An alkaline ash diet is the opposite of an acid-ash diet. To understand why either of the diets suits you better, a general understanding of the nervous system is necessary.
The sympathetic nervous is like the accelerator of a car, whereas the parasympathetic system is like the brakes. The two parts of your nervous system must work together in balance for you to function well and feel healthy. If one is depressed, the other will dominate and problems will arise. Or, if one is “hyped-up,” depressing the other, different problems will come forth. Balance is the key.
A parasympathetic dominant person is one who is rather sluggish, tired, and depressed. These terms can be used to describe their state of digestion, mood, energy level, and so on. A sympathetic dominant person is one who is running on high. They are nervous, anxious, fidgety, and in a “hyper” mode. This is not the same as having a good amount of energy. Being in an over sympathetic state will eventually result in a crash. It is much like if you were to drive your car only in first gear on the highway; you will soon burn out the engine.
For a sympathetic dominant person, an alkaline ash diet can be beneficial. Think of the need for an alkaline ash diet when everything is moving too fast, like one is driving a car with the accelerator to the floor. The metabolism is too fast so nutrients are not absorbed and assimilated as well as they should be. Appetite is usually increased because the metabolism is working so hard. This may cause diarrhea or loose stools. A sympathetic dominant person may also perspire excessively all over the body. A fast heart rate may also be present along with symptoms of panic attacks and insomnia.
Over time, if not corrected, the endocrine system will become more and more tired from running on high so long. A crash, resulting is symptoms like chronic fatigue, or an autoimmune disease, may occur. Blood pressure is usually high, and perhaps the person has been prescribed high blood pressure medication to adjust it. An alkaline ash diet is one of the steps along with other lifestyle changes needed to get to the cause of the sympathetic dominance.
Alkaline Ash Foods
Alkaline ash foods are primarily fruits and vegetables. Eat a good amount of vegetables with every meal throughout the day. Choose vegetables of different colors, which will provide different nutrients. Carrots, cauliflower, peppers, beans, and mushrooms are just a few to choose from. Include two to four different pieces of whole fruit also. A good breakfast for the alkaline ash diet would be a vegetable omelet with a piece of fruit, or a fruit smoothie with some egg or whey protein mixed in is also great. For lunch, have a salad with lettuce, carrots, peppers, cucumbers, and other vegetables. Use organic extra virgin olive oil or an unprocessed dressing. Chicken or fish with the salad is good for some added protein. For dinner, protein again with plenty of vegetables. Have some fruit for an after lunch or after dinner snack. You will also want to eliminate caffeine from you diet. This includes coffee, soft drinks, chocolate, and some teas. This diet, along with other lifestyle change prescribed by your physician, will get you on the road to health as your nervous system gets its well-deserved break!
What is your response to this article?
He says that dietary pH does not affect body pH. Not trying to challenge your ideas so much as learn more about how pH affects your nervous system. I have found that doctor to have some outdated information on his website. Would you mind explaining where he went wrong?
I never read anything from quackwatch. The people who write there are quacks.
Quackwatch is bought and paid for by industry. Anything that isn’t standard medicine he will call a “quack”, even if no one else before him has. Anyways as far as PH goes, just get onto pubmed, and see how many diseases correlate with low urinary PH. Its more than a few. And everyone always quotes the blood PH range..well it has to have a tight range or you don’t exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide. But its a strange thing to look at 10 pounds of blood and decide because it has a narrow range that the rest of the 140 pounds has to be the same(some might even say its quackish theory). The intracellular PH which for some reason is much less talked about has a much wider range at 6.9-7.4. Urinary PH is usually 5-9. And if we were able to so easily handle acid and base, then the diseases of acidosis(a common complication of diabetes) and alkalosis wouldn’t exist. I think the most profound thing I’ve discovered in all of this is that your kidneys take on a completely different profile of what they eliminate as far as minerals, toxins and hormones depending on urinary PH.
To whom it may concern,
Is there a way to measure the alkalinity or alkaline “ash” of an alkaline-forming food such as a lemon after the body metabolizes it? How can you determine if a food like a lemon is alkaline forming in the body? What method or instrument would be used to conduct this measurement?
Thank you,
Nicholas Johnson