The following are notes from an ASD talk I gave many years ago. (I think it was 2002.)
Over one-half of the immune system lies in the digestive tract. The human body contains more bacterial organisms than cells. Due to the influence of the gut on brain chemistry, the digestive tract must be free of any interference.
- Remove any pathogens (fungus, bacteria, parasites, food allergies)
- Repair the gut and the Secretory IgA immune barrier
- Replace necessary enzymes and nutrients
- Reinoculate with acidophilus, bifidus, and other “healthy” bacteria, and FOS and inulin
Fighting off yeast and bacteria
- Signs and symptoms of yeast overgrowth can be a rash, thrush, or simply behavioral abnormalities.
- Bacterial overgrowth can result in blood sugar handling problems, nutrient deficiencies, bloating, and fatigue, just to name a few.
- Understanding what you are trying to kill off (proper lab testing)
o Organic Acid Testing or Urine Dysbiosis Markers
o Microbial Stool Analysis with Sensitivity Culture - Use the proper treatment for the pathogenic organism. (Nystatin, goldenseal, oregano, garlic, uva-ursi, caprilic acid, undecyn, biocidin)
- Be aware of the “die-off reaction.” (Bentonite clay, Spanish Black Radish)
Understanding food allergies
- An accurate test is one where there is no yeast in the GI tract; therefore, cleaning up the GI tract is the first step before allergy testing
- IgG – the hidden type, long lasting
- IgE – sudden, more intense, short duration
Keeping the yeast from coming back
- Hypha colonies and deep layers of yeast (hard to kill) biotin can be very effective
- Carbohydrate intake – yeast lives off of carbs
- Loss of the “healthy” bacteria, which keep yeast “in check”
- Tartaric acid is a yeast byproduct that affects the brain and biochemistry
- Foggy thinking, muscle weakness, depression, mood alterations
- Net effect on the Kreb’s cycle = improper glucose metabolism
- Naturally present in poultry, grape and lime juice, baking powder and cream of tartar
- Niacinamide will help block the effect of tartaric acid on the Kreb’s cycle
- Arabinose is formed by the breakdown of glucose or by yeast/bacterial conversion of arabitol. Also present in apples.
- Glutathione inhibits this conversion
Keeping the bacteria from coming back
- “Inventory” theory of gut bacteria with early administration of antibiotics and vaccines, especially the Clostridium bacteria. (Clostridium tetani from DPT) ~ IMMUNE TOLERANCE
- Carbohydrate intake
- Loss of the “healthy” bacteria
- Riboflavin (vitamin B2) feeds bacteria
Repair Secretory IgA
So the body does not digest the protein enzymes that attack yeast
- sIgA coats the harmful bacteria so they don’t stick to the intestinal mucosa and are therefore more easily killed and/or eliminated.
- Loss of sIgA leaves the gut looking like “Swiss cheese,” allowing for leaky gut syndrome = more food allergies.
- Loss of sIgA may allow for improper secretin response from the small intestine.
Repair the gut
- Glutamine, essential fatty acids (EPA, DHA, GLA)
- Stimulate hydrochloric (HCl) acid production in the stomach
- High insulin level many times present
- Yeast and bacteria influence sugar metabolism
- Nutrients
o Chromium
o Vanadium
o Zinc
o Biotin (made naturally from “good” bacteria if present)
o Sesamin (from sesame seed oil) - Optimize the function of the pancreas with a proper diet
- Pancreatic enzymes when necessary
o Food dyes and colors inhibit enzymes
o Enzymes can’t work if bicarbonate isn’t present (lack of HCl?)
- Atrophy or “shrinking” of the immune tissue due to stress, much of which is chemical from altered brain chemistry and gut influences is seen in children with the Autism Spectrum Disorder.
- Gliotoxins are produced by yeast and fungi, which are toxic to the immune system. They break down T-lymphocytes and macrophages so infections are not fought properly and yeast is not kept “in check.”
o Regenerating sulfhydryl groups with sulfur containing supplements such as glutathione, cysteine, and lipoic acid can prevent the toxic effects. *If lipoic acid helps, think heavy metal toxicity.
o Sulfur containing foods are those that have a “bite,” such as garlic, onions, and hot peppers.
o Support the thymus with manual therapy techniques and supplementation when necessary. - Histamine response from dysbiosis and food allergies creating a sympathetic response.
o Immune support – Spleen tissue, B6, Folic Acid
* B6 needs to be converted to P-5-P for the body to use it. This requires magnesium, riboflavin, phosphorus, and zinc. - Understand the CBC blood test for optimum function
The Stomach – Where it all starts
- The stomach acid signals the small intestine to secrete secretin, which in turn tells the pancreas to release bicarbonate.
- Loss of HCl in the stomach, a stress-response symptom, will increase food allergies and lead to improper food digestion.
- Increase HCl when necessary
Measure saliva pH
Stimulate with manual therapy techniques and/or provide HCl supplementation
The big food allergies – GLUTEN AND CASEIN
- The peptides gluteomorphin and caseomorphin react with the opiate receptors in the brain. This influences the temporal region of the brain responsible for speech and auditory integration.
- The “withdrawal reaction,” when all your child will eat is nothing else.
o Give it time; your child will not starve to death.
- Omega 3 fats – fish and grass-fed meats (very good)
- Omega 6 fats – nuts & seeds (Stay away from refined vegetable oils, including Canola)
- PG2 (saturated) – red meat, dairy (butter!), shellfish, egg yolk, coconut (very necessary, especially for kids!)
- Hydrogenated fats – trans fats, margarine, shortening (never! – eliminate entirely)
- The effects of high insulin on fat metabolism – omega 6 fats will convert to inflammatory, PG2 fats; nutrients – Mg, B6, Zn, (also sometimes biotin, niacin, vitamin C)
The Heavy Metal (e.g. Mercury) Factor
Mercury gets into the body from:
- Vaccines: The thimerosal “preservative” in most vaccines is metabolized to ethyl-mercury in the body. The limits of mercury in vaccines far exceed government standards.
- Big fish – tuna, swordfish, shark
- Dental amalgams
- Mother
Mercury causes:
- Just about all the signs and symptoms a person with the Autism Spectrum Disorder would exhibit
- Impairment of the pancreas function (bicarbonate, enzymes, glucose metabolism)
- Demyelation of the nerve cells
- Loss of serotonin = a depressed brain chemistry
Got Mercury? Tests to check:
- Hair (though may not show up if person is not excreting the metal)
- Blood (best only for short term exposure)
- Urine challenge (with some agent such as DMSA)
Remove the Hg
- Lipoic Acid
- Vitamin C
- Selenium, Manganese, Zinc, Chromium
Hi Dr. Gamgemi,
I have 2 sons on with Autism (recovering)…My 1st son is 4 years old and was diagnosed at 2 years old. He had very severe autism traits and we were told Abilify would maybe be our only hope. He had chronic constipation and when I put him on a GFCF diet at 2.5 years old he started having bm’s everyday and began to come out of the fog. We saw a DAN Dr. who did many tests and we learned he had many food allergies. We used digestive enzymes and he started talking. Everything has gotten better and he is at his age level now.
However, I am very concerned for him now. He began having lower back, buttocks and chest discomfort last Nov.2011. I talked to one Dr. and he suggested after some testing I should use Urvi- Ursi, that was in March and the pain is still there and now his aggression is off the charts! He is screaming, throwing and easily irritated all the time. My BioSet practitioner blames the urvi-ursi by saying it killed off all his good bacteria and has put him on Boulardi and golden seal. He has been on these now for a few weeks and it just isn’t getting better.
When I read your column it looks like you categorize these as the same “antibiotic”…urvi-ursi and golden seal. Now, I am so confused and I still have a child in pain and is screaming and irritated.
Does this sound like a child you can help? We live 3 hours away on the coast. We are also seeing a pediatric Rheumalogist at Duke in a few weeks.
Yes I’d be happy to try to help your boys out. I’m not sure why that doc thinks uva-ursi would kill off good bacteria – maybe it could in a high amount, but typically it is an herbal antibiotic that won’t do that. Goldenseal is a good antibiotic too, but more of an anti-fungal (yeast). Either way, neither should have caused a problem unless he reacted to something in the product though maybe he should have never been taking them in the first place and his gut got irritated from them. I also don’t use digestive enzymes as they only treat the symptoms, never correcting problems.
my son is 6yrs old living with autism he is not talking yet but make word sounds at times wanna know what to treat him with to help he is in school but he dont write cause he dont like to hold anything in hand but sit at is seat and laugh alot does’nt do much for himself except for when he wants to doc ? can u share with me the way forward for my son
Look for a holistic doc who treats Autistic kids; that’s your best bet.