Chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia many times occur together, but a person can have the global pain and aches of fibromyalgia and still not feel completely fatigued. The diagnosis is typically given when a person has many symptoms/problems happening at the same time and it overwhelms them (as well as the treating physician), leading to the diagnosis.
FM/CFS are caused by a variety of problems and therefore those areas need to be addressed specifically for that person. I have seen people given the diagnosis of FM/CFS due to hormonal imbalances, digestive problems, immune system problems, carbohydrate intolerance, and even chronic injury patterns. All these issues need to be addressed, and most people have most if not all of these disorders present. The major hormonal issue is usually the adrenal glands, which become fatigued (or sometimes too hyped up) over time from prolonged stress. In women this leads to estrogen and progesterone imbalances (estrogen dominance) and in men this results in low testosterone issues. The digestive tract is often inflamed, and food allergies as well as yeast and unhealthy gut flora often need to be addressed. The immune system is often overworked too.
There is no magic pill and no one fix for everybody with any problem, and this is especially the case with FM/CFS. The problem today is that since so many physicians are used to seeing one symptom and diagnosing and treating that one symptom, it has now become too confusing for them as well as the patient. This confusion leads to either doing nothing, (other than giving you the diagnosis), or treating with pain and anti-inflammatory medications, hormones, painkillers, or anti-depressants. The key to treating and resolving these conditions is to diagnosis the processes that are leading up to the FM/CFS, not by addressing the ultimate “named” diagnosis.
As I read this article about fibro and CFS I just knew there were going to be so many questions asked. I guess because I need help! I have both fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome and chronic migraines. This has gone on for the past 4 years. I have this painful fog all the time with my migraines. I have absolutely no energy and fall asleep often throughout the day and after I eat I feel more pressure in my head. My legs, feet, hands, left arm and chest hurt daily. I have gone through a lot of stressful situations and I think that I my have carbohydrate intolerance after reading this article. I am on meds galore and take botox treatments for migraines. Next week I begin Cranial Sacral Therapy. I don’t know where to start but I feel so sad and just run down with pain and tiredness. Please tell me where I should begin. Thanking you in advance.
Sorry I cannot give you any specific advice for your situation without seeing you or consulting with you.
Are you accepting new patients? How do I go about setting that up? If not do you recommend anyone in the middle Tennessee area?
Here is the info on how to set up an appt in my office: