chiropractic physician knows so much about the negative effects of IUDs but my OBGYNs don’t even mention these risks? All that was mentioned to me was more uncomfortable periods are likely and that IUDs can fail if you have sex too soon after the device inserted. Again, thank you, I will have to do more investigation…
Thank you for your article. I was already having some hip/SI joint problems before I had my IUD inserted. Although I was slowly working those issues out. After I had my IUD inserted my pain increased and I started getting pain in my piriformis and IT band. At first I thought it just irritated my current condition when it was put in. I started suspecting my IUD when pain would just get worse and nothing I was doing was making it better. I read your article a couple of days ago, made a call to my doctor, and I had my IUD removed yesterday. I am still in pain but not nearly as much. I kind of have this tingle going on like after you put pressure on something for a ling time then let go. I feel like I can now concentrate on rebuilding my muscles and finish what I started and get pain free. Your article convinced me that it was my IUD and to make that call to the doctor.
Dear Dr Stephen,
Thank you for posting this- I value this so much and I am so thankful that I’ve stumbled upon it.
I am a 20 year old female, psychology student, not actively involved in any type of sexual relationship. I have a pretty complicated medical condition in which I am living with flexible joints – something to the extent of Ehlers Danlos Syndrome Hypermobility Type 3. I suffer from chronic pain & Joint dislocations.
I considered getting the Mirena for myself a year ago, since I have tried the oral methods because I had heavy and uncomfortable bleeding.
I tried changing my diet, exercise has always been in my life as constant and never have changed. I struggled so much with my weight…I could not bare to keep the extra weight I gained with my poor joints that couldn’t hold it. I read and researched- along with speaking to my OBGY about the weight gain and she said unfortunately that is the side effects…
Regarding my chronic pain and medical condition : well which I thought was normal and part of my condition was that I had such an uncomfortable feeling in my back when laying supine. I felt a nagging pressure by my hips and it was very strange… my specialist physician just maybe it’s your condition…I thought different. I did not have this problems before…
I made the decision to remove my IUD. I am still on birth control – two month Nuriserate Injection. But aren there any other options for me to cope with my heavy menstruation? I know it’s a tough one because I’m young.
However, my medical condition and daily weight rules over me. But I also got ill from my periods, dizzy spells and heavy bleeding that lasted weeks, even months..
Is there anything you could suggest which might be an option for me?
Warm regards,
Thank you for this post. I just had an IUD placed 3 days ago as an emergency contraception method, given that I didn’t want any kids now, or in the near future. I feel bloated and my lower/middle back pain is unbearable! I will wait a week, if this continues I will go back to get it removed. Thank you!!
What could a woman with blood disorder do? I have Von Willebrand disease (VWD) and tried every product, herb, supplement, diet – nothing works. I’m severely deficient in a lot of minerals and vitamins due to monthly bleeding. I also have migraines with aura that limit use if a lot of medications. I also have autoimmune disease. After 13 years of suffering I put my Mirena in 2 days ago. I found your article because I have bad back pain right now and wanted to see if anybody else experienced that. Any recommendations?
Hi Dr. Gangemi,
Thanks for posting this article. I am so grateful that I saw this article. It makes me feel my problem finally have somewhere to go for understanding. I had the marina since Oct. 2016. Since then I constantly have different discomfort symptoms all around my body, including a bad depression for about 4 months, mysterious pain around my pelvis, uterus, inside of my thigh, knee and also a recent ankle injury. Sometime it could be so extreme to the point that my whole day is on the bed and with Ibuprofen. My immune function is also getting weaker as time as by. I had a virus attack last year (Hand-foot-mouth disease), and is experienced flu and cold way more frequent than before. I basically tried everything that may help to improve my body condition like multi-vitamins, keep a regular eating diet, sleep on time. But nothing seems helps a lot. PLEASE please let me know if there is anything I can do to make it better. Lots of thanks and respect again for bringing this article up here.
I read your comments with great interest – I have been suffering from L sided piriformis pain at the attachment on the sacrum- the tissue is boggy and highly irritable. It aches relentlessly at night and I have had to sleep with a pillow between my knees on my side. The pain is increased when I am stressed, and think this has to do with shallow non diaphragmatic breathing that then leaves my pelvic floor static. I had a hunch it was my Mirena IUD and visited my Dr three times before I got a consultation with a gynaecologist. When they performed the US the Mirena had dropped too low in the uterus, and when touched with the end of the probe the pain was reproduced.
I am interested in your advice for my problem as in the UK gynaecologists are very reductionist – I had an L5/S1 spondylolisthesis which I don’t think has anything to do with this pain, despite a mild and very old disc prolapse on this left side. The pain feels very visceral. I also have had an ablation for adenomyosis – my problem is, if I remove the Mirena coil then the uterine lining will begin to grow again and all the side effects which come with that – which is just unbearable. I am 46 and finished having my family – the gynaecologist suggested a hysterectomy which seems pretty extreme. I have opted to have the Mirena removed and then a new one inserted, but feel that ultimately I am buying time. The irony is that I am also an Osteopathic practitioner and I find that there is very little literature on how many women have adverse reactions to Mirena IUDs – it is mostly anecdotal.
Thank you for your thorough observations in regards to IUDs and the complications involved. I’ve been experiencing pain that seems to migrate from the side of my back to the side of my abdomen. Running is no longer an option, sitting in a car is torturous and my doctors have deemed me healthy. It is typically an ache but when rising from bed it is a sharper pain. After reading your blog I am wondering if having my IUD removed may help. I’m hopeful!
I thought I was crazy! I’ve been having horrible low back pain since a few months after i got my mirena!. It only comes for about a week before my period. My doc thinks Im crazy and they took an ultrasound saw its in place and have two small ovarian cysts but are too small to do anything. Thats for this article. I’m going to get it removed soon.
I am so glad I came across this article because I had the Mirena removed on Oct 9th 2018 due to severe side effects of course all doctors have told me not to be so ridiculous but I now have left lower abdomen pain and its so bad I am on pain killers for it and now have to have a pelvic U/S, bloods and possibly an internal scan too depending on the results of the first scan. I will never get an IUD again and its refreshing to see a GP say it does cause issues so thank you.
Thank you for making other woman aware. I had my copper iud taken out a week ago and I am so much better without it. I had it one year. My issues were severe diarrhea without pain, insomnia, full blown melasma, back pain, much heavier menstruation, black lines under eyes, headaches and constant fatigue.
I can now sleep, my melasma is disappearing, my diarrhea is getting better, no headaches. I don’t look like or feel like death anymore. Reading online helped me take the decision of removing it.
So happy to hear that you’re feeling so much better; thanks for sharing!
Hi Dr. Gangemi thanks for this great article. I had a copper for around 6 months when I started to get pelvic pain. On further examination it had become partially imbedded in my uterus. I had it removed immediately but the pain never went away. My periods then stopped for a year and have been extremely irregular since. Any advice you may have on who I could go to for more advice on what I can do would be so appreciated. Thank you. Lucy
Thank you for taking the time to share your observations and expertise. 5 years ago i was taking Microgestin 1/20 it work perfectly i absolutely have to complains about the side effects except the weight gain. In my case I was practicing abstinence for 5 years due to my husbands death, but recently I started dating and I got the paraguard IUD about a month ago as a birth control method. It has been only 1 month and I can’t stand the pelvic pain. My periods are usually within normal (no more than 7 days) this time I had my period for almost 2 1/2 weeks with some spotting almost 3 weeks total.
The pain is persistent and I’m seriously considering taking it out. I’m a very healthy and active woman but since i got the IUD I’ve been a great discomfort in my lower abdominal area and I’ve been feeling very moody.
Hi Dr, after reading your article it made me feel so much better. I felt like I was being crazy or ignored when I thought my IUD was causing other issues. I got my IUD a few months ago and since then I have had to go to the chiropractor because I was having lower back pain. I was diagnosed with scoliosis so I assumed it was that. A few months go by and my back hurts again and I get a sharp stabbing pain in my uterus. I fell to the floor in pain, called me doctor and she said to come in that week. I got through the next couple days in agony and then went into the dr. She did a pelvic exam and I was in tears from pain. She ordered an ultra sound and told me that I had a cyst in my right ovary. She said it was 4.3 cm. They gave me some pain meds and sent me off. I called back after the weekend because I was still in pain and so they told me to come back in. I get there and they make me do another ultra sound and the cyst had grown to 5.3 cm. The dr scheduled surgery and I got it taken out. It was a hemorrhaging cyst inside my ovary so it also caused loose blood in my stomach. I asked the doctor if these problems started happening because of the IUD because it was the only factor that had changed. She quickly told me no and that these things just happen. I am wanting to get my IUD removed but I am dreading going back into the gyno at all. After reading your article though, I think its safe to say all of my problems have to be coming from this thing.
Dr. Gangemi
I was curious what you thoughts were on Endometrial ablation. Not for birth control but EXCESSIVE cramps and bleeding. IUD will be coming out. Low back pain ever since it was put in.
Well it doesn’t address the problem (which is topically due to hormonal imbalances) and of course there are risks involved, but every case is different. I think it should be used as a very last resort if truly all other therapies have failed.
Wow.. I’m completely beside myself!
I am on my second 5 year mirena and have had terrible pain around my
Ovaries and a HUGE change in my overall daily mood. My Dr. assured me that the mirena had nothing to do with the symptoms I was having(especially my mood). I asked to have it removed but she strongly suggested that I didn’t… so me not knowing much took my doctors advise. I don’t remember mood changes when getting my first mirena but then again I was already very depressed. I want to have mine removed but I don’t want to be on the pill… I would consider the depo shot but I honestly don’t know much about it. & now I feel like I can’t even get a straight and honest answer from my doctor. Not really sure what I should do..
Thanks for this article.. Almost immediately after having a mirena inserted I developed pain in my sacrum and I have trouble sitting down for any length of time. I now believe it is due to the Mirena. However I have stage 5 endometriosis so the mirena is helping in that regard, but choosing whether or not to have it removed is tricky.. sacrum pain or endo pain? Tough choice.
Hi, thank you for your very informational article. I have a story for you and need a little advice on what to do now. After my c- section with my 2nd son I informed my doctor that a strong mg of birth control pills can cause me to have depression so he suggested the IUD. He said hes put in 100s of them and it was very safe. So he implants the iud, I had major cramps during the insertion but he said that was normal and it would fade. About a week later I was still having major pain in my lower abdomen so I called the office and they told me to come back in. My doctor got a ultrasound machine so he could look at the IUD. Once he looked at it he said that it was in my uterus wall. He put it in my uterus wall. He blamed it on my unusual shaped uterous but wouldnt he have known that since he had just done a c-section on me? Anyways he wanted to remove it immediately. It was one of the most painful things I have ever been through. He gave me some ibuprofen and sent me on my way. It is now 3 years later and I am still having pain! Intercourse is extremely painful and theres some days it hurts without intercourse. I havent gad insurance the last couple years to have him see what’s going on but I just found out I’m pregnant again. I got insurance and called that same doctors office. I told the nurse I wanted to see the same doctor at 1st to tell him about the pain from the iud he put in wrong but I would like to request a different doctor to deliver my baby. The nurse had me on hold for about 45 min then came back and said “we will be releasing you as our patient”. She said because I voiced concerns about the work he did he did not want me to come back there. I need some advice please. Medically and legally if you know about that. Thank you again for your post
Sorry to hear about your story Amber. Unfortunately I can’t give you personal advice as you’re not a patient of mine. I’d suggest you get a second opinion from a medical doctor you trust – hopefully a friend or family member can help you find someone in your area that can lead you in the right direction.
I am so glad I came across this article. Now I know my suspicions are correct.
Two years ago I decided to switch from birth control pills to a cooper IUD because I wanted to stop taking synthetic hormones. I had been on birth control pills since my late teens (I’m in my late 30’s now), and I hadn’t had a menstral period for about 8 years.
I was aware of the more common side affects, back pain and heavier menstral periods, which I noticed immediately. However, i suffered from low back pain during my periods as a young woman, so I figured I would be able to tolerate it. Plus, i think I have a high tolorance for pain.
It took about 6-8 months for my periods to become “normal” (no bleeding between cycles). But the other thing that I noticed immediately was my low back. Aside from the pain, I felt (and still feel) my back/spine’s movement. Diring ovulation, I can feel my spine move, and I feel/hear popping noises. The only way I can describe it is, it feels like my bottom half of my body twists one way while my top half twists the opposite way. It’s weird, and I hate the feeling. I thought that maybe it would go away, but it hasn’t.
Then, about a year after having the IUD, I started feeling pain in my left side of my back/hip, which was worse at night. I also noticed that when I was out shopping or walking for a long period of time, my back would start to hurt – imagine having to walk around carrying a tremendous amount of weight and felling your back (discs) compressing, wich causes pain as you walk. Well, this has been getting worse. Now all it takes is only a short trip grocery shopping. The pain in my back/hip is now on both sides and the pain at night wakes me up. When I wake up I feel like I should switch sides ( I’m a side sleeper). In order to switch sides I have to hold on to the the headboard and slowly turn because it hurts and it’s imposdible for me to just to turn sides – it feels like my back is stuck and I can’t move it.
For a while I thought I maybe I injured myself at the gym (I started taking boot camp classes a year ago). I thought maybe I lifted too heavy (weights) or something and I messed up my back. But, I know my limits and would not do something I know would injure me. When I started I was getting strong and saw changes in my body. But as the pain/discomfort in my back got worse, I toned it down at the gym. I feel like everything just keeps worsening. Instead of feeling stronger from going to the gym, I feel weaker.
After reading this, I know it’s the IUD for sure. I am definitely getting the IUD removed.
I just took the IUD out two days ago which I got three months ago,I just developed so much pain in my feet,swellings on the legs even after visiting four doctors who assured me there is no way it was an Iud causing all the pain and swelling.I woke up failing to even go to the bathroom different pain killers,antibiotics even an xray,didn’t seem to work or show wat the prob was, I crawled to the bathroom and decided to take matters into my hands,pulled the IUD out since I was feeling the strings (don’t reccomend doing it your self)and immediately got some relief I was able to walk out of the bathroom and now am recovering with very little pain at the moment,I pray the pain disappears completely really soon so I can get back to my daily routine,I just had to share thanks.
Thank you for writing this article I am a 3 time Mirena user. I had my second one removed after 3 years due to weight gain. I got pregnant 2 years after and just had my son. I didn’t want to risk conception again so I chose to try it yet again ( I loved it the first time ) however I have the removal scheduled next week. My after baby weight loss stopped after implanting the device and i also have been depressed, fatigue and have constant back pain. I made the decision to have it removed strictly on a gut feeling and reading this I am beginning to feel less crazy. thank you!!
What causes severe pain with a paraguard? should i remove it? what else can i use as a BC?
I have had an iud for 1.5 years and just stopped nursing my daughter 8 weeks ago. Since then I have had chronic lower right back pain and spotting. The obgyn has done an ultrasound and pap smear without finding any issues. I’m at a loss and about to have the iud out.
Hey Doc i got a question about a friend of mine, she had the iud operation and started getting pelvic pain and a weak knee. These issues still occur even a few months after she had it removed. Any ideas?
Sometimes (maybe most of the time) the body will compensate for an injury, or in this case the IUD, and change tension and compression aspects of connective tissue. Then, even when the injury appears to be healed, or the problem is removed, the body takes some time or needs some help (via manual therapy techniques), to readjust or “reset” those changes back to normal.
I am getting my IUD out tomorrow. I’ve given it 6 months to work with my body, and the pain is just becoming unbearable. I had extreme cramping in my right leg during insertion, and continued on and off for 6 months. Tonight I am having severe groin and leg pain as I write this. I also suffer from knee pain which the doctor told me was from having my child…so physical therapy is supposed to strengthen my weak quads and glutes to fix my knees…everything in this article makes sense now….I pray I don’t have issues tomorrow or lingering pain after removal. How long can it take to get my body back to normal? Thank you for this article..
It’s impossible to say. As I recently commented on a previous post: “Sometimes (maybe most of the time) the body will compensate for an injury, or in this case the IUD, and change tension and compression aspects of connective tissue. Then, even when the injury appears to be healed, or the problem is removed, the body takes some time or needs some help (via manual therapy techniques), to readjust or “reset” those changes back to normal.”
Hi – I can’t thank you (and all the reader’s comments) enough for publishing all this information. I have a BIG question. I JUST got my Paraguard IUD taken out yesterday via Hysteroscopy (one of it’s arms migrated to Myometrium)!!! Can you recommend what I can do to help heal myself? I’m still feeling pain in hip, back, leg, pins & needles in foot, etc. . I’m wondering if you know how long it may last and what I can do to EXPEDITE the healing. Ibuprofen helps so I know there’s a lot of inflammation. I’m doing exercises for my TFL (hope that’s ok)-What else can I do? I have no symptoms of toxicity but I’m happy to take herbs/cleanse as well.
Background in case you’re interested: In 2016, I was told the arm of my Paraguard IUD migrated into my Myometrium but that it was safe to leave it there (I had it since 2014). Recently, I had unexplained INTENSE pain on my left hip, glutes, piriformis, leg and pins, intermittent lower abdominal (I thought it was stress) and the feeling of pins and needles in my foot, etc. for the last 3 months. I insisted on a Ultra Sound before removing (I advise this to anyone who suspects migration as if it’s broken and you try to get it out you are at risk for more probably and will probably have to go the Hysteroscopy route anyway (which wasn’t too bad).
I appreciate ANY info you could provide:)
I have severe pains in my right ribs,below my breast area,neck and arms, which gets very unbearable in de evenings to the extent of not being able to even stand up straight. Could this be as a result of the IUD? It was inserted about 5months ago.
I had one for 7 years. The last two years was hell for me. I had two monthlys ever month. My iron now messed up so bad I have to take iron pills and vitamin C pills. To get my baby what it needs. I still have back pain hip pain at time my kinnys hurt. I just wish I could live like I used to before I got this thing put in. I also see a stomach Dr. Before I got it taken out my iron go so low it was at a 2 when it’s supposed to be at 14. The ER gave me a IV sultion or iron and something else. Told me they wanted to keep me over but did the IV instead. As I could have had a blood transfusion. Think God it did not come to that. But I can say don’t get this as a birth control.
I had a Mirena fitted around 4 years ago. I didn’t think anything of it and frankly couldn’t tell enough people how great I thought it was, aside from the occasional cramping which was nothing worse than what I would get before and during a period.
Six months after having it fitted, practically over night, I started to suffer severe lower back pain that stems around my hips. I’ve had MRI scans on my back and brain as well as x-rays which have all come back clear. The pain is so intense, I get very stiff and I also struggle with daily life as I can’t bend, lift anything or walk very far – I tend to get weakness on one side.
I’ve started to notice that some days my back pain is so much worse and it’s paired with the cramping so am starting to think it may be the coil. I maybe hoping but am going to be having it taken out. Having this back pain has ruined my life for the last four years, I struggled during university and constantly struggle at work because I am in so much pain. I don’t sleep because at night I am stiff and can’t get comfortable, I feel depressed and have contemplated suicide because I feel I can’t live with the pain I am experiencing for the rest of my life – I am now 25 and the pain started very early into my 20s. I’ve tried chiropractic treatment… twice and also acupuncture and physio therapy, with no effect and when I saw the sports massage therapist they told me I had weakness in my glutes.
After reading about the similarities between myself and one of your cases I am even more determined to have the coil out. I originally told my partner that I would like for him to have a vasectomy because the thought of a child terrifies me (especially if my back pain persists upon removal) but am now going to look at a less invasive option!
I recently had an IUD put in about 1.5 months ago. When I received the IUD, I knew something was wrong bc I have had one before and it did not feel the same. 3 weeks later, my stomach swelled to look as if I was 6 months pregnant. It was 10 pounds worth of inflammation and swelling. I went to the ER. The US tech said the IUD was not pushed back far enough. I go to my Gyno on that Monday. She said it was NOT from the IUD. Well, as soon as I got it out, I felt 90% better. But since then, my stomach/pelvic area has not been right. I cannot wear anything tight on my waist. I am having a hard time losing the 10 pounds as if its still swelling!?? I would like to get a second opinion as to the damage done. Any advice?
My daughter had the Mirnea put in 7 weeks ago. She has started to feel pain in legs and back. Pins and needles in her feet , hands and numbness in her shins. Do you think this is related. Our specialists are not convinced it is from the Mirena but the timeline fits. What is your belief?
I think if you read all or even just some of the comments from women with similar “strange” issues and the IUD correlation you’ll see that it doesn’t matter what the “specialists” think but rather what is occurring in that one individual.
I had mirena coil inserted yesterday and am getting electrical like pain from my left hand side going through my left leg to the toes. It’s an awful pain. I am taking naproxen to ease the pain but the relief does not last
Dr. Gangemi,
I need to thank you for this post. After two months of debilitating back pain that kept me from living a normal life, I realized the back pain correlated directly with the insertion of a copper IUD. Right around the time the pain started, I was also training for and running a marathon and I assumed the pain was from a hip flexor injury.
Your well-laid out blog post nailed every one of my symptoms. From the jaw pain to the left sided knee pain and the increase of pain while sleeping — I was blown away. I found it at 5pm and my IUD was out by 11am the next morning.
I felt immediate relief. This was 48 hours ago and after two months of agonizing pain, I feel back to normal.
Your post is one of the only ones I have found that addresses these issues. In fact, not one website with side effects for an IUD has info on back pain. So I appreciate you putting this out there. It solidified my feelings and gave me the confidence to advocate for myself.
Thank you.
I never wanted an IUD, but after trying several new pills after using them for 22 years, and my most recent being discontinued, the doctor suggested it (I’m needle phobic so wint have injection or microchip!) I have had it in a week.
On day 2 was in quite discomfort with the abdominal pains although these have subsided. But I cannot feel the strings, and am feeling a pain (albeit slight) in my right hip area. Thanks to your writing, I’ve decided I’m off to the doctors on monday (sat today) to have this looked at, if there was any other contraceptive available I think I’d have it out on monday tbh. Very uncomfortable pains and cramps, bled heavily since the day it was put in!
Not nice
I just recently went to have my paragaurd removed after having it for 12 years. What should of been a simple process became complicated. As my OBGYN was attempting to remove the device it broke into pieces inside my uterus. I was then scheduled a hysteroscopy which again was a failed attempt. Now my doctor is discussing with me the possibility of a hysterectomy. This scares me because I am only 38 and I would hate to put my body through this. I am thinking about getting a second opinion, but I am afraid that another dr. May not want to take on my case because the damage is already done.
Great article. I had the Mirena coil fitted to reduce heavy periods, but then removed after 4 months of continual bleeding. Since removal the bleeding has continued throughout the month without a break before my next period, and the periods have become so heavy that I’m sometimes changing my mooncup every 10 minutes on the heaviest days!! I 100% regret having the Mirena coil and am on a waiting list for a diagnosis of the underlying cause. I wonder whether the IUD damaged my womb lining. I would do almost anything to resolve this – excluding getting another IUD or an endometrial ablation.
i had an IUD installed when I was living in China in 2006. I am now experiencing persistent lower back pain. I have a three fold question: is it possible that it causes my back pain, what are the complications in having it removed, and can the removal be done in a doctors office.
I had hip and low back pain so bad with mirena coil I was giving liquid morphine and I was drinking it crying in pain every day. I couldn’t lie on my back or side in bed god the pain through my hips and legs was soo bad! I demanded it be taken out after 12months. I’m now left with stiff hips and lower back with pain all the time not as bad as it was but still there.
Hi! Thanks for your article! I have been dealing with lower left side back pain. I have been going to a chiropractor. A few days after an adjustment I started my period. It lasted for a month. I had to take ibuprofen to stop it. Back pain is still there, along with pain around hip flexors and quad pain. I stretch and see a PT, take espom salt baths most nights, but I am not seeing much relief. Can paragard be causing this?
I had a copper coil fitted 7 days ago. After having a lot of lower abdomen pain, back pain, headaches and then yesterday extremely sore finger joints I started googling copper IUD I came across your article. I hot into the doctors this morning and had it removes immediately. I’m eternally grateful and I’m sure you have now saved me from other health issues that could have erupted due to this being inside my body. I’m 37 never had children and always used the natural route as did not want to take hormones. It has always served me well buy recently I messed up my dates and fell pregnant. Whilst in hospital having Erpc I was I feel heavy handed into having this fitted at the same time under already emotional circumstances. I feel thankful my searches last night bought me to this article and grateful that you took the time to write about your clinical practises.
Wow, so I’ve had this crappy IUD for almost four years now. I’ve honestly hated it from the beginning. It made my cramping so intense it stops me in my tracks even to this day, I cramp throughout my entire 28 day cycle, and have been experiencing unexplained right hip (tfl, v. Lateralis, ADDUCTORS!) pain along with the normal low back pain that I associated with cramping. My physical therapist asked me, “do you feel like this may be related to your IUD?” Because nothing has fully helped. I feel better for a short time after therapy (I’m not able to do it consistently because it my boss and I don’t like taking advantage), chiro hasn’t helped, X-ray showed nothing. I was about to spend almost $1000 on MRIS when I thought, well maybe PT is right? So I looked it up! Look at all the common symptoms, the studies. I’m calling my doc Monday.
Dr. Stephen Gangemi,
I’m so glad I found this article. I got the Kyleena IUD in July. I’ve been having back pain, depression, fatigue, and rashes. I’ve been on Prednisone 3 times since July, and a Zpack twice. I’ve been sent to an Orthopedic, Rheumatologist, Allergist, and a dermatologist! I am severely allergic to metal and found the below in fine print on the Kyleena website. Scheduled to get it removed on Friday. Thank you for the reassurance!
Do not use Kyleen if: Are allergic to levonorgestrel, silicone, polyethylene, silver, silica, barium sulfate, polypropylene, or copper phthalocyanine
I practice pole dance and mysteriously started with pain in my left hip. I took an Rx and surprise my iud has moved, and is turn to the left of my uterus. My hip also has big labrum and the muscles seem swollen in the rx. I am removing the IUD this week, but my traumatologist still believes that my problem is an hip impingement… Willl see what happens after removal.Thanks for this article
Hey doc! So I first had the Liletta IUD and was having soooo much pain! My OB said it was to big for me and put in the Kyleena. With this one I get cramping all the time and sometimes pretty bad cramping. I just had my eyes examined a couple of weeks ago & was sent in to a specialist. From there I found out that I have Papilledema. They told me it could be from my IUD. Well they sent me in for an MRI to look for a brain tumor. Came back good!! I’m supposed to see a neurologist on the 12th. I tried to get my IUD taken out but my OB & eye doctor had a chat and said to wait to see what the neurologist says. I really just want to take it out! This weekend I had neck pain and back pain that I’ve NEVER had before & I also have had severe tailbone pain ALL weekend. Could this all be related to my IUD? Im so tired of being in pain… when I call the doctors office about it they just keep pushing it off and telling me to wait for neurologist…
Hard to say of course but in my experience even really odd, unexplained issues can be related to an IUD.
Really interesting , I’ve had a marina coil in for 15 yrs approx with one gap of having a baby. I now suffer with worsening lower back and hip pain. I’m going to call my Dr about having it removed. I really hope this would make a difference it’s never crossed my mine it might be iud causing it.
Thank you for writing this! I’m seeing it years later in my search for answers about this device and confirmation of its effects on the woman’s body.
I have had the copper IUD for 6 months and keep thinking my body will somehow get used to it and accept it but no, that’s not happening. The heavy periods are the most flow I have ever seen and it’s scary. Hope it isn’t too much information but there is a day during my period each month where the flow comes out as large clots and if I wasn’t near a bathroom I do think it would get all over anything I sat on. So I have avoided sitting down for that extreme heavy day each month. The flow feels like it needs to be pushed out because the device is in the way or something. It doesn’t feel right. And I had to go on iron supplements to try and balance out the extreme blood loss from my cycle. When I don’t have the iron supplements and tons of iron rich foods I become sluggish, don’t talk much and my boyfriend has to give me food to bring me back to being normal. It’s beyond just feeling hungry or tired, I feel depleted like never before.
This device has been effective but unfortunately also effects my daily life and well being.
My symptoms:
•Dull ache where the device is
•Urgency to use the bathroom. My bladder feels like it’s got pressure on it when I NEVER had that sensation before. It’s not only an urgency, it’s a need to go, right away.
•Restless legs at night unless I eat a ton of iron rich foods and supplements
•discomfort during certain sexual positions
I have an appointment to have it removed in a few weeks.
Best of luck to everyone in their journey for birth control that works for them.