Autoimmune natural treatments can be highly effective in reversing and correcting symptoms (and causes) of autoimmune health disorders. An autoimmune disease occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks itself, targeting the cells, tissues, and organs of a person’s own body. There are many different autoimmune diseases, and they can each affect the body in different ways. An autoimmune disease such as multiple sclerosis affects primarily the nervous system. Crohn’s disease attacks the tissues of the digestive tract. Rheumatoid arthritis affects the joints.
Hashimoto’s is perhaps the most common autoimmune disease today. It is the number one reason for hypothyroidism (low thyroid function). Though this is an immune system problem, conventional medicine still treats the symptom (the thyroid) with thyroid medications such as Synthroid or Armour Thyroid. They never address the symptom. Hashimoto’s is diagnosed by a presence or either thyroid antibody, TPO or TG. Two individuals with the same disease may present with completely different symptoms. Therefore, as always, individualizing the treatment approach is necessary.
The one thing all autoimmune diseases have in common is that there is an immune component to be dealt with. This may involve a food allergy adversely affecting the immune system, or another stressor such as high cortisol levels, or even a medication or infection. Gluten intolerance is thought to be the most common reason for Hashimoto’s. Immune support is always necessary. Then, depending on the type of autoimmune disease present, more specific neurological and nutritional therapies are investigated and applied.
Hello, Dr. I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s and, although I prefer the holistic approach to medicine, I have been on Armour Thyroid. I would like to “cure” this condition since I believe that my doc., who is 70 and probably will be retiring soon, is only treating the symptoms and not the cause. I have been unable to find out anything about a cause until I read your website here. Is it possible to reverse this, and if so, how would I do this? I would like to take your suggestions to my doctor. Thanks. Jill
It depends on how long you’ve had the disease and how much of your thyroid your immune system has destroyed. This is a great book for both you and your doctor to read:
Thanks, Dr. I’ve had it a long time, over 10 years and gained 150 pounds within that time, and am on 90 MSG of armour thyroid, so I’m probably too far gone. It’s annoying that you are the only one I’ve seen to shed light on the problem. I will definitely get the book.
I annoy people every day with that ;)
Sorry. I know how that sounded. I didn’t mean you annoyed me. I meant it’s annoying that no one until I found you has been able to tell me what my problem has been, and now the damage is probably done. I’m continuing to research, though, and am feeling better. I have a lot of weight to lose at this point, so it’s one step at a time, I guess. How do I find a knowledgeable holistic doctor in the Cleveland, Ohio, area? Do you know any? Have a great day, and thanks for starting me on the correct path.
I was only kidding – I know what you meant :). Sorry I don’t know anyone in that area. It’s hard to find good docs to send people to.
I thought you were (kidding), just wanted to make sure. I’m swearing off doctors-no offense- but I’m 62 years old and, for the most part, they haven’t listened to me and have not helped. I’m convinced the holistic way is the correct way, and I don’t intend to get on meds. as I get older so they can keep me alive to veg. in a nursing home. You’ve helped a lot, Dr. G., and for that I thank you. I’m smart enough now to do my own research and, the more I read and find out, the more I’m convinced food allergies have been my problem for the last 15 years. My hubbie is also researching with me, and we’re looking at the Paleo or South Beach diets. I had no idea why I was always bloating after bananas or strawberries or whole wheat bread. Now I do, and I will do the rest. Thanks for your help.
I started eliminating simple sugars from my diet last week and started taking a probiotc every day. (Helps having a N.D. in the family). I read your two week trial today and noticed how close i was to following it. i need to make a couple of adjustments (cut out fruit & Margarine) and do the real test. although, I’m on day 8, no carb cravings at all! Im sleeping better, feel more awake and aware, my environmental allergies have diminished, and lost weight. Im hoping more of the body will correct itself as the body purges the bad stuff.
Anyway, I’ve been battling psoriasis for more than 20 years and I’m tired of having to use creams, ointments and shampoos. (Not to mention very costly when you don’t have drug coverage) Just wondering if food sensitivities/allergies might be causing or exacerbating my condition.
Sure they could; the 2WT will eliminate most common food allergens.