Your diet is what you eat, it should not be a lifestyle change where you are restricting calories, fats grams, counting points or employing some other means to lose weight. Providing there are no hormonal issues, if your diet is healthy and you are exercising aerobically then you will achieve the body image you want (or is meant for you) and you’ll have abundant energy and restful sleep. So what is a healthy diet? Generally it is one that is:
- free of all hydrogenated “trans” fats
- abundant in nutrient dense vegetables (not corn and potatoes)
- abundant in plenty of clean water
- mostly free of refined carbohydrates (simple sugars)
- free of artificial sweeteners, including the “natural” sources such as xylitol and maltitol
- abundant in omega 3 fats from fish oil and flax oil
- abundant is high quality proteins from lean grass-fed red meat, free range poultry, wild caught fish, and free range eggs
- containing healthy monounsaturated fats from extra-virgin cold pressed olive oil
- containing 1-2 pieces of whole fruit a day
- containing healthy fats from raw nuts and needs (not their oil counterparts such as peanut or soy oil)
- some form of organic dairy – raw milk, cheese, butter, cream
Following these principles is for everybody, there are no exceptions unless you are allergic to something. Taking it further, you need to find out your protein/carbohydrate/fat ratio that is best for you. Most people do best with a carbohydrate level around 40-50% and a their fat level around 20-30%. This is going to be specific for you. Going through the Two Week Test (below) is a good way to sort of start from scratch to get a bearing on how much carbohydrate concentration you can handle.
Different Diets to Choose From
If you get bloated, sleepy, or weakness in the legs or knees after eating then this diet should help you. If your concentration is poor, or if you have high cholesterol, triglycerides, or a predisposition to diabetes, try the two-week test. If you have any of the symptoms in the above section under “carbohydrate intolerance/insulin resistance,” then consider this diet.
This diet often helps tremendously with many types of digestive disturbances.
Perhaps the ideal diet for most humans? I tend to think so – with some slight changes. Read how a Paleo Diet can help with energy, sleep, weight, and overall health and fitness.
This diet is beneficial for those with joint stiffness, muscle cramps, a hoarse voice, itchy skin, and low blood pressure. People who will benefit from this diet also tend to blink a lot and sweat easily. Read about this diet, its indications, and reasoning here.
This diet is beneficial for those with clammy hands or feet, a dry mouth, or feel “hyped up.” If bright lights bother your eyes, you gag easily, you get cold sweats, have a rapid heartbeat, and you don’t blink much, then this diet may help you get on the right track. Read about this diet, its indications, and reasoning here.
This diet can help those children in the Autism Spectrum Disorder and those with sensory integration issues.
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